Amber Rudd wants to make viewing "far right propaganda" punishable by law here in the UK

Amber Rudd wants to make viewing "far right propaganda" punishable by law here in the UK.

Am I going to get sent to prison because I like to watch Sup Forums's shenanigans?

I'm not built for prison. I'm too tight and too pretty.

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They seem to create clumsy laws these new breed of conservatives. Does not help having a ticko geography dregree prime minister with a bad track record as home sec. How can you identify incompetents people if u r one yourself.

I don't think they understand what the internet is either. They seem to think its like the BBC or something.

I don't get why the government now feels entitled to see/hear literally every communication of every person in the country.

This is the first period of time in human history where that has been possible - so why is it being painted as this necessity which has been stolen away by encryption?

I sincerely hope the house of lords tell her to fuck off with this, assuming due process is even followed anymore and the old farts can stay awake long enough...six years of fighting WW2 and they do this. I'd also like to fucking know where the queen is, she is supposed to keep twats like this in check and toss them out when they overstep, that was the whole justification for keeping the monarchy), You are not protecting the UK like this, you are DESTROYING what little worth is left in it.(I'd use Tor if it wasn't all used by fucking nonces, so if anyone can recommend an alternative bless you)

nonces use computer r u going to stop using them too? What about pens. Nonces use them too. Use tor. or pgp. if that makes you happy.

Any service similar in function to TOR is going to have an issue with nonces.

It is just a reality of private communications - some people are going to use it for bad things.

So tor won't flood your computer with pizza then?

I think they have created a situation that is impossible to control. 15 years as a sentence for basically looking at something means they are getting desperate. I think, also, they hate the way they cannot sensor stuff. In the 90's a BBC EE told me ITN had made a documentry linked mercury in vaccines to autism. It got a D notice. A D notice means it cant be broadcast in the UK.

Yeah. And you can go deeper than tor. shhhh Amber prob does not know that! Prime numbers baby......

well shit if someone told you that it must be true

Someone I have known for a very long time. With a 2/1 in EE and a long history working in the BBC news room.

that may be good enough for you but it aint for me is all im sayin bro

A part of me wonder what the reaction would be if they actually tried to implement it tho. I know that most Brit Judges are fossils but how many of them would follow through on something this far? Isnt there ANYONE on the inside of this that is saying 'woah stop now, this is a little too much.'...its times like this when despair really does set in.

Through a mix of incompetance and deliberate act they are rapidly losing control as our country becomes brazil 2.0, every response to every inevitable problem they have caused with immigration is the same ie punish and remove more civil liberties of the people, we are fully on road to become the next soviet union.

We already have hate speech laws... Is this really that much more of a stretch?

I can already be dealt with by the law for saying "nigger" online.

lmao no, you have to know address and where to look, it isn't like normal net with search engines n shit.

But they still have to go through the courts (for now) could you really see a judge handing down a fifteen year prison sentence to someone who regularly visited a mongolian basket weaving forum? ,and would even the ordinarily mindless herd of human waste in this country even stand for it? (god did I even need to ask that)

they will do it once or twice to some poor sod to set an example, like when they decided loli drawings are real children and gave some sad sack 9 years or something for possession of drawings.

I guess we will find out once that guy who turned his pug into a nazi has his court date.

is he still sitting in Jail? we still have an appeal process for what it is worth and no one ever does follow up stories these days



So we can have a copy of Mien Kampf but cannot look (even accidentally) at say something a bit more right wing than the EDL? What about a youtube video they decide is dodgy ?

alarmist idiocy

fuck off retard

you don't get it tho do you, its not about the content of the material? its the mere fact that a 'supposed' democracy is telling you and me what we can and cannot look at. It is a government that is deciding what is 'right' or 'wrong' for us to view (which was supposed to have come to and end after ww2, that put things into perspective for folks back then, and after all that their descendants follow the same road) the fact is the fundamentals we are supposed to be based on are being destroyed, and none of YOU out there seem to care much

no idea but he was convicted 6 yrs previous for tomb raider porn i shit you not, his name is robul hogue.

No idea but this is the problem with policing the net, it's to easy to draw conclusions from nothing. I've been studying ww2 a lot in recent years including reading thousands of nazi documents, all of the reichs speechs etcetcetc so naturally that will be interpreted and used against me and i'm sure they'd conveniently look at my history of studies into the other ends of the spectrum to, it's just Bolshevism tier thought crime horseshit but the people are still completely ignorant to it, often falling for the "it's for your safety!" propaganda.

