Neo-Communist craphole or hidden paradise?

So who the hell are these people? Russians? Poles? Their own thing?

Is Belarus the last true dictatorship in Europe?

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leave them alone.

Literally a Russian puppet state

A decendets of Russian people that lived under Polish/Lithuanian rule, and become kinda polonized. But then partition happened, and they are sort of in the middle.

Ethnically they are the closest people to us Poles. They are our former brothers in arms.

its Russia lite

Poland wuz colonizas too nigger

Vassal of Russia. Soon to be reenveloped by Putin and the Soviet Dream followed by the consumption of the Baltic states.

they have nothing in common with pooland you retards

What people from this country look like?


You mean like Canada?

Their leader is very wise as well

Oh, so you're a belarus specialist? Tell me how you see their history then

They are Lithuanians, speaking a Russian dialect

They aren't Lithuanians. Some of their nationalists say that medieval Lithuania was a mostly Belarusian state with Lithuanian princes (which is kind of true) but even those guys don't pretend to be Balts.

They are hiding the bitter truth, Belarusians are as Slavic as Poles.

Nigga who is actually a slav in your world?

Russians and Ukrainians are Slavic and I'm not talking about the Tatars or minorities.

But they are almost genetically identical

>So who the hell are these people?
White Russians
>Is Belarus the last true dictatorship in Europe?
European North Korea

Fuck off, we're full.

>genetic research shows that ethnicities closest to Belarusians are Central Russians and Poles
>historic evidence shows that Belarusians never spoke Lithuanian
>they must be Lithuanian because I imagined it in my head
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother arguing with flaggots.

they are full, leave them alone.

I agree with Vlad


they're too pure for this world

Do you look like a pole?



Our adopted and then separated brothers, sorts of.