Would you accept these new countries/borders ?


>unconnected borders
if italy has corsica why does russia still have kaliningrad?

med union

I would, if the Scandinavia had sorted themselves out.


Fuck Catalonia. If one economic recession is all the reason you need to abandon nearly a thousand years of unified nationalism as the Kingdom of Spain, you're degenerate scum.

Not all races/cultures deserve should have their own country. Think of the geopolitics, the things you do share culturally and historically.

Also Italy belongs in the EU more than France. And there is no good reason to expunge Denmark, since it is part of the greater landmass. England is optional.

>UK, EU.

who else will counter burgerstan and russia or china if not super european state

Depends on the implications.

I would rather include the Baltic countries as Nordic than Islam or neger, that's for sure.

>Hungary, Poland in
>Italy out
We are among the original founders and one of the most important net contributors to the EU and you cut as off because of Sup Forums memes

that's literally just the Third Reich

I'd be happy with the uk, Scandinavia, Germany, Finland, the Baltic's, Poland, Germany, Czech rep, and the netherlands

the rest of you can fuck off

oh, I would want the Germany to grow some fucking balls and elect some real politicians.

>Switzerland in the EU
Hell no!

>in a union with germany france and the UK
no thanks i don´t need niggers coming over here

I would, if feminism, homosexuality, excessive welfare, tax programs, immigration, liberal propaganda would be made illegal, banned and dicouraged. We don't have that in Latvia (starts to creep in though). Their economies and work ethic is good, though.

Jesus guys if you really wanna be part of a union just apply for statehood.

Out of fucking EU?
Where i sign?
ps: No Corsica, thanks.

Let's get the fuck out when we can.

>Not the Fourth Reich



the V4 nations part of the european union

fifth reich would be the first caliphate

slavs out.
North italians in.
Catalonians in.
Maybe austria or saxony out.

This map still shows the oder-neisse line, so no.

I'd accept this

We waiting for the EU to collapse so pic related can be implemented. The rest of Europe is irrelevant as it will get fucked and browned.

still have Scotland and N Ireland why?

No, fuck the EU.

kek pic implemented good one user

I like maps more like this.

makes me sad that euros are so desperate for power they give up their sovereignty just to be comparable with the big players. Europes rule is over, just die with dignity.

Eastern europeans can't do shit.
If you killed half the germans and anglos they'd still have more global power by far.
Even 20-90 million rapefugees wouldn't assrape western Europe to the levels eastern Europe is at.
Removing Kebab is admirable, but every union over that stretch of land has failed.
Eastern Europe is just snowy Africa.

It made it quicker in paint to keep Scotland. I'd be happy to drop them though.
Not keeping N. Ireland would likely lead to a lot of violence so I'd keep them just to stop pointless bloodshed

Don't act like you wouldn't want it too.

That pic is literally the future once the EU falls. There is no logical way to refute that.

Take France out of it and I am in.

No, fuck off globalist

Remove everything East of Germany as well as the British Isles from the EU and we're golden.

One heritage (Carolingian)
Two languages (French and German)
Two culture groups (Latin and Germanic)
It'll be hard, but not impossible, to fuse these two spheres into one identity. Unlike the current EU, which is downright incompatible. Maybe Italy and Catalonia can join as well, later on. Italy could help France become a greater Latin counterweight to Germanic Germany.

**2nd Caliphate.. or would it be the 3rd Caliphate if ISIS was the 2nd?

Explain this in a non-larpy way.


Baltics can NOT into nordics

Damn'it Hitler, why invade the USSR, you could have been comfy and just focused on the tasks at hand.

Thank god

Iceland with Britain?
I like it. That would make us the fastest expanding country in the world. An extra inch or two of territory every few years.

funny are you the magyar that keept saying how nice Hungary was to minorities?

The EU has seen the beginning of the end. Demographics, economics, and culture will doom it. The financial crisis exposed the weakness in the institutions of the EU and the new nationalism being expressed throughout the Eurozone is an example of how distinct those nations truly are. The notion of WW2 as Europe's last civil war is nonsense.

