It's almost as if they're pushing all white men to go out and kill

It's almost as if they're pushing all white men to go out and kill.

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Well, we have to catch up to the niggers somehow.

1 in 5 black men are in prison for murder

that figure for white people is 1 in 300,000


White man killing without motive is not terror. Do your worst!

Yes! Go out like warriors! You do you (in).

>demonize them every single day in the medias despite the fact they built everything and still pay for everything

Haha, can't wait to see the USA to explode, it will be the most savage civil war since the religious wars of the XVIth century.

White men? Havent like 700 people been killed by niggers in chicago this year.

ive seen several articles like this on different news sites. its incredible how acceptable its become to be openly anti white in the mainstream media. they dont even have to use code language anymore

CNN sounds like they're begging to be next.

war between who?


oh... so all that outrage i've been hearing is actually acceptance. my mistake.

Nah this will all blow over soon.

What's the alternative? Heavily medicating all white men? I don't understand what the point of this article is. People being pissed off doesn't mean those people need to be punished, it means the system isn't serving them.

>It's okay for white men to kill random people because people say "Happy Holidays" to them
All white men should be exterminated like the vermin they are.

"gee what can I say to make CNN's channeling of the spirit of the radio television libre des milles collines and it's exhortation of the future majority to be ready to rid itself of those poised to be the Tutsi cockroaches of the modern era seem less reprehensible and more reasonable? ... I know!"

may OP choke upon an endless avalanche of dog dicks. hamfisted DARVO bullshit. it's not white men they're pushing to go out and kill

OP is trying to lend credence to the essential message of CNN's abhorrent headline: that white people are violent, evil vermin that need to be stopped (by any means necessary)

why the fuck are you people even still watching them at this point??! why hasn't anyone called for even a boycott or anything switch the fucking TV/newsfeed off for once!!

Not white men, white leftists. Know the difference.

You're far worse.

you stupid goys don't need guns

>"how america has put up with niggers contributing nothing to society for 200 years"

This is unfucking real. Open racism being peddled by one of the largest media corps in the world. God, the whole system is rotten to the core. Just imagine if you replaced "white" with any other ethnicity.


Nothing to see here

save a life
kill a journalists.

Feelin' frogy? then Jump!


Jesus christ, what a stupid teenager thing to say.

I'm too busy raping and oppressing and enjoying dat privilege

Company says racism is bad and needs to be stopped. Posts racist articles every day.