Schizophrenia - nope
Islam - nope
Political - nope
Hatred of America in general - nope
Hatred of Casinos - maybe
Gambling debts - maybe
Hatred of conservatives - maybe
Gambling addict craves ultimate stimulation/jackpot - maybe
Islam is still a maybe according to ISIS
it is not a hatred of casinos cos he didnt attack the casino itself
>Psych drugs mixed with hereditary psychosis, alcohol and early onset dementia
Noise pollution ?
I'm kinda hoping this turns out to be the motive. Country music is literal cancer.
empty life, retired w nothing to lose, secretive and keeps to himself, anhedonia, inspired by
news of mass shootings, hates people and wants to see how many he can kill, flipping off the world before he offs himself. the vics being country music fans is a coincidence.
>We made tracks to The Mandalay Bay Hotel
We got the elevator, I hit the 33rd floor
>Me and my monkey
With a dream and a gun
>I'm hoping my monkey don't point that gun at anyone
Trying to understand why he did what he did
>Why he did what he did
We had a room up top with the panoramic views like nothing you'd ever seen before
This was nothing other than a case of a person who owned lots of guns literally going crazy
'wants to see how many' isn't the right way to put it since he didn't live long enough to see
What is that movie that stars Michael Douglas as some autistic pencil pusher that finally snaps and starts killing people? seems more like that was the case.
people don't just go crazy when they're 64. he was clear-minded enough to plan, aim and to kill himself before the cops got there.
It would be a great motive
I wonder where that picture came from.
Faling Down
he certainly attacked all casino's bottom line for the next few years.
he could have wanted to inflict economic damage on the casino industry. An industry he apparently knew quite a bit about and was an enthusiastic participant/victim of.
Maybe he grew to totally despise casinos seeing them so intimately from the inside high roller perspective?
Maybe he had been looking at his collection of weapons for too long and finally wanted to test them properly.
Jason Aldean fucking sucks. His voice is annoying and all of his songs are boring.
he seemed pretty generous to his brother and girlfriend. though two divorces and no kids. then two mailorder asians.
sounds maybe a little like Elliott Rodgers Supreme Gentleman Scorned by Hot Blondes syndrome, with delayed onset
and he had an illness which was killing him. Was on the way out anyway
If he hated the casinos so much he would have lit the casino up killing a shit load in the process... It was not Gambling debts etc... It was not hatred of casinos etc.... think... Hatred of conservatives yes as there was a drek load of antifa material at his pad...
He was just a bitter boomer.
He was a self-righteous beta male with an ugly chink mistress. He hated white woman for not putting out even though he had money so he went full genocide on some normies.
It's the same shit as Elliot Rodger, except this time this board is infested with conspiritards trying to shill their retarded narrative.
Ban slot machines then.
Also if he had such a gambling problem? Where did he get $100,000 to wire to the Philippians?
Falling Down - he was going through a divorce, but hated immigrants and the rich golfers and just wanted to buy a gift for his daughter's birthday.
This guy was rich and had immigrant girlfriends, two divorces but no kids
Chances are it was the debts that finally got to him. If some of the theories here are true, he was simply being an arms dealer to pay off the debts he has.
How is any of this a motive?
Is the dementia why he kept bringing more and more rifles he didnt need up to the room until he had 19 of them?
yeah, I think this is likely.
after a long unhappy life wanting to destroy other's happiness
or some kind of brain lesion like that Texas tower shooter from the 60's had
He doesnt kill anyone, iirc.
yeah reminds me of Elliott Rodger too
his two previous divorces probably hold a clue, though the two exes have not talked so far apparently
Maybe he just wanted to inspire other shooters on how to do it right. And of course, to impress that sweet Asian poon one last time for the ultimate rampage fuck after a casual rampage.
the neo-nazi
haha, got me thinking, he kills the nazi in the surplus store, remember? i think that's the only one.
