Hate thread

Post here only if you hate your country really much.

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Fucking hate the middle east.

belgium is not my country
flanders is my country and want it restored together with all the lost parts and no forgeing king and queens from anywhere, including those dutchmen upnorth who think they can cook


Johanna van Avarra's grave is my toilet


But our "countries" are not real holol-bro. They are rightfull Serbian/Russian clay

As if our countries are nothing more than an economic prison at this point.

I used to love my country. I used to be patriotic.

Then Sup Forums made me realize that there's nothing in this flag to be proud of.

It could be worse, you could be American

Current goverment is utter shit, half of people are brainwashed retards. Whatever, these morons deserve it.

I better even seeing a lot Spanish posters here.

Idiot kid


moving to canada in 5 or less years. Probably less.

But why?

I hate this web and every person that posts on it more than my country

if only you all had 1 big neck so I could reach put and choke the living lights out of each and every one of you, all at once.

I'd die happy

i hate a lot about my country but i feel like we still have a fighting chance.

I fucking hate Latin America, and would gladly be a dirty Mischling in an unwelcoming land of gooks (worked in Japan for a while, honestly miss it), so long as it's white/east Asian ethnically homogenous and has a higher IQ.

The retarded leftism, pseudo patriotism, and gibsmedats makes me want to kill these fucking civilians.

Pic related: the retarded Morenazi, head of our "Nazi" party. Guess what, they're Peronists, just like every other fucking party here. Current government is center left at best, and gets treated like literal Nazis because there's only this faggot at the right, and desu he's populist center right at best.

Here's a funny one - our (((government))) has just approved judicial reform. Now all new judges are approved only by (((president))), if somebody killed someone, and police haven't found him in 3-6 months, the case won't be open, which will lead to the ultimate crime burst. Daily reminder that hohols aren't allowed to carry weapons to defend themselves. There was also lots of funny thigs but this is one of the most hilarious. That's the life in failed-state ultimately controlled by jews :^)


Hahahahaha what

It's not doing any better than the US, only a few years behind demographically, worse "hate speech" type laws, and it's fate is tied to the US, it will go whichever way the US goes.


either you kill the kike or he's gonna kill you.

there is no compromise. :^)

What do you do for a living? Every ukrainian seem to work outside the country


free healthcare. I just had open heart surgery and will be swimming in bills for years now. I don’t want that for my kid’s futures. they deserve somewhere that isn’t entirely stagnant, corrupt, and lost to dumbasses and niggers. Spent a month on east coast in Halifax and NB. Was so impressed, it felt like fucking utopia compared to this wasteland.

>if only you all had 1 big neck
t. caligula

meh, Flanders will be a Dutch Province again soon enough.
finally we'll have our Koninkrijk der Verenigde Nederlanden again, at which point you'll be hanged for using a custom flag

Just fucking nuke us already

laugh on faggot nothing you can say will stop me
also you mustve not seen the east coast because i saw maybe a single nigger my entire time there.

Anecdotal evidence doesn't change demographic statistics, there are plenty of places in the US where you'll see only whites.

Our government only has about 20 elected people that actually give a shit about their constituents and they're either irrelevant or hated. The rest are all working to maintain and grow an oligarchy, and they're all adored by the people because they toss a few gibs and hollow words about Jesus.

Also the funny one. Do you remember Maidan? That thing that every single (((news-agency))) was larping about in 2014? So, this judicial reform will also close all unsolved cases, including (((unknown))) snipers who killed 100+ people there. That actually proves, if you have at least some brain, who controlled these snipers. But these slaves don't care, they have the answer for all the troubles - P U T I N. You pissed yourself in bed? It's fucking putin, fucking KGB agents. That's really funny.

I don't hate my country I think it's a beautiful country. ohh but I hate Mexicans

Traitors will get the worst punishment on the day of the rake

I fucking hate being in Australia, this country is the worst shithole imaginable.

