Who had anti-depressants?

who had anti-depressants?

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heres the source

anti-anxeity meds...
do not use in case of
>psychosis(runs in family from his father)

dude, probably drank ALOT too.

Please be fucking true.

The whole mental health scapegoat conservatives use is about to bite us all in the ass. Say goodbye to your guns if you've ever been on medications for literally any mental ailment.

>tfw on Prozac like the rest of the US
Uh oh

It's the medications doing it, not the anxiety

People had anxiety for millions of years, spree shootings didn't become common until the eighties

Don't have "mental ailments" faggot. It isn't hard, just put your goddamn big boy pants on and cowboy up.

Lmao pretty sure valium isnt making anyone do anything other than sleep

Valium is a very nice substance. I want to hurt things when I'm sober, but on valium I feel calm and content with life


/k/ called me paranoid and dumb for avoiding psychiatrists for this very reason.
Now let's see who is laughing, future noguns.

Don't want to start a new thread, do you think there might be some truth to that:

>the official narrative that claims Stephen Paddock — a retired, 64-year-old accountant with absolutely no firearms training, no gun experience and no physical stamina — was somehow able to expertly wield a highly complex (and physically demanding) weapon system for 10 sustained minutes is total nonsense.

>Even highly trained Navy Seals would have a difficult time running a full auto weapon for 10 minutes straight. Such weapon systems are brutal on the operator. They require tremendous strength, stamina and expert troubleshooting to keep running. Full-auto weapons overheat and jam. They demand incredible strength to keep aimed on target. They require expert reloading and weapons clearing in the case of jams, and the hotel room would have been so full of smoke and powder residue that it would be almost impossible to keep breathing from that enclosed space.


Nontraditional domain names are as much of an affront to God as nontraditional marriage.

>They require tremendous strength, stamina and expert troubleshooting to keep running
Bipods, supposedly he made wooden stands as well.
>Full-auto weapons overheat and jam.
He had 23 guns. Mostly handguns but you see at least 6 rifles in the pictures.
>They demand incredible strength to keep aimed on target.
Also only hit ~500 in a crowd of 22,000. Less if those trampled were counted as wounded.
>the hotel room would have been so full of smoke and powder residue that it would be almost impossible to keep breathing from that enclosed space
This I can't say for certain, but he had blown out two windows and hotel rooms need to have enough ventilation regardless.

Doesn't seem like an impossible task to me.

A complete non issue that only triggers you because of your latent, high functioning autism?

I've been on anti-anxiety meds, they don't make you want to shoot people

enjoy your mental breakdown, loony.

I read that as Strip shooter. What would that be like?

a symptom of everything thats wrong with the world and the left's complete lack of morality.

The dude probably just gambled too much and blamed Las Vegas instead of going to get help. Just because he was successful doesn't mean he can't lose it all to stupid habits he can't keep under control.

Go be spooked somewhere else, moralfag

Every hit, they have to take off an article of clothing

When they're naked, they have to stick the muzzle up their ass and pull the trigger with their toe

The meme that anti-depressants somehow cause people to go on killing sprees, even though tens of millions of Americans are prescribed them and the largest demographic taking them are middle women, refer to a category of drugs called SSRIs.

The drug in the OP is a benzodiazepine. Not the same thing.

>Less if those trampled were counted as wounded.

They are counted among the wounded.

*middle aged women

You obviously have no idea how schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or early onset of the latter two affect the human brain.

Gambling should be illegal anyway.

This is the most retarded argument I've ever heard about this thing.
>the official narrative that claims Stephen Paddock — a retired, 64-year-old accountant with absolutely no firearms training, no gun experience and no physical stamina
Chances are he fired guns before many times.

>was somehow able to expertly wield a highly complex (and physically demanding) weapon system for 10 sustained minutes is total nonsense.
Holy shit this is so retarded where do I begin? 1. bump fire is not that hard if you do it a couple of times
2.Nothing about the fire was sustained. He took constant long pauses which means he was reloading, getting tired or fixing jams that come from shooting bump fired (or just switching guns
3.Nothing about what he did was "expertly done." he fired thousands of rounds into a crowd of thousands of people and got 50 kills, that's not that much.

