Ask a romanian immigrant to uk who happens to be far right anything
Ask a romanian immigrant to uk who happens to be far right anything
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how are you enjoying electricity?
au englejii benefits ca lumea sau ce pula mea?
Why dont you shoot muzzies ?
How did you get there?
>aryan girl
why do nazis do this?
I don't take benefits I have a job and a home you parasite
What's the best method to pick pockets?
Are you a pickpocket?
>girls with tattoos
>girls with visible tattoos
from your picture you seem like a commie scum
Excellent. Integrate, contribute and you're fine by me.
To bad she ruined herself with tatoos.
And just to clear things up, gypsy or Codreanu romanian?
When are you going back?
Your DJ's and women are killing it at the mo
You are partly the reason we voted Brexit.
What do you think about the EU?
I do, only speaking english and the only romanian culture I have is old christian orthodox icons.
blond hair/blue eyes
when labour wins
Shit, no wonder Britain left. While romanians committing more crimes is a factor I think the line was drawn when sand niggers blew themselves up.
how many men's DNA are part of you now?
every pump of genetic information you allowed or swallowed changes you into a different person... less female. micro-chimerism
Find out where Soros is and well you know...Make us happy.
whore NAZI BITCH must get raped by commies now
>far right immigrant
>blond hair/blue eyes romanian
A good romanian then I guess. The only romanian I know of has yellowish skin, looks like he is sick 24/7. Is that typical gypsy skin or just normal romanian type? I wonder because he calls himself romanian.
>immigrant who happens to be far right
Are going to enjoy British jail?
I'm a man
>not wanting an european ethno-state for white people
end yourselves
Is your name Alex or Christian?
>>not wanting an european ethno-state for white people
So you mean to say that you'd support the EU if it had a right wing leadership, and probably even oppose Brexit then?
I was suspended for one day for saying I like Donald Trump and the Afd german party and the headteacher said he will call the police about if it happens again.
fuck off gypsy
No, there are still shit countries in europe like romania and the rest of eastern europe. Drastic changes have to be done to make those countries like the west.
You are not welcome here with your racist views. We don't want England to become a third world racist shithole like Romania/Poland. You have to go back.
Wtf you doing here?! Is the CBEEBIES website down???
Gtfo you Lil pickpocketing shit head.
>letting half of the middle east in but not another european
One of the reasons I voted to leave was when I had a conversation with a Romanian law student. She was absolutely stunning. She spoke perfect English albeit with an accent. She had all sorts of experience and a guaranteed contract. She was doing incredibly well.
Then I thought to myself, if I wanted to go to Romania and get a job in law, I couldn't. I wasn't brought up being taught Romanian in school. Romanian employers no doubt ignore most EU non-discrimination laws and can't stand foreigners. There wouldn't be any jobs anyway even if I did manage to learn Romanian law.
It had occurred to me that British people are having the piss taken out of them. The EU has only been good for multinational corporations that want to widen the labour pool so they can reduce wages and fuck the average young person over. It boggles my mind that there are young people out there that DIDN'T vote Brexit, quite honestly - but then I suppose they all have this bizarre view that leaving the EU means they won't be able to travel to EU countries when people were able to go overseas long before we joined it.
Romanian criminals are pretty bad. The number of Romanian gypsies is appalling. I think they weren't even a major reason though. People just can't stand the inherent unfairness in opening our borders when half of Europe's young people know fluent English and British young people already can't afford rents, the NHS is bursting at the seams due to the extra 4 million people and their children and school places are vanishing.
tattoos looks good sometimes
Where you're from is irrelevant. Your views are relevant.
Do you live in London?
>hate immigrants
>op is an immigrant
Typical nigger of the house syndrom
go back
Aye, Greater London
Do you not understand that nazis gassed gypsies?
KYS fag
Wish they gassed them all.
Also Romania killed the second most jews in WW2, first being Germany of course
>she is underaged
>it boggles my mind that most young people didn't vote for brexit
Because the thought of having to pay £50 more for a holiday to Zante makes them freak out
Whats your profession ?