'you're gonna like that faggot ... give it to me, give it to me ... my god ... that's not one of mine'
>race mixing millionaire shoots up rednecks
he had no kids, lots of young people at concert of an age to be his kids, hmmm
Not even because he was a Nazi, but because the Nazi kept saying "WE'RE THE SAME YOU AND I, WE'RE THE SAME! I CAN TELL."
He took offense to be characterized as something other than a man who just wanted to go home.
>hoping this turns out to be the motive. Country music is literal cancer.
It could be what people have been looking for to unite the nation. Everyone hates that shit-kicker, goatfucker, country music hillbilly crap
>Schizophrenia - nope
he brother said he didn't have many friends and the he was quirky
fucking boomers ruining everything
This "mass casualty event" did not even happen. Not one video depicts someone getting shot. There were 22000 camera phones at the event.
The only video of "casualties" is some autist running around the a field calling for emt's and saying weird stuff.
The "bodies" in the video appear to have no visible wounds despite what looks like blood, although lighter in color than real blood.
The "victims" also appear to have fallen in comfortable positions, even in a couples embrace. Bodies look twisted and awkward when they sustain real wounds.
This whole thing wreaks of the gayest aids ever invented.
Why was Stephan running guns out of a Las Vegas hotel?
Why didn't he have proper backup?
> what the literal fuck over
I have no issue with the country shit kicking lifestyle, they just make extremely terrible music.
I think it was the BBC where I just read about how he'd transferred something like 80k to that woman who was abroad, so i very much doubt it was that. Besides I can't see the end result of debt is a mass shooting, it's too impersonal.
He had a genetic predisposition to psychopathy from his father
uk is five hours ahead bbc is 2 days behind.
>Political - nope
you're not burying it
>All the anons hating country music ITT:
there are going to be shit tons of country music songs about this shooting... patriotic sappy top40 country music songs
>screencap this
Checked Satan
Fuck off CIA nigger
Of course there will be. Country musicians are like vultures that exploit patriotism to sell records. Remember all that shit during 9/11? Shove your fake prediction up your ass, nobody's impressed.
>lefty friends keep posting that one video of the guy saying we shouldnt have any gun regulations as proof that gun ownership is bad
>get obliterated a couple hours by the same people for doing it with far left personalities and them talking about modern segregation
Also I don't have any solid sources but what are some good reasons for why australian gun reclamation works but it wouldnt work in america. what are yalls opinions on it and please provide sources. Im curious.
>hatred of casinos
so why not shoot up the casino lobby and kill the floor manager and a bunch of dealers....why shoot at a concert. not buying it
>Political - nope
>Hatred of conservatives - maybe
when all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like nail
>Political - nope
>Hatred of conservatives - maybe
>Not Fear and Reloading
>nine elebin nine elebin on nine eleebiiin
yea but just singing in some southern accent isnt enough. the story has to stay relevant in the news for a entire month. thats hard
reminder that the only reason you hate it is because you've been conditioned to hate it by marketing. It's so obvious too because whenever the media happens to use a country song in a way that isn't negative you have thousands of dipshits saying the exact same thing
>wow I really hate country but this particular song is pretty cool
see gta V and how everyone all of the sudden every millennial dipshit developed an appreciation for Waylon Jennings overnight
Having amassed more wealth than most could spend in a hundred lifetimes, Paddock had indulged in all the exquisite pleasures existence could offer. He had tasted the finest cuisine, watched the sunset over the African Savannah, laid with the most beautiful lady boys in Taiwan, and even once had front row seats for Celine Dions third farewell tour. Yet... Only two experiences still alluded him.
Like any fool with more money than sense, he over planned. Twenty Three guns was what he paid Pablo to slowly carry to his penthouse accommodations in the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino. Three trips from the rental porsche to the 32nd floor. It was a lot of work for the minimum wage migrant worker; but just like manual labor, reloading was for peasants. With this much hardware, he could shoot for almost an hour and half nonstop. An extra two dollar tip ensued Pablo's silence.
Finally... the day had come. Soon, he would know what it was like to hunt the most dangerous game. They did not hear the glass shattering, but what they heard next would never be forgotten. Like a Porky Pig impersonation performed by god almighty himself, thousands of little stuttering thunder bolts blazed holes through the flesh of his prey.