I've watched faggots on youtube shoot fully autos for similar periods of time, it's not like this guy was going for accuracy either.

Now Martin Bryant, that was some questionable shit, close quarters, double taps, lots of headshots, expert mag changes, fall back weapons stashed ahead of time......all from a literal retard who couldn't even use a .22 properly? Yeah nah.

I could barely read, I just stared out the window.

I would be a fan of having therapists and psychiatrists report that you are a danger to yourself and others (and having access to guns removed), and have that declaration be subject to an appeal by an independent board every 3 years.

>muh Martin Bryant!
He shot a bunch of people point blank. Yeah there were a lot of headshots, that's really the only questionable part, but again it was point blank.

The odds were slim that it would be as bad as it was, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have happened, quite the opposite.

He was an angry guy. He used to shoot dogs with an air rifle and he probably killed his dad too.

Not if they want people actually speaking to mental healthcare professionals, they won't. That stigma that people with mental health issues are violent sucks hind titty, especially when they are way more likely to direct any violence inward.

Also, planning this shit out weeks if not months in advance, hooking up cameras, and buying equipment over a long term are not hallmarks of someone who just up and 'snaps'.

I went to a therapist when I went on anti-anxiety drugs a few years back, she encouraged me to go shooting more because it's something I enjoy

Then again, this is Texas

shooting=/=danger to others

There are some people brought by police or highschools to ERs for homicidal ideation. Those fuckers should lose some privileges

The Review Journal claims their information came from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program. Every state has a PMP, but the only people allowed to access them are physicians/pharmacists/dentists, meaning someone with access (not necessarily his doctor) looked up Paddock and disclosed that information to the Journal.
>inb4 fuck his rights
Not the point. In the future, anyone in healthcare could access these databases on behalf of anyone who wants to know about you. If you have ever answered yes to owning guns on any document or you've told your doctor, or you're just known as someone who owns guns, a dental assistant at your regular place could look you up and give out your prescription history to anyone. These days that could very well be enough to start an investigation or get your house raided, even if you don't have mental problems.

>He shot a bunch of people point blank. Yeah there were a lot of headshots, that's really the only questionable part, but again it was point blank.

He shot a bunch of people in a crowded cafe that would have been absolute chaos, that's accurately hitting moving targets semi-automatic fire with virtually nothing in the way of missed shots in a very small span of time.

That's absolutely not the sort of shooting i'd expect from a raging fucktard with zero experience with anything larger than an air rifle.

That would ruin wallstreet

Buddy had enough cash to transfer 100k to the Philippines. Should have spent it on more guns but that's just me

This is mind blowingly retarded, even by conspiracy theorist standards. His entire argument is BTFO by the fact that malnourished pre-teen child soldiers manage to easily do all of the shit he's claiming would be impossible on a regular basis.

Why do you presume he had zero experience? He owned guns, he bought a bunch of them over a period of a couple years.

Is it really that much of a leap to suggest he fired the guns we know he owned?

Fake news sites and con artists glom onto the newer nontraditional tlds because they are cheap as fuck and they cycle through them like candy once found out.

And to top it all off, this domain is registered through Domains By Proxy, which is used to hide just about every shady website owner ever.


Trust me, I work in antiabuse at an email marketing platform, I see this shit every fucking day. This site looks like every clickbait rumor mill designed to sell ad impressions and nothing more. Just look at all the random supplement ads all over the thing. I can't trust this site. They source NY Daily News for fuck's sake.

>Why do you presume he had zero experience?

Because literally every account of him using guns prior pointed clearly to him being fucking useless with them.

If you're too lazy to have read up on the whole ordeal i'll happily set about doing your homework for you, but I really couldn't be fucked for the sake of setting one user straight who barely seems to have a tertiary understanding of the events.

>This I can't say for certain, but he had blown out two windows and hotel rooms need to have enough ventilation regardless.

They don't have an indoor range's HVAC in every room, that I can assure you. They found his room from a broken window alarm and the smoke detector.

Good because those medications are additive anyway.

>especially when they are way more likely to direct any violence inward
Considering the statistics about gun suicide rate you are right. We shouldn't be protecting people from shooting others we should be protecting them from shooting themselves. Oh wait same solution to two different problems. How efficient.

