Give me a legitimate argument against Antifa without using buzzwords like cuck, libtard,or shill

Give me a legitimate argument against Antifa without using buzzwords like cuck, libtard,or shill

They have a lot of radical members but how is it un-American to be anti-fascist?

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>Give me a legitimate argument against Antifa
They break shit up, are violent and act like niggers
they've been doing this for a entire year now

>a group calls itself something, therefore it is definitely that something

They suppress free speech.

they are leftards

because you're a cuck libtard shill


They are led by commie kikes

Then what are they?

Doesn't sound any worse than alt-right rallies to me

>commie kikes
I said no buzzwords senpai

This picture makes no sense, rabbit and horse meat is delicious

Not my original creation but I gotta say I've never tried em, guess I'll put it on my bucket list

I know right?

They explicitly call for violence against ideologies they dont like

Meanwhile many of their members proudly wave the communist flag, despite supposedly being anarchists

We have been at war with both, but communism even more recently, but they give it a total free pass?


Obviously because they're traitors who just want to ship in tons of mexicans who will vote democrat and help them undermine democracy

Alt right walk in perfect lines, caring torches and more importat NOT BREAKING SHIT

They don’t want equality, they want hegemony. Even more hypocritically, they’re trying to create a society well a minority has more social, political, and economic power, on an institutionalized basis, than the majority.

Lastly, they’re ungrateful, ignorant, or both: their favorite targets are white men. Every right minorities and women have in the West were given to them, willingly, by white men.

At best they are a directionless picklejar of assorted malcontents. At worst, they’re a hypocritical group seeking revenge for imagined slights that want to go so far as to legislate politeness but have first resorted to violence against those that think differently than they do.

Read my fucking post you fucking cum guzzling faggot shill

These people proudly wave the communist flag, and we LITERALLY fought a war against communism more recently, and they are fucking proud to endorse the ideology

They are traitors, if you cant see this, so are you

>how is it un-American to be anti-fascist?
The same way it's undemocratic to be the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

>Don't sound any worse than alt-right rallies to me
That's enough shitposting right there.
Heather only died because antifa don't know how to keep their anarchy boners to themselves, and she clearly wasn't taught not to play in traffic.

>They have a lot of radical members but how is it un-American to be anti-fascist?

Being anti fascist is well & good but larping as anti fascist while preaching fascist ideology is totally unAmerican

They're libtarded cuck shills.

To them, anyone who isn't far left is a fascist.

Accidentally submitted an unfinished post, sorry

Well, here is a 30 minute coherent argument against the likes of antifa:

Well, for starters, as with all things libtard what they call it is the opposite of what it is. "Affordable Care Act" anybody?

So they are fascists and need to be shot.

If you don't allow people to speak, you increase the incentive for them to kill you (and then not allow you to speak).

See also: Nazis

I've heard every far-right dictatorship came to power in part because of left-wing overreach though I haven't seen anything rigorous. Still there is historical precedent.

They're communists. That's why.

They don't know what the word fascism means. ergo they have no argument

>anti facist
>beat people in streets for not agreeing with their opinions
>america is not even facist
>we voted for trump you retard.


cuck libtard shill

There's no reason we shouldn't all consider ourselves anti-fascist. but antifa don't represent true anti-fascism. instead they use fascist techniques against everyone they define as "fascist" which happens to be everyone to the right of mao.

>Horse before rabbit

>His father never took him rabbit hunting with a .22

Oh how I pray for the misguided.

>how is it un-American to be anti-fascist?
What you call yourself means jack shit in the grand scheme of things

I am sorry, rabbit on economic crisis level? Rabbit meat is just fantastic with olives and pine nuts. You gotta try it if you've never have

that is not a .22


But i will argue that most people eat way too much meat then is necessary due to general glutton and lack of self-discipline. I
>inb4 faggots get butmad

There's nothing wrong with eating meat, if you're eating 1 or 2 servings of meat a day then you're ok. But cattle are disastrous to agriculture, entire forest have to be mowed down to make room for cattle and with the same resources it takes to raise cattle you can feed 10 times more people via fruits / vegetables. Also most faggots don't eat nearly as much fruits / veggtiables then they're suppose and don't realize they're unhealthy as fuck because "meat" culture. That said, liberals are autistic as fuck but so are alt right fat fucks, but there's truth on both sides.

