US Millenials

What went wrong Burgers?


teach programming on paper. get rid of ipads and chromebooks

>oh no, the gender studies/african history/somethingsomething degree students are fucking retards!

Colour me suprised.

They all think they deserve cushiony office jobs, while no one will work skilled labor

because everyone is pursuing a degree in their passion, and no one has a passion about being educated

they changed the definition of educated

Educated is just a buzzword. When you have a degree in women's studies and minor in whiteness studies your education means jack shit

[graph showing % of nonwhites in each generation]

Almonds = Activated

>most educated

This is simply a measurement between the number of college degrees earned now vs the past

This means nothing. Also most of it is driven by population growth (more people means more degrees obviously) and the con job the banks and schools are playing on their students, getting people who can't afford college to get into huge debt for no reason.

>tfw to intelligent for good grades

Grade inflation, seriously. Similar pattern emerging in the UK as well. schools and teachers can't be arsed with the stress of snowflakes crying and complaining about their grades that they just bump them up. Universities are now adjusting the difficulty of technical courses because more and more new students fail their first year despite getting the same prerequisites gradewise as before.

1.parents who don't do any actual parent related tasks only enough to not get into trouble..or give to much of a shit but raise their kids in the most half ass way possible.

2. parents and the kids blame everyone but themselves everyone else for their trials and tribulations..much like how the stormfags do in this containment board do instead of taking a very long look in the mirror one night.

3.shitty teachers who either use their classrooms for soapboxing/indoctrination in leftist ideology or just not giving a shit at all.

4.schools who mostly don't give a damn about the kids but do care about test results and only teach the kids enough to get them into the college routine.

jews, niggers, no child left behind, participation medals, schools becoming daycares instead of learning centers.

The usual suspects.

The dumbing down of our school system is a big part of it. Also, Dr. Haidt has brought up the fact that the rise of cable news in the '80's and '90's created society-wide overreaction to the threat of kidnapping that created the helicopter parenting we see today, so kids these days are unmotivated and unprepared for life.

>Be me
>Take University literature course
>1/2 students cannot pronounce simple words they should have been exposed to years ago
>Teacher ignores mistakes, praises students

Students in the US are not being educated, they're being allowed to waste away while teachers collect their gibs for minimal effort.

>4.schools who mostly don't give a damn about the kids but do care about test results and only teach the kids enough to get them into the college routine.
Softboi millennial who grew up with this system checking in. Couldn't agree more. The nationalization of the school system via standardized testing has created horrible incentives, and many teachers I've had since 2nd grade did nothing but teach the test.

As the US gets browner, the standards are lowered. University is a joke. Standards are racist if only Whites and Asians succeed. So we're essentially giving them honorary degrees that are entirely worthless. A high school degree used to mean someone could at least read, write and perform basic arithmetic. A college degree doesn't even guarantee that much these days. Multiple choice exams are one way they've lowered the standard. If you really wanted to test if someone knew a correct answer you'd have them fill in the blank, but then everything would fall apart as we would become "unequal".

It's Post Prussian Education.
Free education will only teach the youth the bare minimum of being a public utility while private institutions will teach their students how to lead over them. Personally, I blame the baby boomer parents for not helping their children learn.
Luckily, I have some form of common sense, and managed to be a few steps of my peers. Hopefully Gen Z will explore creative thought and focus on critical thinking. People nowadays are lethargic, in body and mind, sluggish, and their lack of contribution is sickening.


They all got degrees in feminist basket weaving, and want to wave around their useless pieces of paper like they actually know shit.
Go learn a fucking trade, retards.

I think a larger underlying problem here is the stigmatization of trades. Trade school graduates can make 6 figures but academics are pressuring kids to get useless degrees because everyone can't be a "leader" if they don't take I Hate My Dad 101.

as far as i know, educated in this situation means having more and easy access to education, not necesary a good one.

or im just a dumb fuck

>schools who mostly don't give a damn about the kids but do care about test results and only teach the kids enough to get them into the college routine.

It's all a statistics game isn't it. As long as the school meets the minimum requirements and do a bit better than previous year they're set. The other issue is if you do want to pursue a higher education in for example a scientific field you either need a rich daddy or a scholarship to get into a decent university. At the same time primary school and colleges nowadays, or standard US education seems to be severely lacking in proper teachers that are certified in their field.

Ideological education isn't very effective either.

>question 1. Why is being a homosexual furry awesome?

>now lets do some common core math!

If they had PISA 100 years ago, burguers would have scored low back then as well. Americans were never intelligent in the IQ sense of the word, they were just smart enough to make the most of the enormous resources at their disposal, specially post-WWII. But intelligence defined as a profound grasp of some language, be it verbal or mathematical, is for Asians, at best.

Why is this posted in almost every single thread?

more McDegree mills filled with spics and niggers, EAGER for professor goldman’s next diversity lecture

What needs to be stigmatized, instead, are retarded degree programs in subjects that have no real world use. You wanna take up gender studies as a hobby/on the side? Fuck it, you're probably a loser dyke anyway - go do you boo boo. But make sure you can support yourself, because I don't want to be responsible for your EBT card.