>I'd happily provide sources
>...but I won't
loving every laugh, stay homeslice

Wow, this guy must have been wearing a ton of layers

>people seriously think valium is a crazy conspiracy or makes you insane

almost anyone over 50 has been prescribed it at least once

>Is it really that much of a leap to suggest he fired the guns we know he owned?

>guns we know he owned?

You mean the illegally purchased SLR that materialized out of fucking nowhere on the day of the shootings, or the AR15 that was handed into Police to be destroyed months PRIOR to the events of Port Arthur, but again magically materialized on the day of the shootings?

Man, Ben always hits the nail right on the head.

He was a patsy the poor retard. A NSW cop saw the shooter and said it wasn't him. But as there was no trial. The truth was never told. How convenient for the government and it's gun grab.

>shoots dogs
there is your answer bvious atf agent

I don't think he did it, but not for that reason. I looked very closely at some of the pictures and determined it was extremely unlikely that his body and that revolver could have just landed where they did. Then there's that container of ammonium nitrate in his car and ISIS claiming responsibility.

This is why I've never gone to the doctor or whatever for my anxiety. I'd rather be an anxious fuck with guns, than a non-anxious fuck with nogunz

>I looked very closely at some of the pictures and determined it was extremely unlikely that his body and that revolver could have just landed where they did.

You should have probably spent more time reading reports or using your head.

The revolver was found in his hand, on his chest, as the police swept the room they moved the weapon away from him as per standard police procedure.

There's plenty of fishy shit going on, but his suicide/death is honestly the least of it.

iam askin cuz media goin nutz
>did he REALLY use machineguns?


He was a gun runner guys, he knew everything about guns
>Multi-millionaire from accountant salary?
come on
>He owned planes
>Massive fucking stockpile
>Would leave the country weeks at a time using his plane
>Brother admits he shot guns all the time and knew what mods he used
>Brother basically admitted they were both arm dealers

How do you glow in the dark like that?

Fucking cheater is what he was

You know that for a accountant, it's very possible to be able to buy these things. Because being an accountant means you are good with your own money and other peoples...

Doesn't diazepam also make you shoot better, at least if MGS is to be believed?

I used to be on anti-anxiety meds, they would zone me out and I hated how it made me feel. I didn't really care about much of anything.
I eventually refused to take them and for years afterwards it felt like I was being stabbed by needles all over my body.
I talked to the doctor about that and he said that I should have slowly taken myself off my prescription.

I could see how someone who may have a grey area on killing, then taking these medications and that taking them to action, either suicide or murders.

it's used as an anti seizure drug sometimes

It's a very mild muscle relaxer. To put it simply it makes you happy and relaxed. No the drug didn't make him do it and I'm sure it didn't make him a better shooter.

>being prescribed mere anti-anxiety drugs could now get you put on the no-no list for buying guns

And that would range from sprained ankles, lacerations from broken glass and fence hopping, having some bitch step on you with her heels etc.

>having some bitch step on you with her heels etc.
that's dangerous as fuck.

>but his suicide/death is honestly the least of it.
because frankly, its SOP. tie up loose ends.

i did.

Im in Autria/europe so not really relevant for guns but anyways.

AD´s are a real help and literally saved me.
The problem is, that AD´s are only a bandaid, wich will stop the bleeding, but wont protect you from harm.

Without proper psych. treatment even the best AD´s only get you "so" far.

I got something called selective serotonine re-something something.

were nice and i really felt a difference, now i am without anymore, and even have forgot how everything really felt, helped a lot.

But without proper treatment AD´s dont do much.

They do if you have certain conditions. It can exacerbate mental health issues like depression and kick start full on psychosis.

His wealth was not from accounting. Ye had a lucrative real estate business co owned with a brother. That is the main source or his financial wealth

All spree shooters are on meds. Also, is there any chance this guy was an arms dealer?

His girlfriend is the shady one. Affiliated with the CIA in the 70s, two SSNS, etc

defend your claims

audible, sustained kek

>Even highly trained Navy Seals would have a difficult time running a full auto weapon for 10 minutes straight. Such weapon systems are brutal on the operator. They require tremendous strength, stamina and expert troubleshooting to keep running. Full-auto weapons overheat and jam. They demand incredible strength to keep aimed on target. They require expert reloading and weapons clearing in the case of jams, and the hotel room would have been so full of smoke and powder residue that it would be almost impossible to keep breathing from that enclosed space.