>other people should pay for my problems
Negro detected
>I don't want that for my children's future
Then you shouldn't have reproduced faggot.

At the very least you should have been man enough to get a good life insurance policy and die

i love my country and its people, but i hate what (((they))) make out of it and how blind everyone is to it


Why though? Some interesting things that I'm aware about is your retarded policy considering violent content(games, movies) and lots of spiders, snakes, etc. Is it that bad politically? Never seen anyone complaining much, at least on Sup Forums.

This country takes a smug sense of pride in its cuckoldry and our Prime Minister makes a faggot of himself daily. Why the fuck would you still be loyal to this place?

Man, I hate Germanistan.

There are niggers everywhere now - two years ago, there were none in my city, now they are all loitering around the station - right next to those incestuous Arabs. And nobody gives a fucking shit and those who give, have to shut the hell up or face social consequences.

At uni, there are those self-righteous, holier-than-thou posters of antifa hanging around everywhere. Oh, and of course the classes for all kind of rapefugees who can study there for free.

I live in a nice apartment and it was great here - until they stuffed 20 Iraqis into two apartments. Maybe they are 25 people, maybe not. I don't know, neither do my neighbours and neither does the city's administration. But oh well, who gives a shit. Two of the three women are pregnant right now.

I am so fucking sick of all those virtue-signalling morons and cunts out there, living in far away from that cultural scum and whining about "muh refugees" and "muh solidarity".

Just bomb us already, you will do the Western World a giant favour.

I hope Germany will be flooded with more immigrants.

Mememe. I live in spic-central California, USA.

Sorry bro...sorry.

>ohh but I hate Mexicans
So do I, I'm surrounded by them in California (mexico)

Are spics really that bad?

That's what we all say my dude...solidary with whites, worldwide.

I hate the Philippines and the fact that people there are not educated. They believe what they see and they love to get money from old white men. They keep preaching about love in their tv shows and movies and it is becoming overrated. The high class filipina and celebrities are a copycat of the typical college slut.

someone please bomb this stupid failppines already

There's too fucking many of them! They're the god damn majority here.

I love how so many of us are just like "please just end our misery and bomb our countries to hell."

I do.

Man, they fucked us good, didn't they...



Merkel's germany.

Faggot walloon

nah.. it's more like people like you who will be hanged

>free healthcare
Santa sure is a good guy for giving every Canadian free healthcare

I hate the EU which is basically my country since 2009.

Traitor to what? Importing hundreds of thousands of third worlders? Paying millions to muslim soldiers who kill medics? A government that will take your child if you don't support them changing their gender? The billions of dollars in fraudulent theft from tax payers by thieving politicians? Working directly with George Soros? Letting Fort Mac burn to the ground? kys faggot

I'm not even a poorfag but Mexico truly is a Violent and Corrupt Shithole of a Dictatorship run by the most Incompetent and Pathetic Pieces of Shit i've ever seen.

This country is just a socialist hellhole mate, it's a lot more than just video games getting banned. Fucking everything is banned. Guns banned, Airsoft banned, paintball heavily restricted. Many types of alcohol are illegal. Everything masculine and manly is banned, boomers and cops go out of their fucking way to fuck over young drivers. Time it takes an average person to get a full drivers license is about 5-8 years and on learners and provisionals you are heavily restricted in what you can drive, when you can drive and how fast you can drive and what type of car you can own. Cops put tire shredding road materials down to stop people going faster than the speed limit. Speed limits artificially slower than it needs to fucking be because muh safety. Government constantly pushing public transportation on us despite the fact that it takes you an hour and 30 minutes to get somewhere with public transport, and that same trip could take 15 minutes in a car. Roads are fucking garbage, almost always broken and fucked, takes literal years to be fixed. No culture. No arts, no films made here, every tech company that has tried to make a video game here has failed badly. Entire country is made up of dumb fucking bogans and tradesman dickheads (I was one, they are cunts), and then you have the one part of Australia which aren't uneducated retards, Melbourne, and they are just educated retards who are even worse, leftist faggots who want to ban everything. Boomers want to ban everything, women want to ban everything, government wants to ban everything, everyone wants to ban everything. Housing prices through the fucking roof. High cost of living. You can buy a 4 story mansion on a large estate in Poland for the exact same price as you can buy a single story 1 bedroom shithole house right next to a main road in a shithole immigrant filled drug abuser derelict suburb.

