Can any American explain to me how you think you'd be able to keep your guns in the future?

Can any American explain to me how you think you'd be able to keep your guns in the future?

The US will be overwhelmingly non-white by 2050 with the average American being a brown/black person.

Just how do you expect your populace to remain as right-wing gun-loving nationalists? Your gun culture will go, and your guns will be taken away from you.

Other urls found in this thread:

have to kill me before my guns are taken


But you'll already be dead in the future anyway.
Your white population will only decrease and therefore gun-nuts will cease to exist.

the world ceases to exist after I die and it never existed before I was born, so hitler did nothing wrong

so you are saying that 73% of the population will turn into less than 50% in 40 years?

actually, the percentage of blacks is suppose to stay the same. around 13%. we're just going to have a higher percentage of spics because of illegal immigration.


color me suprised

America is 56% you moron.
They even include north Africans and middle Easterns are white.

Your time is over soon.

>a 50 round clip

That would be so unwieldy. I'm so glad the people telling the rest of us to give up our guns don't know a fucking thing about guns, it makes their arguments less effective.

>The US will be overwhelmingly non-white by 2050 with the average American being a brown/black person.
You do know guns is a major part of our culture for us niggers right? If anything we would have access to bigger and better guns because denying us niggers of anything will be a hate crime.

how do you expect the government to take them?

by killing everyone who goes after our guns, with our guns

>by 2050 with the average American being a brown/black person.
This demographic overwhelmingly owns guns, usually of the illegally acquired kind. Every nig I met either has a lone pistol or an absolute arsenal that they "got friend a guy they know."

White Americans still control all the nukes, biological and chemical agents.

I'm saying that when whites inevitably decrease in population percentage, gun culture will go down a shit-tonne.

Blacks/Spics have no connection to guns like the colonial-tier whites do.

It will be easier to take guns off Spics/niggers than whites.

You seem to forget that regardless of race mixing, family traditions and legacies will still be passed down. Just because someone may have a molatto descendant 60 years from now doesn't mean the knowledge and love for guns they instilled in their direct descendant is going to be written off. Not only do we pass on our genes, but our memes. And we can't let our memes be dreams, because it accounts for lack of self-esteem.

Dude, Jews aren't white.

>gun culture will go down a shit ton

You act like blacks don't love guns as well. You're being extremely racist right now actually. Fucking mong.

Europe will be majority muslim in 2 generations. Enjoy watching you sister get fukt by Akhmed you fucking shill

Take off your EU flag pussy

>50 round clip
That'd just make the pistol look goofy.

>extremely racist
You're on Sup Forums you idiot.

Once you inevitably become a shitskin nation, your national IQ, along with your status as the world power till go down.

No it wouldn't.
Show me a source which states this.
And don't post a Germany one.

>>I'm saying that when whites inevitably decrease in population percentage, gun culture will go down a shit-tonne.

Except you're assuming that will happen. You dont take into account the fact that this will drastically change our way of life, and people will be forced to witness the inhumanity that is exhibited by nonwhites

And then a nu-hitler will probably rise

Or humanity goes back into the dark ages

Either way, you lose

>guns won't exist anymore when white people cease to exist

Yeah, and all those niggers and spics armed to the teeth with actual war weapons are suddenly going to turn in those guns and stop being part of gangs.

Drop that flag faggot, show your real one

That won't happen because you're already 56% white and decreasing.

America has literally no culture or heritage, so there's no Hitler that will rise. This isn't Europe.

>Latinos move in
>They all hate niggers
>They'll want to keep guns to fight off the feral nigger population

it wont be "America' once they are the majority, anymore than Japan would be "Japan" if the population all left overnight and that of Mexico was implanted on to the physical land of Japan.

won't the states continue to fracture along ideological/racial lines? my impression is there will be all white enclaves and a further proliferation of brazil tier no go zones

You do realise that will decrease America's land area and essentially balkanize it, right?

Balkanization will kill America.

>That won't happen because you're already 56% white and decreasing.

>"white people cant win unless they're a majority"

How stupid can you be?

Its the other way around. We have intellect. Guns. Money.

Shitskins have literally NO CHANCE, until they're a minority, but this will red pill whites en masse and focus our cause.

What are you a fucking clinically retarded nigger?

We're startin an ethnostate bub. DOZENS of Sup Forumsacks know how to fish, grow tomatoes, or program

but gun culture doesn't mean shit. Mexicans are fairly conservative, enjoy guns and hunting. Blacks like guns, In America we all like guns. There is no plausible way for the government to "TAKE" our guns. They can make them illegal to own, but thats not going to stop anyone and no one is going to turn them in.

The areas of the US that libtards consider “racist” are also the areas of the US that let blacks and Latinos own legal firearms. While the lily white liberal north tends to have the most gun control in these areas.

It will.
America isn't a white nation, it's an immigrant nation, "America" is literally a spic name.

Germany/Britain/France are all white nations because their people were literally evolved in those nations.

>until they're a minority,

*majority, fuck

I see blacks at the range all the time.

>we have intellect
Spic average IQ is like 95, who are you kidding?

You will be a non-white nation soon.

i wish somebody would hit horsey with a truck


>lol white people will just all die off and let their way of life be destroyed because of the semantics that "america" is actually a spanish word, lol checkmate patriots!

you are so fucking pathetic and delusional

Why can't Horsey even be clever? This is just unfunny.