Level of education ?
Did your family come over with you ?
Who would you fight for if your homeland declared war on the UK ?
Do you wish to live here your entire life ?
This. Most British plebs can't think beyond their bank balance or cost of a pint.
They'd sell out one another for the price of a takeaway given half the chance.
Bet you wouldn't be saying that if he'd somehow managed to move to Israel
Maybe sometimes. But not on her.
>be immigrant
>I don't take benefits I have a job and a home you parasite
now this is the kind of answers everyone needs to hear more :)
>au englejii benefits ca lumea sau ce pula mea?
i don't speak romanian, but i can understand some of it, this i just knew what it was about lol
them tattoes though...
ahwell.. cheers
>He thinks flags are a real representation of the poster
Thats cute
>gassing anyone
when will this meme die?
how are the redpill levels in (Greater) London?
Bet you're in London. You fuckers are everywhere.
how do you deal with the fact that you are indistinguishable from syrian refugee?
absolute awful, only have 4-5 friends redpilled
how many syrian refugees have blue eyes and blonde hair?
I have a question,
why the fuck do eu immigrants think simply working and paying taxes makes them special, "I pay my taxes" they scream.. "I work hard" they spout, like coming here to reap the benefits of our economy and job market makes them some how entitled to citizenship..
What do you want more of immigrants than respect your culture/country and work hard?
Good lad, welcome to the UK I hope you get to smash some antifa heads soon. They're getting loud over here again. Hopefully one day I'll fight alongside you.
good luck with that.
Thats another thing. People complained they won't be able to work as easily in say, France, Germany, Italy etc. But how many of them are realistically going to go and work abroad? Holiday reps yeah, but how many of them are there?
I would like to post mine too but I am a filthy fucking centrist who swings wildly in the middle, and the only thing that is constant is national over global especially when it comes to government and economics.
Gypsies can not be recognized by skin any more. At least not those who are partly or fully integrated for some generations. But if they are brownish in winter they most likely are gypsies. I have seen blonde blue eyed gypsy girls who did not even have the gypsie face. Her sister though had the gypo face tough and brown hair brown eyes.
So it is kind of hit and miss.
On the other hand a lot of gypsies are not integrated and those you can spot. And belive me you are not going to spot the skin colour or facial features first but behaviour.
respect culture and country has nothing to do with putting food in your mouth and paying your bills, I suppose we'll all get to see what these dual citizens are worth if the market takes a dive.
Perhaps he works as a teacher too? Or in a school?
If user has a job that is possible.
Because if they work, pay taxes and buy goods & services with the money they've earned they contribute directly to the state of the country. At this point they have a vested interested in the state of the nation. If they decide to fuck off when the going gets tough thats on their head, but while they're here they're a benefit to us.
Now whether they're white or of a Western European background is a different matter entirely. If they're a kebab, a nigger etc then they can happily drown in the channel no matter what their earning potential. If they're white and culturally compatible then they're more than welcome as far as I'm concerned. I'll take one of them over a million indentured welfare parasites any day of the week.
alright lads thats it. I'll do another one tomorrow or something
>leave was when I had a conversation with a Romanian law student. She was absolutely stunning. She spoke perfect English albeit with an accent. She had all sorts of experience and a guaranteed contract. She was doing incredibly well.
A lot of europeeans work in Romania, fuck just go to Bucharest and get a job today, cheap rent, cheap hoes, cheap food, and lots of things to do.
Look at places like Berlin with it's London hipster problem. The bugman is fickle. He'll travel to whatever country is cosmopolitan enough to sit in a cafe and work on his IPA blog, but he has no desire to make roots. Hes as bad as any 32 year old Syrian child refugee.
exactly, it's always about the money
goodevening and bonne apetit
locusting around like jews as it where
>Far right
>Be a nigger in another man's country
Choose one.
>aryan girl
It's hohol untermensch