Is killing yourself the most red pilled thing you can do?
Is killing yourself the most red pilled thing you can do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving up like a sissy
>red pilled
Only a sissy doesn't have the balls to kill himself. It's the most alpha thing you can ever do.
no now get help
It's the most black pilled thing you can do with your life, Sup Forums OP
>having no control over your death
not even once
FPBP. You're either going to find hell or nothing when you die, why do it? Why not try and make things better up here?
>leaving a note
>not killing yourself in a way that causes severe trauma for those who witness it
>not leaving a huge fucking mess
>not setting up your house like home alone 2
If you feel like throwing your life like that at least go down blazing like muslim terrorists
No. Rejecting the gift of life from god is the most selfish thing you can do.
>be american
>wants to kill self
Do you know how many people around the world will give their legs and arms to be in your place right now?
Why are you such a faggot?
It is if you're a "genetic dead end"
(ie if you have bunch of hereditary diseases, extremely unattractive, etc)
If you give up your legs and arms you can come here and live off the system like the worthless piece of shit you are.
It's metaphorical you dumb faggot!
40 keks
Giving up on what, fuckhead? The daily struggle against tptb? Like we even have a chance.
Don't you know that our time here on Earth is a mere play, a simulation? What's wrong with checking out early when you don't like the way it's panning out?
Don't get me wrong, I do believe that life is a gift, just not a sacred one that must be suffered through at all and any costs.
>Be me 22 years old
>Drop out of college 2 years ago
>Keep NEETing
>Kill my social life, don't respond, friends eventually stop calling
>Don't do anything except shitpost
>Was never bothered by any of this 'one day i'll get my shit together'
>Get back on facebook
>My friends are graduating college, traveling the world and living fulfilled lives
>mfw I laughed at people who talked about suicide but now I finally get it
>Think about doing it because who gives a shit, my life is irreversibly fucked
Suicide might be the way out
if you're a muslim, nigger, mudblood, sandnigger, neet, nu-male or kike? yes it's redpilled af. You're literally doing your community a service.
yes, this is what a dumb pussy would do. So in other words, red pilled.
You can always become that very special gay fuckboy for another person. You just need to find them.
do what makes you happy user
only 2 options huh?
You're 22 and think you're life is fucked up and can't be fixed? I got married, had 4 kids before 30 years old and just graduated nursing school 3 years ago. I'm not even 32 yet. You do realize you can get yourself sorted out well before you're 30, right? Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something with yourself instead, user. Smh.
nah trust me, you wanna stick around.
>My friends are graduating college, traveling the world
>living fulfilled lives