Does any user knows what does they mean by this?
Is this some CIA/NSA covert operation to make us work for them as unofficial data analysts???
>click on the ad
>first thing the site asks is to know your geographic location
Does any user knows what does they mean by this?
Is this some CIA/NSA covert operation to make us work for them as unofficial data analysts???
>click on the ad
>first thing the site asks is to know your geographic location
Other urls found in this thread:
By clicking on that add you made Sup Forums some money. Keep clicking it
This is not the point.
What's up with this "we will use your autism to predict the future"?
There is a high probability that it is a CIA/NSA project for harnessing anomalous cognition i.e. clairvoyence. I have a similar think-tank idea for a website, except you don't really track the accuracy of a person or group's prediction.
>Veterans of the NSA’s psychic wars
>no known countermeasures
Not sure if clairvoyence.
It seems more like using lateral thinking to go through big data and finding the most probable awnser. Something that AIs are not capable yet.
>Worldwide psychic registry
Scry is probably a project to refine an artificial intelligence (AI) that can track down psychics and create a registry once released on the Internet. Such an AI could pour through all the information the NSA has collected from your Internet activity in order to identify each citizens anomalous cognitive potential i.e. threat level.
are they going to hire me or kill me if i join this
ill join if its the former
An AI can calculate relevance and probability.
But not based on lateral thinking i.e. the most probably awnser is not always the right one.
1. The Man in the Elevator
A man lives on the tenth floor of a building. Every day he takes the elevator to go down to the ground floor to go to work or to go shopping. When he returns he takes the elevator to the seventh floor and walks up the stairs to reach his apartment on the tenth floor. He hates walking so why does he do it?
This is probably the best known and most celebrated of all lateral thinking puzzles. It is a true classic. Although there are many possible solutions which fit the initial conditions, only the canonical answer is truly satisfying.
2. The Man in the Bar
A man walks into a bar and asks the barman for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man says ‘Thank you’ and walks out.
This puzzle has claims to be the best of the genre. It is simple in its statement, absolutely baffling and yet with a completely satisfying solution. Most people struggle very hard to solve this one yet they like the answer when they hear it or have the satisfaction of figuring it out.
3. The Man who Hanged Himself
There is a large wooden barn which is completely empty except for a dead man hanging from the middle of the central rafter. The rope around his neck is ten feet long and his feet are three feet off the ground. The nearest wall is 20 feet away from the man. It is not possible to climb up the walls or along the rafters. The man hanged himself. How did he do it?
4. Death in a Field
A man is lying dead in a field. Next to him there is an unopened package. There is no other creature in the field. How did he die?
5. The Deadly Dish
Two men went into a restaurant. They both ordered the same dish from the menu. After they tasted it, one of the men went outside the restaurant and shot himself. Why?
>1. The Man in the Elevator
To reach his apartment on the tenth floor.
>2. The Man in the Bar
The bar was closed.
>3. The Man who Hanged Himself
With a rope around his neck.
>4. Death in a Field
He is not dead. He is "lying".
>5. The Deadly Dish
He was suicidal.
I have no idea if Im right or wrong on any of these. Just keep in mind english is not my first language so things that depend on multiple meanings for the same word may eluse me.
With this being said, those are my anwsers.
this platform needs a gambling market. take my feedback marketer.
Just read the awnsers of your questions.
Those things make no sense.
>Jews trying to capitalise on weaponized autism
>Only retards and faggots bite
>No profit
The Jews are desperate.
These are such bullshit. Solution to 5:
>the guy at albetross
>years earlier he was stranded on an island with his dead son (?>?)
>someone else cooked his dead son and fed it to him
>told him it was albetross
>years later the taste isnt the same
>dude assumes "oh shit, it wasn't albetross, I must have eaten my son!!!"
>kills self
holy shit these people are fucking retarded if they think that that in any way rational.
>Even uses an owl icon
Definitely fishy.
>implying that ad is going to attract my interest
Don't worry about the future scryfags. It's not for you.
nigga u too
fuckers always out source from 3 worlders
CIA has had a predictor program for years.
NPR article from 2014:
It means: S
>as in addvertisement
Dumb burger