There was shitton claimants to the caliphate in 1400 years. At least ten major states.

Why is Iceland using the Canadian Nazi-knockoff?

Those are just the 1941 borders, when we'd occupied Iceland for the arctic convoys. We had no intention of hanging on to the place.

well its the first european caliphate there have been many caliphates before

Well fuck.
Might as well reset the counter then.

The 1st Super Caliphate


Balkanization of the world is the end redpill.
>More independent
>Culturally polar

>including France.

>even in an Union between 4 different countries Catalonia acts like a special snowflake

You make it sound like we aren't already on Burgerstan's team.

Hate to break it to you but our militaries and military industrial complexes are basically one and the same.

Oh right, that makes sense

Why do these maps give this much land to the Sami? They were never the majority in these areas.

>Miranda do Douro not independent

connected by sea, like most naval empires

France must be in the med union

for us

What's this meme on Sup Forums that the baltics are somehow similar to Nordic countries?
I was in latvia last summer and i do NOT want those people coming here


this looks like something an American would make

Kainuu stronk!

Nn, I meant explain all the forced "independences" Most of those territories would never leave on their on accord.

Well Hungary did not genocide its vlach population even though it had hundreds of years to do so, yet still no gratitude from Romanians
First of all, the area we are talking about is Central, not Eastern Europe you dumb burger. Central Europe has been a leader in technology, science, and military many times during Europe's history. Do not be so quick to discount them, for that is dangerously naive.


Wouldn't Sweden be part of the Reich? even Goebbles said we had no right to our country and that we are jewish on the inside.

Make the UK independent again and sure. I especially agree that Southern Europe needs to throw off the German yoke and focus on making the Mediterranean great again.

Why? I have been to Riga and the people there were blond and friendly.

Disconnect Finland from Sweden and I'm fine with it


I get the impression that they aspire to be like you

Pekka we are friends :/


oh it did not genocide us how kind of you we havent killed any of you yet either isnt that nice i guess that goes for kind treatment in magyar land well we did not kill you

You sound like someone who has never heard of eastern europe.

>3 points higher than fucking mexico
they are literal subhumans

France is still in

That's an actual map of Europe just prior to Operation Barbarossa, the Invasion of the USSR.
Sweden already provided Germany with the resources Germany needed and there was no real reason to attack Sweden in the short or medium term.
Göbbels always talked shit, anyway.

Dude its super kind. We are talking about the 13th century and shit, back then minorities were getting killed all over the place.
Besides, had there been a proper vote on secession, most Romanians would not have wanted to join Romania. They just wanted equal rights.

I'm pretty sure the real reason behind germany not invanding Sweden was because of Finland. We were basically best Friends and you would ruin your relationship with Finland by invading Sweden.

what is this in fyrom?

>average IQ 91
>world ranking 16
What the fuck

And now show the map before Molotov-Ribbentrol pact, germ.


Dont know?
I dont think about it much.
I just said i like maps like thease.
Gives real ideological boners.

he probably saw some r*ssian gopniks and shitty commieblocks and decided that is what latvians are like.

Fuck no.


There is lots of dumb people in the world

I was just outside of Riga, and it was the kindof place with commie blocks everywhere and everything looks like the cold war ended yesterday.
There was a small kiosk where we went to get smokes, and every time we were there there'd be atleast a couple guys coming in buying a bottle of vodka with coins.

My friend and I tried to order two "best selling" pizzas, and it took the guy two hours to deliver them when he said it would take one, he FORGOT one of them, and somehow in Latvia the most popular pizzas have entire pickles on them. Disqusting.

Also the girls really aren't as good looking as back home and many of them dressed like prostitutes though I'm pretty sure a good amount of them weren't.

the map at the time germans made a deal with the commies and had an alliance nice one

Gee,i wonder what will happen if a nationalist goverment takes over

>north italy out

That's even shittier, good job

What the fuck? Why on earth would we want those savages in the Baltic as countrymen?