For cheap housing you either live fuck off in the middle of nowhere and accept unemployment because 99.99% of jobs in the country are in and around the city because Aussies were too fucking idiotic and shit to create what became of flyover states int he USA, so we literally have a few cities on the shoreline and that's it, and everyones stuck there, literally paying millions for a fucking house or apartment in some shitcunt city, or you fuck off to the outback and drive 3 hours to work everyday adn 3 hours back and pay shit petrol prices and get fucked by shit roads and have public transport get all the right of ways and "oh this road is only for busses you get fined for using it if you are a car, fuck off and go the slow way that is filled with traffic you pathetic car owner, by the way make sure you pay your $1000+ registration that is due every year and if you sell it make sure to pay tax on selling and buying cars in this fuckoff huge continent where long travel distances are fucking everywhere."

I could go on, but I am way over the post limit. I haven't even scratched the surface. This place is so corrupt and shit. Men are banned from the armed forces, only gays, muslims, women and trannies are getting in. OUr army is cucked to shit, we follow America around on a leash and rely on them 100% for defence because our government refuses to beef up our own forces. Our government has a hate boner for all military culture. Also shit internet everywhere, shit technology everywhere, behind the world in everything that makes a nation first world. 3rd world shitholes are beating us in many catagories.


We've also had a revolving door policy in government, 2 of our last 4 Prime Ministers were unelected. We elected faggot A, and then the party decided they don't like him, and switch him out for faggot B and we are just stuck with some new kike to rule us until the next useless election that we have to vote in or we get a big fine for not voting, then when we vote, a few months later our choice is ousted and the ruling party puts their own preference in anyways. Try to start a business here in this country to get ahead? Good luck, you are gonna get raped with taxes, even if you stock market trade you are gonna get raped with high capital gains tax.
Tax fucking everything, goods and service taxes, income taxes, fucking every tax imaginable just raping your wallet, yet immigrants just sit on the dole and all your money goes to some single mum and her niglets, or to yet another bus only road. Oh and if your business isn't a construction company or fish and chip shop get fucked, you get double fucked over, plus no tax breaks or incentives or anything like the USA would give start up businesses which in the end, help out the economy and give jobs, nope you get nothing. And as a result there are no jobs here aside from in the city adn the competition and cost of living there is insane. Capitalism barely exists here, we are just a socialist workers shithole nation where those who try to get ahead are hated and held back, and those who want to drag everyone else down and praised and given free money.

The snakes and spiders are a meme, no one gives a fuck, they are overblown to scare foreigners and to have a laugh at their reactions. This country is just a depressing fucking shithole filled with shit people.

>they deserve somewhere that isn’t entirely stagnant, corrupt, and lost to dumbasses and niggers
so why are you going to canada?

God I hate brown shitskins. The spaniards shouldn't have had raped all those tight mayan pussy, really fucked us over.

The only traitors there are your state, its goons and its followers, Mr Bootlicker. When shit really hits the fan, I think you'll be surprised with how things are going to turn out for your ilk

>when your country is responsible for cucking itself and all of Europe


Fuck this lake of shit, why God?!
Why did you put me in this diarrhea?

So we could try to fix it... Maybe...

Isso não é uma delicia, é horrivel!

And this is why it's a meme

There is no fix, mixed niggers make 80% of the "white" population.

Amerilard, you know our free healthcare is shit right?

It takes 6 months to get treated once they discover you have cancer. It is only getting worse. The last thing we need is more healthcare parasites flooding here.