A great many Americans have the means to make as many guns in their garage as they have materials for.
In the internet age, that means roughly every 2 out of 10 American white boys from fucking Hawaii to Florida can arm his entire extended family on minimum wage. It won't be legal without appropriate licensing, but still.
You can pretty much whipe us out and this continent will still be full of retards with guns regardless of who you replace us with.

No, whites will die off because you're being demographically replaced at a high rate.

You should have never signed an immigration act for non-whites.

This is a slide shill thread, selfishly capitalizing on the LV tragedy.


>>haha whites are going to die out
>No we arent we're smart
>"haha no you're already dead and all you are are mexicans!"

wow bro, 10/10 you are a master debater

jesus fucking Christ just kill yourself you pointlessly whiny liberal shitstain

Not to mention they'll have no idea how to use them effectively when we've finally had enough

OP can't do math. 300 million guns, 150 million gun owners. If one hundredth of one percent resist, that's a shit ton of people and a lot of dying on both sides. If one tenth of one percent resist, the Civil war will look like a bar room brawl.

I just don't get your thought process. Do you actively think of whiteness as an aspect of your daily life?

If this is what constitutes for smart, you're all fucking morons.

>arguing with a meme flag
the absolute state of Sup Forums

It's an important factor in this debate.
Spics aren't white.
Niggers aren't white.
They're going to be the majority soon in your nation.

Do you think that because of this, you'll remain the same as you are right now?

>No, whites will die off because you're being demographically replaced at a high rate.

>You should have never signed an immigration act for non-whites.

And you think we cant undo that?

I almost wish you would win though, because id love to see the pile of ash formerly known as western civilization that you end up having to live in, desperately clinging to the delusion that you werent wrong all along, if not killing yourself or getting killed

Enjoy your utopia after whites are gone.


In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

56 million defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control:

You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.

Spics are white get over it


>And you think we cant undo that?
I'd like to see you try, even with a Hitler-tier leader that will be very hard to pull off.

White birth rates are incredibly low in the southern parts of America.


God you’re dumb. Niggers love guns more than whites. Haven’t you seen how many black on black shootings in Chicago there are everyday?

>haha you're all morons for letting shitskins overrun you

>haha shitskins are going to kille veryone haha!

and..................................................... you think this is good why?

you are a literal tumor on societies ass

im not wasting my time on some pathetic loser like you, you seem to just hate all of mankind, theres no point, you're just a festering tumor that should be cut off and thrown in the garbage

its already to late for them

Please conquer America and make them white again!

Gun Control is still massively unpopular in spite of our demographic change.

>Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
Literally muh holocaust idiot
Hitler relaxed gun laws for germans.

>be a pathetic shill who is whining about gun control
>while other ppl on this board focusing on the crime itself.

Really entertaining.

looks white to me. The majority of white people look like this guy more than some sickly euro inbred


>...therefore gun-nuts will cease to exist.
>implying only whites are gun-nuts
>implying niggers don't have a gun culture which is far more violent than the white one

Shitskins like guns. I'd bet more white people are pro gun control.

>thinks only whites want guns

>have to kill me before my guns are taken
No problem. We have armed drones.

>what is 3D printing


--yasmin the guardian writer, tv interview the other day

We fight back. And we prevent that mulatto future from happening.

Ya cause niggers with guns never shoot anyone....

Ahh yup all niggered areas.
Numbers to your mother yo!!!

kys nigger

How do you plan to do that?
Your age 1-5s are overwhelmingly ethnic minority.
It's literally impossible at this stage.


Can you explain how you feel as you watch your girlfriend get raped by muzzies while you jerk your pathetic euro-cuck dick in the corner?

Deportation. At gunpoint if necessary.

>America is a white immigrant nation
Would you kindly show your proper flag?

Europe being ruined doesn't make it any less true that the US is going to be ruined.

>your pathetic euro-cuck dick
Hey! At least i'm not circumcised!

Thats wrong as fuck, mexicans love guns.

hitler was a leftist cuck who took their guns. Instituted animal rights policies like some sort of LGBTSF. the government took over industries and stole the citizens belongings. Quit falling for commie propaganda, Hitler was a leftwing fanatic

Why do leftists not understand the simple difference between clip and magazine?

All the attempts to guess what US demography will be like always fail because they underestimate how quickly our hedonistic anti-family culture infects immigrants. 2nd+ generation hispanics proliferate at barely replacement rate, growth occurs ONLY through mass immigration, and that is being ended.


Couldn't be more wrong, shithead. The US was founded as a white ethnostate

well, it could technically be a belt to feed into an MG, but those feed a lot more rounds than 50

>not owning a M1 Garand that can hold 50 rounds

kys scrub

Yeah, it would be like a doctor telling you to have a healthy life...
Very legit

Niggers love guns
They just mostly use them to kill each other and commit crimes

Even that is wrong. America is a nation of conquerors, not immigrants.

>neglects to mention that is was 99% white European immigration until the 1960s

We've only been a "nation of immigrants" for 50 years. It can be reversed.

All non-whites like to say killing is in the white man's blood. So they can bring on the fight

>>America is a white immigrant nation
Sure is!

>It can be reversed
How the fuck do you expect to do this?
You do realise that you'll have to either breed (with your mutt Americans) or import Europeans as a YUGE rate, which is literally impossible.