America in its infancy and through its first 150 years of existence was extremely fascist by antifa standards.

>economic crisis
What? I thought rabbits and horses are normal types of meat...

>Thinking he's not in an economic crisis


Kind of the same thing as starting an "anti obesity club" whose mission is to eat as much food as possible

Antifa are violent thugs, nothing more.

Giggled. I live in best Italy, we're quite cool over here
Besides it's a recipe that's always been around in one of our regions (Liguria). If cooked well and with the right white wine, it's a heavenly dish

>horse before a rabbit

In Poland you can buy rabbit meat in most stores. Americans rather eat fuckin horse than a delicious, tender and healthy rabbit?

FIRST - They're covering their true motives behind the term "Anti-Fascist". (Also, we have no fascists in government so who would they be anti- anyway?)

SECOND - They're actually a group of hive-minded idiots getting played by foreign agents to "overthrow the fascist government" (they're true motive). The foreign agents don't give a shit about the government though as long as there is civil dissent. They took the bait and think they're stopping the next Hitler. They are not though.

THIRD - They're libtard shill cucks.

She died of a heart attack anyway.

that does look pretty tasty. i've only ever killed them for fur

Is it American to be a commie ?
Also how do you define a fasict ?

Hope so, hadn't heard about that, just figured she was crushed in between the 2 cars she was already fucking with.

Centrist get the bullet too.

It doesn't need explanation their actions prove without a doubt that they aren't pro-American. The entire Antifa movement views the Western world as fascist because they're all anarcho-communist. People try to act like Antifa is this umbrella term for being against fascism. Why don't more people call themselves Antifa then? Pretty sure a lot of people in this world are antifascist. Kind of like "If you agree for gender equality, you're a feminist." No I'm fucking not because feminists have proved that's not all they are.

>but how is it un-American to be anti-fascist?

It's un-American to be a fucking communist.

Is horse meat actually good? I always heard it was a way shittier beef.
I'd totally try rabbit though.

No, it is actually absolutely anti-American to be an anti-Capitalist anti-Western communist. Surprising, I know.

Show us one (1) "alt-right rally" that had to be stopped by the police.

Because literally every antifa gathering ends this way, and exactly zero (0) right-wing rallies do.

She had a few scratches but apparently wasn't really crushed or hit by the car, just dropped dead like a narcoleptic goat.

I'm surprised she managed to walk there without a scooter.

They're communists.
They aren't "anti-fascist" because they consider western capitalism fascist. Or anything to the right of Mao, basically, is fascist to them.

Memes aside, rabbit meat is fucking delicious.

It's unAmerican to be a communist you fucking idiot.

It's unamerican to be communist and they are communists.

And OP doesn’t even respond to this good answer of a post.


>call yourself anti-chupacabra
>see qt
>surprise buttsecks
>she complains
>what are you some kinda chupacabra or chupacabra sympathizer


>They have a lot of radical members but how is it un-American to be anti-fascist?
It is when your definition of fascism is so broad the American Founding Fathers are fascists.

In addition to that, are usually champagne socialists. I'm 18, my values are fresh and naive, and I Have A Moral Imperative to Help You For Your Own Good! I think I know what the ideal society looks like, and its different to this one, and so YOU need to change, and put US in charge of things!

>a legitimate argument against Antifa
they advocate use of violence for purpose other than self defense

this they don't even understand what Anarchy even means. Seeing communists mixed with anarchists means that one of you is lying I wonder who it is.