Where does this bullshit come from?

The source for him having no firearm experience is his brother, who quite obviously didn't have a fucking clue what was going on in his brother's life and is lying his ass off to the media.

He says the guy didn't own any guns besides a pistol and maybe a rifle. Neighbors say that they saw a big ass gun safe in his garage a few times.
He says that his brother was a laid back guy, didn't really care about anything, then says that he would carry around a cigar to blow smoke in people's faces because he hated the smell of cigarette smoke.

It disturbs me not only how they find this stuff out that is *supposedly* highly "confidential" but also their willingness to make it public.

They don't make YOU want to shoot people. I was taking an ssri (citalopram) and it gave me some fucked up thoughts about dying and killing other people.



Stop dancing sround this shit. Tell us what we already know... the guy was a leftist loon trying to kill conservatives and he loaded his room with meme guns to turn it into a gun control debate.

>being on any sort of mental health medications
What does it feel like going through life unnaturally? That if you lived like our ancestors did, you would die very very quickly? To be a pathetic shadow of what once was?

Oh no even more libs won't be able to buy guns. Whatever shall I do.
What you'll see is people becoming less likely to talk to therapists and use antidepressants, it won't stop shit

You need anti-psychotics if you honestly believe this shit.

>you need meds if you listen to reports or look at images of the scene

>every mass shooting is political

I wonder where you are getting this 100% certainty from. Probably not from logic or evidence. This guy was a highly driven multimillionaire who liked to live in desert suburbs. That's not the typical profile of an anti-gun leftist extremist.

Are you implying that this well planned attack wasn't political in any way?

Are you retarded? You think he brought up 23 guns into room on accident? This was a huge political statement.

Let me guess, you think Sandy Hook was a hoax?

>Not posting the unedited version

Because context. Take your brigade and above it.

Because your ass said so, you mean.

>You think he brought up 23 guns into room on accident?
omg guys he's on to something.

I mean, a side effect is literally "Can cause paranoid or suicidal ideation and impair memory, judgment, and coordination." Bad judgement and suicidal ideation can make you do some stupid shit, or at least I assume... it's whatever though. I don't claim to be a doctor either, it's just what google told me. :P

no kids and most likely spent afternoons drinking at bars alone.

Why should suicide be discouraged? Think about it.

Everyone dies. Does the state own your body? An early death is less tax money spent on care.

If suicide is mentally ill, that's hopeless so suicide is wise.

If suicide is physically fucked with zero hope (my future situation but I won't use a gun) then life becomes pointless suffering and suicide is wise.

If suicide is due to temp butthurt, so what? Humans are designed to die and be replaced. We all die. Early doesn't matter.

>32nd floor
>23 guns

Maybe. Certainly would help to relax in high stress situations

Nah senpai, only actual thing he had that the media be freakin out about be the slide fire stock.

I mean, the thing is just a "haha funny range toy", and apparently this guy thought it would have an appreciable effect on his goal. Realistically, putting your finger straight through the trigger guard and slam jamming it back and forth would have gotten the same results with a reduced chance of hammer follows.

I doubt we'll be seeing a ban on slide fire stocks, just because of how simple in principle they are. Thingy slide back from shooty, you push forward which pushes trigger back into finger. It's hard to convince somebody who's never picked up a phillips screw driver before that making and installing an auto sear that trips when the bolt goes into battery and releases the hammer while the disconnector is disengaged, is easy to do.

There's too many technical terms you must use to properly describe it for a legislator to understand about a topic they only understand the surface of, which makes them think a regular person wouldn't be able to do it, so banning them would have a real world effect. Just ban manufacture of open bolt guns, and anything you don't make yourself won't be worth the effort of converting since they don't understand how easy it really is due to the technical terms needed to explain it.

You can't do that with the slide fire stock. Even if they're completely out of the loop, they can understand that any regular joe could make a cap to hold the safety spring and detent on an AR, and link the pistol grip together to slide back and forth together. (Sorry if you don't find this, as it was moved to pol)

benzos are smalltime