Isn't Murder and contracting STDS your Country's number 1 sport?

i dont hate my country i hate the politicians ruinning it and the shitsking hordes they import in it

What the fuck is that

Wew, lad. That's all shitty, but it's all mainly bureaucracy. At least human rights are treated well in your country. You won't be taken in the middle of the capital by government security service for filming you asking people about their opinion on political situation in the country, for example. Another example - some guys got busted into jail for 9 years + 2 year had been waiting in custody for court, because they've created a YouTube channel, where they talked bad about current authorities. That would be actually nothing if they would admit - yes, we are a totalitary state, but they are fucking hypocrites talking shit about joining (((Europe))), reforms, etc. And Eurocucs are even more hypocrites for knowing whats happening in this shithole and still giving money to this jewish government and telling how MUH UKRAINE IS CHANGING XD.
At least we have no niggers and almost no spics\chinks xd. Although i saw one nigger last week in my shithole. Some girl is probably blacked already.

And? Europeans in africa used blacks against other blacks... Don't underestimate human greed, especially when it could be used in our favor... Also don't fall for the "100% white" meme, look at the Finns.

the image speaks more than words

This, it's garbage. Free healthcare is a trash meme.

>be teenager
>get ingrown toenail pretty badly
>go to doctors
>they just do some bandaid issue and cut out out
>comes back again
>repeat the quick bandaid fix
>this literally goes on for years throughout all of my teenage years
>no clue why fuck this is happening
>gets so bad I can't even cut my nails anymore
>go to doctors
>given anaesthetic
>toenail cut out
>wait for it to heal
>before my nail has already even half regrown it's fucking ingrown again
>have to have the operation again
>finally get so pissed off that I have to get operated on every fucking 3 months because my toenail at this point is growing fucking sideways
>yes, it's fucking growing sideways into my fucking skin
>decide to visit a specialist, by this time I am 22, and it's been over 10 years (I was poor as shit I couldn't do it before but I had a job by this time)
>specialist examines me and finds out the doctors fucked my toe by amaturishly cutting out the nail, wrong, like 50 fucking times, they have damaged my nail bed and caused the growth lines to be all fucking over the place instead of going forwards
>toenail is a complete clusterfuck
>still in a socialized medicine system so have to work within that even though payed for private specialist
>gotta wait 6 months to get a proper operation
>have to get another shitty free healthcare operation in the meantime since nails regrew and were hurting like hell
>at this point my entire toes are getting cut open each time since they are growing almost backwards
>day of operation finnally comes up
>based white doctor (rest where chinks and poos) operates on my foot properly
>toe 100% fixed and has never gone ingrown again, nail bed fixed and growth lines pointing forwards, had to pay for it, but it fucking worked

Soclialized medicine fucked up my toe for over a decade. I had to pay to get it fixed properly.

A skinned monkey.

It's fucking disgusting

>having national pride is stupid
>i hate my country really much
Sup Forums in a nutshell

Get out!

Oh really? Guess why it became a meme?

because brazilian citizens are cannibals and like sharing pictures of their meals

And the people enabling it, which is most people which means you hate your country
Let's not kid ourselves France died 200 years ago

Don't you fuckers eat dogs? LOL

It's fucking disgusting

God damn man

I hate every country equally. I'm gonna build a state-free Omni-Privatized™ society once everyone is done ashing each-other.

What if i like my country, just nobody in it or any of its institutions?

Get out first worlder, who has a right to legally defend himself with a weapon and has a minimum wage of 8$ per hour. You are not welcomed here.

Don't imagine the maritimes to be indicative of Canada.

You could go to Northern New England and enjoy the same vibe. At least for the time being.

Yeah you know why socialized medicine is flooding with poos and chinks, aside from diversity quotas?

They are coming in to fill the vacuume created from 25% of female doctors who retire early to look after their own kids. Females who only got in based on gender quotas, scholarships, who decided raising kids is what they really wanted to do.


He'd literally be dead in Canada and still he is bitching.

I've never tried dog

fuck you then nigger leave