I think he has a point.

These commies are unbelievably arrogant.

looks like a kike

"The updated offence will ensure that only those found to repeatedly view online terrorist material will be guilty of the offence, to safeguard those who click on a link by mistake or who could argue that they did so out of curiosity rather than with criminal intent. A defence of “reasonable excuse” would still be available to academics, journalists or others who may have a legitimate reason to view such material"

No need to worry

>and none of YOU out there seem to care much
I do but currently this population has had unity destroyed, until this changes it will just be sacrificial lambs to the slaughter.

Its not through. Its already happening. Its a slow burning war and its getting hotter. Just like NI in the 60's. Conventional wisdom, Mi5, etc. was to put the army in in '64. They waited until '69 when it was really out of control. Same thing here... waiting unitl its an utter emergency ... writing is on the wall , yet, they wait and hope it will get better while it gets worse.

Internment did wonders for the PIRA recruitment drive in 1971...

Its partly because a woman MP was shot in the street about a year ago here. Grammar school toffee nosed bitch I thought. But it really upset the politicians here.

have you seen the average brits on the street lately? (nah, not talking about asians either) they literally float around like zombies with half of them face down on those fucking Iphones!, these castoffs will NOT stand up for anything unless there is a selfie or a pack of chips thrown in

Jo Cox. The guy who killed her apparently sometimes visited a right wing web page. yeh. that must have been why he did it.

Reminder that all britcucks will be reported to their government for viewing illegal extremist material on Sup Forums. Prepare to go to jail and your women fucked by Achmed Jamal Mohamad

Correct, have you seen century of the self? I think it's clear how effective the work of Bernays and those that followed has been at controlling the populace with consumerism and marketing.

The first 2 parts are essential viewing user.

they didn't just include ISIS travel brochures you know, the wording is deliberately vague 'far right', which could literally mean anything from Mein Kampf to your skinhead neighbours selfies.

So ho do we stop them? We must come up with a plan to stop the "conservatives" from destroying Britain.

It's time to kill these people!

both parties have the same direction, there is no "conservative" party.


>so called conservatives pushing for punishment for viewing far right content but none for far left content
Really gets the nog joggin

we get lightning mcqueen to kachow them

At this point if you aren't lifting and training daily then you are worth nothing. 24/7 war against the whole system across national lines.

How can she even do this? I mean, terrorism is one thing, but isn't being far right a political belief? How can she propose laws to make certain political beliefs illegal?

Aren't political beliefs protected by the law?

>far left propaganda is alright
>anything even facing towards the right is considered extreme
>go to prison

>amber rudd = doppleganger assassin

The bill is designed for dealing with both types of extremism. However we both know which side will be actually enforced upon. While ANTIFA get free movement in the United Kingdom a bunch of LARPing right-wingers in Scotland who go hiking together get banned from being an organisation. It's really bizarre.

normally we are supposed to have the house of lords to keep shit like this from passing, but today its little more than a retirement home for Geriatric Politicians. The Queen is also supposed to btfo the government and call fresh elections if they overstep like this but same as above.

Should have got longer for being a pedo its disgusting.
And your cool lurking on Sup Forums just not being a larping nazi or posting dumb shit online

I want to know what her insides look like!

see this post>>

Funny thing is, the punishment for possessing CP (real CP of little kids, not drawings) is at max 3 years. Though the vast majority of people caught in possession of it get a slap on the wrist. Some people have been caught 2-3 times and still don't get prison time.

>It's really bizarre.
Nah not really, one side is useful idiocy that enforces and helps with the current establishment agenda and the other is in direct opposition.

Drawings are not real user and yes his fantasies may be disgusting and so on but drawings are not real people so to bend the law to consider them so is deeply troubling as it paves the way for even greater bending. Next up teen boy arrested for terrorism when found in public with drawing of machine gun.

Mail Online is the opposite direction, chucklehead.

Politicians push excuses for pedophiles while upstanding nationalists face 15 years in jail for standing up to the entire fucked up system based on genocide of our traditions, people, and histories. They want to erase us they don't care about children they rape children for fuck sake have we already forgotten pizzagate? These rats are all lining their pockets with big cash from the kiked multinational corporations that are leading the world into the next big "revolution" - the Automatic Revolution. Mass herd mentality in humans to easily erase and control them and slowly replace them with machines.

When will there finally be a European civil war?

Shits like that and her entire family must be hanged for the greater good.