>capitalism fascism
>Lite socialism is fascism
>authoritarianism is fascism
>libertarian is fascism
>liberal with differing opinions is fascism
>meanwhile there are no fascists

Do you see the point I’m getting at?

>hot vegan chick
A what?

How is it un-American to be a racist?
America used to be much closer to fascism.
Anti-fascism is for faggots who think we're still in WW2. Communism is the only system that has been trying to corrupt our country and it is american tradition to lock up and/or kill communists and anarchists and seize their rights.
Go to europe if you love socialism so much. America is for the independent.

Antifa is a new symbol of terrorism and dictatorship.
Anti-fascism is noting but a mask word to hide what they truly are, by calling the ppl they want hurt or kill are fascists to justify their inhuman terrorism actions.
If you are genuine American you should fight against such terrorism organization not joining them.

As someone who opposes fascism I find some detail about you to be similar to fascism. I dont know what fascism is and I dont really need to because fascism is the new nazi, it gives me moral high ground while I cause a ton of property damage alongside 200 other anarchists. If you think I shouldnt oppose anyone I have deemed fascist by burning down a couple million dollars worth of local businesses and private property, then you are definitely a fascist and we will violently oppose you too.

rabbit is top tier meat. Should be before horse. Horse meat is tough so burgers and meat balls are the only real options.

Now Gator meat is where its at.

Excuse me buddy, but Rabbets are food. Get back in the pot, Bugs.

Why isn't there a monkey in the food part?

Vegans eat a shitload of estrogen enhancing foods, unless they were irredeemably fat when they began, they usually become hotter, on top of that, veganism goes hand in hand with meme fitness and yoga.

antifa was created and funded by soros. soros is a jew nigger cunt who thinks hes some big shot. "look at me i damaged some countries currency by running my mouth that 1 rime" and "i ate a nigger dick in newyork im so sophisticated" . soros makes me sick.

The Nazis were literally a reaction to Jew led communists attempting to overthrow the weak government.

It is in the nature of leftist scum to think victory is inevitable, overreach, and find themselves taking helicopter rides. Barring international intervention by not yet purged leftists, the world would be hard right by now.

If you're into the malnourished look maybe? Don't expect them to be any good at bearing a child for you. A true vegan won't use vitamin supplements, and be incapable of reproduction.

So i am escorted into a prison cell, where i find a young man viciously butt-fucking an old man. i quickly allocate my rear end to a corner and ask the young man what he is doing. the young man tells me: "The old man said he was going to butt-fuck us, so i decided to butt-fuck him first. i am an anti-butt-fucker."

if you need it spelled out for you, the old man is a nazi, the young man is antifa, and butt fucking is fascism(or as antifa believes: oppression), and my ass does not feel safe in that cell.
even if you still think being antifa is good for punching nazis, that doesn't mean antifa is good for me. i can think of other examples where two forces cancel each other out, but still harm me.

geography - low pressure environments cause you to explode, high pressure environments crush you.
chemistry - an acid and a base cancel each other out, both will equally fuck you up.
nutrition - no protein in a diet is bad, all protein diet is still bad.

i could go on, but really you should have known this as early as elementary school; two wrongs don't make a right.

this thread proves that Sup Forums is literally little kids and retarded cucks with down syndrome who think its edgy to praise hitler, its really sad the amount of dumbfuck edgy logic these retards spew in an attempt to sound political relevant or edgy. Maybe if they actually walked outside and had women look at them without the immediate fear of rape then they would see how the world functions, and how a majority of their eugenics based logic is flawed as fuck.

Antifa are terrorists who have normalized political violence the the US.

Antifa was created by Trotski in the 1910s. They have been a threat for a century.

Looks more like we're discussing what animal meats are acceptable.

>implying asshattery is mutually exclusive

>Economic Crisis

We all do paella with rabbit meat fuck you.

Their interpretation of Fascism is fake & gay. The more they act like faggots, the more they deserve actual Fascism.

at the apocalyptic level cannibalism will be a social service

You can't just lie on the internet