Alas... after more than an hour of pure orgasmic bliss, and not unlike his shriveled penis in 1987, the last rifle had run dry.
But rejoice! For There was yet one experience yet to be had!
Paddock waited patiently for the police to arrive. Far too late for the work they were assigned, our connoisseur of tiny brown asian trolls had one job left for the men in blue. As the door of the pent house room was kicked open, Paddock smiled one last time. The grin of a job well done, and a life well lived.
Then his head exploded. And he pooped himself. Because that's what happens when you die. Look it up.
I just think it would be funny.
Pic related shot some kids because she "didn't like mondays"
One of my best friends lost someone very close to them.
Kys faggot.
mainstream media has been pushing for race war dudes, thats what the establishment wants, its what THEY want
so any motive was hidden or it was fake from the start and not designed to have any motive beyond "he's white"
the numbers confirm
look at how the media bates whites against blacks with and blacks against whites with the blm and the cop killings and talking about race all day every day race race race
the establishment wants a race war and so they have to set us against each other
Nothing sets off a race war like a white man killing white people.
Starting to look like the guy just hated country music. Fucking blasting outside his hotel
Cant blame him really
>Religious - nope
>Married to Abu Sayyaf wife, prompting $100k money wire to Philippines prior to killing conservative Americans - maybe
It was the cia. Stop shilling you spook faggot.
blown the fuck out.
His wife is Abu Sayyaf you beautiful autists!!
So how exactly did they credit him? Like specifically what did they say? Did they call him by name?
He wrote a note giving his reasons, it's in one of the daily mail pics of the hotel suite pics but the cops haven't released it.
We all know the motive for these shootings: to beat the current highscore and become infamous.
He was an arms dealer but they cant tell us that.,
They cant say his motive is linked to Antifa because that would start a civil war.
They cant say he was radicalized by Islam either because the Fake News wont report on that.
So they have no idea what Motive to come up with.
He is just a mad guy with gambling debts right?
But his brother said he had alot of money.
His first target was a different music festival but he couldn't get a suite booked so he waited for the next one. He just wanted a lot of people to kill didn't care what festival it was
The gambling "problem" meme came from reports that he regularly gambled $10k+ in a weekend; the assumption being he couldn't afford that. This came out before it was revealed he was a relatively wealthy guy and could probably afford it.
Weren't long ago
A little strip we knew so well
Nation of christians
Brothers and sisters
Brought down in a bullet hail
Based post confirms
He may have checked in as two (him and His Girlfriend) to get more perks from the Hotel. Casino hotels give free stuff to frequent costumers, That might be why he had fer ID. I know he didn't need it, but old habits are hard to drop. I am still betting he is a deranged Liberal all rampped up by the Mainstream media consent attacks on trump. His gun buying spree started in October and increased in January. he targeted A country Music concert that the media is calling Trump supporters.
>Motive - reason for banning guns (done and recruited by CIA)
Herostratic Fame"
>millions of dollars
>"lol let me save a few bucks on this $40 bill. Nevermind that I've ordered enough food for two"
>"oh boy i hope carrying a 2nd ID for someone who isn't here with me doesn't get me in unnecessary legal trouble"
I fucking hate you shills so much.
Wow, that song... talks about Mandala Bay ... and guns. Nice find.
My dad's friend who works at Nintendo, brother's uncle's sister got shot so fuck off nigger.
It really wouldn't make much sense for some rich old white guy to convert to islam though. It only seems to be edgy teens and retarded women who do that.
Paddock was a spook.
Daily reminder this thread was up last night.
>"Arms Deal gone wrong" was a cover for something else much bigger
You are dumb
Go back to Sup Forums
Wasting people's time
He was a Left wing Terrorist, the authorities can't let that get out because they are all tools in the push for a new world order.
The guardian newspaper are reporting he was prescribed Diazepam in June.
This is supposed to chill you out not make you psycho
The note is him saying he's a Left wing Terrorist