a few hours ago
>at restaurant
>having dinner with my gf and her ex-boyfriend
>table of baby boomers next to us
>for 2-3 hours they've been talking about absolute marxist degenerate hippie era crap
>they're also incredibly rude to the service staff
>start talking about how lazy young people are and how the waiter should have a real career by now
>"at your age I owned 2 houses"
>at this point I snap, stand up and yell "yeah well you fuckheads fucked our fucking economy up you fukin fucks"
>Whole reastraunt stares and people start laughing at me
>I have nothing else to say, no evidence or facts to back up my argument so I literally ran out of the restaurant. GF and her ex were both pissed that I ruined our night.
>Basically fuck boomers
A few hours ago
But you're from New Zealand.
you gave up the boipucci to quickly, Bobby Bouche.
You gotta...tease the pucci, first. Maybe, get your butt did. Next thing you know, profit.
I hate boomers as much as anyone but...
Why are you having dinner with your girlfriend and her ex boyfriend?
And that's how your girlfriend ended up back with her ex.
What the fuck are you doing letting them hang out?
>>having dinner with my gf and her ex-boyfriend
>>and her ex-boyfriend
>> her ex-boyfriend
>> ex-boyfriend
What's wtrong with you?
>at restaurant
>having dinner with my gf and her ex-boyfriend
Stopped reading there...what a cuck....
And fuck your shitty 'gif', too.
>gf and her ex bf
Type Sage in both fields this is bait thread by shills
500 for things that never happened.
>allowing your gf to see her ex and actively participating in it.
You are an actual cuck
Fritz is right. Who the fuck does this shit?
Unironically- our boomers are just as bad as your's. They inherited a non war damaged first world white nation and shat on it for short term gain. Average house pricecs in my city are 720,000 usd.
>having dinner with my gf and her ex-boyfriend
>my gf and her ex-boyfriend
I stop reading here
You sound like such a cuck.
>with my gf and her ex-boyfriend
why? fucking sage just stay on topic.
You pukes sound like liberals with your boomer age obsession.
You faggots act like you would have behaved differently in their shoes.
MKUltra cuck
>with my gf and her ex-boyfriend
This has to be bait.
>a fucking kiwi
>mfw i actually let my gf go to dinner with her ex and one of his friends once
i realized my mistake that night and went to his house to get her, and lo and behold when i got there, she was absolutely hammered
it taught me one thing, Sup Forums was right again
>having dinner with my gf and her ex-boyfriend
"HURR KEK HUHUHU" this sort of social stuff is common as hell if aged >30
why the fuck are you meeting your gfs ex bf? why is this generation so fucking degenerate.
>this sort of social stuff is common as hell if aged >30
I'm 29, it's not.
Is that what you cucks tell yourself to justify it? Top lel
Also, you're over 30 and don't own a property? user, you need to become the jew because right now you're on the wrong side of that.
All property in NZ is owned by the Chinese.
ho ho
I'm 27. I don't own a property because of boomers inflating the prices and selling to chink faced yellow subhumans.
yeah I'm wondering the same thing, OP is a certified cuck.
>having dinner with my gf and her ex-boyfriend
no one aged under 50 owns propert here. dead fucking serious.
>Average house pricecs in my city are 720,000 usd.
>and then everyone clapped
sage sage
That's because you are a bunch of greedy fucks, selling every bit to the gooks and inflating the prizes.
hence my hatred of boomers, correct. The housing market here is now rental only. the chinks come here and rent tour buses to go around open homes. they then buy them and never visit nz again, just receive their weekly rental payment.
So no on should sell anything unless it is approved by some fag committee?
Boo hoo some people are investing.
Why don't you do the same?
Did your gf and her ex's son join you guys?
>Area full of large 4000+ sq ft houses
>Boomers start downsizing, hope to grab one cheap since they all will leave at once
>Instead keep them as summer homes/reverse mortgage them, prices actually go up
So yes you actually think there should be a committee, fuck off commie faggot.