Warmongers are cool now, it's the new fad
Warmongers are cool now, it's the new fad
>lefty acquaintances absolutely hate Bush, call him a war criminal and so on
>he makes a couple negative statements about Trump
>they love him now
You know, I find it more and more easy to understand how regimes managed to dehumanize whole subgroups of the population. It's like these people have no higher cognitive functions at all.
Three literal sociopaths and some faggot.
dude i killing foreign national leaders now
This fact, and Colbert turning applause into boos in 10 seconds, are the ones which turned me into an unironic fascist.
people are dumb
I know for a fact these people are lacking in cognitive functions because I've debated them myself. The basis of their beliefs is mostly their emotions which are easily manipulated.
These are "Intellectuals". University educated!
Reminder that Bush and Billy did nothing wrong.
someone photoshop the twin towers behind them
It's pretty hilarious hearing dems say how much they love McCain now when he's the same warhawk that he always has been.
>It's like these people have no higher cognitive functions at all.
The group-think operates on a very different level than the individual - they have been impressed with a life time of programming, their minds are mere rubber stamps of the controlled information they have digested.
someone had a great seat behind those fools to become heroes for a day
And Saddam and Gaddafi dead bodies
This is what lefties want to do to Trump so they can have their "American Spring".
>Bill Clinton
Gonna need to explain that one for me.
What is Serbia
what is Somalia
my sides
Maybe bombing the shit out of Yugoslavia?
>what are the nineties
"Educated" by who miss teen South Carolina 2007 ?
commie humanity professors
you gotta wonder, since Chelsea isnt his real daughter, how many times he has tired to fucked her
>turning applause into boos in 10 seconds
meh, selective audience
and they are sort of trained to react sometimes with direction
fucking tv man
They herded them with fear. Remember all the weird articles about explosions and planes and yellowstone and nukes and radiation leaks and everything else they threw out there? While that was going on they were telling them how dangerous trump and his voters are while antifa hit people with bikelocks and stabbed us. It forced them to take sides. They got shown where the power and violence is and they folded into it. Their brains are fried. It was a psy-op. They seized control.
...and they were taught to passionately hate as a way to virtue signal or they might end up branded a nazi. They dont even know ir happened
What's the band's name?
2 all time great presidents like Based Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama should not be hanging out with a right wing retard like Bush
Yet they do it anyway and there's nothing your graphs can do about it.
>virtue signal or they might end up branded a nazi
I think this is the most poignant thing. People will abandon common sense out of fear
I say it time and again but you have to give the elites some credit, they certainly understand the human condition at a level beyond most peoples grasp
You're not the real obama leaf, go get mulched commie larper.
>and they were taught to passionately hate as a way to virtue signal or they might end up branded a nazi.
Yeah, that one is pretty fucking bad, especially in Germany. I had lots of discussions with fence sitters who ended up agreeing with my point from a logical perspective, but then went
>But it's Nazi so I could never support it
It's just a mental blockade in their mind where even if they are capable of understanding that a certain approach is in their best interest, they'll still refuse to go along with it.
fucking kek