Anarcho-Capitalism vs. Communism

Right vs. Left
Anarcho-Capitalism vs. Communism
Libertarianism vs. Socialism
Or a centrist approach.

Which one is best?

Other urls found in this thread:

Being neutral & getting all the gold afterwards

>mountain kike

Just gonna drop this one here.

>Which one is best?
It doesnt matter which one is the "best".
It matters who has the better arguments.

And I personally dont care about AnComs. As long as they dont fuck with my private property in a free society they can try and establish their communism on their own property.

>there is no spectrum
There most certainly is, and all Stirner Egoists are on it.

Yes they are.

Fuck Max Stirner. Postmodern nihilistic scum.

Anything "anarcho" is shit.
Kill both.

If we search through history can we find an instance of communism that ended well/is still working?

Yep his nihilistic parts are dumb.

But still better than your anarch cancer.


>ancap on the left
>communist on the right

Mate you are doing this wrong

How does anarco communism even work? People voluntarily chare?

kek this

Its just a bunch of pikeys wanting to pikey off everyone elses work while they do some pseudo-hippy bullshit job like "pets companion"



Pictured: Anarcho-oxymoron and Anarchism (not communism)

Okay - thanks Latvia - we get it - you need a parent to parent you even though you are an adult - okay - thanks - we get it

Ancap but anything is better than gommunism.

Anarchy is incompatible with anything else, as it is against all orders and systems.

Its looking after your self an being self-reliant and self-dependent - which we are all doing anyway. Its YOU knowing right from wrong rather than needing a government to tell you.

Its the ultimate in living since you are responsible for your actions. "Reality" still applies - like common law still applies. You can't just go on a murder-robbery spree because "there are no rules" such actions impede the rights of others - thats not Anarchy.

Anarcho-Communism is an oxymoron. They are too stupid to breathe & mutilate cats that look like Hitler.

anarcho-4chanism is the only nonpleb philosophy

Anarcho-Capitalists are brothers in arms, we burn the rest.
>we'll work out a separation/land agreement after the cleansing is over
>McNukeistan™ would be a better neighbor than Mexico or Canada tbqh

This is why I don't identify with anarcho-capitalism. I certainly agree with principles of private property rights, non-aggression, and free markets, but I don't really think that's "anarchic" in any way.

It's more monarchical than anarchical, really.


anarchism itself is paradoxical
in order to maintain "no system" it's required you have a system constantly maintaining the reduction of hierarchies and systems
anarchists are generally retards.

What happened to /lrg/?

stirner is in the center on the x axis, -10 on the y axis, stop with this meme, stirner can be placed even if the compass is a spook

The one that WORKS is capitalism. We have yet to sufficiently test stateless capitalism, but throughout history, and especially recent history, the vastest, most comprehensive, most profound increases in quality of life and societal stability happened under relatively minarchist capitalist societies.

The most suffering, starvation, mass death, and political purging happened under those chasing the utopian dream of communism, which will never be reached for various reasons both theoretical and empirical (basic economic laws, lack of an ideal politics, various fallacious Marxian axioms, etc.).

The one that allows the others to exist is the best one.

/lrg/ threads were never continuously up, but i haven't seen one in forever

i hate both and rather have a totalitarian government but i rather stay with an ancap, he got cool big boy nukes

Radical european centrism.

Traditon based Libertarianism with a society that suffers no pansies or faggots (ensure those values are drilled into the parrents skulls first then let them teach their own kids that way).

How about

>Getting surrounded by an Union that isn't openly hostile but still wants to rule you and is forcing legislations on you.

You should work hard to get us , Austria, the V4 and Slovenia out of the EU if you don't want to stay surrounded.

Ancaps vs Ancoms
As long as most dont want government I'm fine
The retarded ancoms wont take long to realise ancommunism is impossible or they'll simply have to create a state to stop people from owining property, which wold contradict their ideology

Fundamental questions for skeptics of anarcho-capitalism.

Do you know what an extradition treaty is?
What prevents you from picking and choosing which government governs you?
Do governments generally cooperate, militarily or in criminal justice?
Must a government always have territory?
Why would someone choose one government over another government?
Governments monopolize law in their region of influence. If monopolies are bad, why are government monopolies good?
Do you actually believe that a monopolized government is a pragmatic necessity?

The Spanish communists that took over industry during the beginning of the civil war.

The Shinmin autonomous region

The Zapatistas in Chiapas (anarchist in everything but name)

The free territory of the Ukraine take over by Mahkno's black army

Various squats and spaces that have come and gone with varying degrees of success.

Twin Oaks

The soviets before the Bolshevik takeover in Russia.

Those are are just a couple that come to mind. There's a lot more.

Neither. Both are manifestations of the system; the true believers of each delusional idealists.

In anarchy, what stops people from simply making a government?


>Which one is best?
The one where all just interactions between individuals are voluntary.

the one who are still in denial do really think that

the ones who have gone full on bonkers think that they have the right to kill who-ever doesn't contribute

Basically this. The basis of Anarcho-Communism is "Do what the majority tells you to do or die".