Do you consider Puerto Ricans Americans
Im so sick of everyone saying that we should send aid to Puerto Rico since they are having hurricanes when we still need to take care of the problems we have in america. Puerto rico may be a us territory but they arent part of north america. Puerto ricans have their own set of customs and beleifs and heritage so i dont think it even makes sense for them to be considered american.

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No. They're commonwealth people. They have no delegates in our government nor do they have the right to vote. They get welfare-tier healthcare and visa free travel in exchangefor hosting massive military installations. Guam is in the same boat as Puerto Rico. Both "shut up and do as you're told" commonwealths. They're lucky a dime was donated.

I don't even consider nigs who have been here since 1776 to be American.



No, i imagine them to be some kind of mexican islanders

No...theyre idiots who want independence until something bad happens and they need a handout.

t. american.

Fuck no, they're a defunct colony that's cost us more than they've earned us. Even god damn Liberia gave us a profit before we cut em loose.

>do you consider

They're not citizens, so they're not Americans. It doesn't matter what your opinion is. This isn't difficult.

They don't consider themselves to be American, either.

>Puerto rico may be a us territory but they arent part of north america.

It's part of north america you dumbass. Or do you think england isnt part of europe?

I have become a minority in my own hometown because of the sheer amount of godawful puerto ricans who moved here, and I have never met a single one who desired true independence for his island over statehood or status quo.

They're a miserable people and that trait alone draws a pretty clear line between us and them.

No, and they shouldnt be considered american until they have the same obligations as the rest of us.

Cutting lose liberia was the biggest mistake in american history.

our flag has 50 stars. when it's 51, then yep, i will.

Not while they live in PR

If they move here and start paying taxes, sure.

Not really. Its the same as US virgin islands and guam.

Wayne brady is an american and as a white person you need to enjoy him


What y'all "consider" is irrelevant. They're Americans.

>but they arent part of north america.

Actually the Caribbean is geographically considered to be part of North America, except for its southernmost isles, of which Puerto Rico is not one.

>Puerto ricans have their own set of customs and beleifs and heritage

So do Texas, but as a Bostonian I don't object to sending aid to Texas.

>They have no delegates in our government

In fact they do, Jenniffer González, the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico.

The Resident Commissioner functions in every respect as a member of Congress, including sponsoring legislation and serving on congressional committees, where they can vote on legislation, except that they are denied a vote on the final disposition of legislation on the House floor.

>nor do they have the right to vote.

In fact they do, just not while living in Puerto Rico.

>theyre idiots who want independence

"Independence" has never enjoyed a higher than 5% support among the Puerto Rican people. Texas has a stronger independence movement, for Chrissake.

The two strongest factions in Puerto Rico are Status Quo and Statehood. Independence-minded Puerto Ricans typically throw their lot in with Status Quo, for obvious reasons.

(a fourth group wants Puerto Rico re-organized as a territory in free association, like Guam, but they're not any more popular than the Independence-minded folk).

>they're a defunct colony that's cost us more than they've earned us

If that's your qualification, then a fair potion of States should be chucked too.



Just turn them over again. You don't really want to keep that island, do you?

It's up to Puerto Rico, not us. The United States Congress has continuously insisted, on both sides of the aisle, that the status of Puerto Rico will change only when Puerto Ricans want it to change, and only into whatever Puerto Ricans want it to change into.

What a bunch of retarded cellar dwellers, talking about shit they know nothing about .


fuck pr. full of lazy loud idiots

>comparing culturally similar states to an overseas colony

Texas and Massachusetts have precious little in common culturally that isn't also shared by Puerto Rico.

Alaska would also be another good example; perhaps a better one, seeing as Alaska is a comparatively new addition to the US, just as Puerto Rico is.

*Hawaii would also work, but I don't feel like derailing this thread as people post something like

>Pick one

over and over. The point is well-made with Alaska and Massachusetts regardless.

Trying to deny Puerto Ricans are American citizens would be like me, a Bostonian, trying to deny that anyone outside the original 13 Colonies should be considered American (not including West Virginia; they broke off from Virginia and so don't count as being part of the 13 colonies anymore).

Texas, Mass and Alaska predominately speak English as their first language, aren't under crushing amounts of debt, are not socialist hell holes, and can support themselves financially.

They are brown people who consider themselves white around other brown people. They are brown people who receive welfare. They are brown people who do not pay taxes. They are brown people.

They are nigger spics. They ain't even human.


No taxation without representation.
They deserve statehood user. That or you stop colonising them.

No, this isn't b8. All of our colonies have British citizenship.

We fucking want to, but the left is trying to meme a failed state into statehood

No. I don't even consider them human.


Are they even humans?


It's going to be really funny when Puerto Ricans start moving to other southern states en masse because Trump's leaving them all to rot, and the "immigrants get out reeeeeee!" crowd can't do fuck all about them.

Do you consider the squarehead cabbageniggers of Central Europe to be white? Or for that matter, any of the filthy papists? Or do you just hate the only other group of real Americans besides British Americans?

You're so wrong.

How many referendums and petitions does the congress need to tell them we want statehood? Did you forget about a referendum this year and 2 years ago, and both Obama and Trump """vetoed""" said referendum...makes me think hmm...

Puerto Ricans are white.

Of course not

>Texas, Mass and Alaska predominately speak English as their first language

Irrelevant; the United States does not have a national language. This was a deliberate choice on the part of the Founding Fathers due to how common non-English speakers were in Colonial America. The first public reading of the Declaration of Independence was in German; our 8th President, Martin van Buren, spoke Dutch as his first language.

>aren't under crushing amounts of debt
>and can support themselves financially.

Puerto Rico's state debt per capita isn't much worse than Massachusetts', and its debt ($70 billion) still falls quite short of its GDP ($103.1 billion), so whatever its debt it is still turning a profit, or was prior to the hurricane. Besides, like I said, if debt or inability to financially support themselves were a serious issue than several states would need to be chucked too, such as Mississippi.

>are not socialist hell holes

Each state is free to run their government as they like without fearing being denied government aid.

>No taxation without representation.

As mentioned above, Puerto Rico does have a representative that its sends to Congress, who functions in all ways like a member of Congress except where final voting is concerned.

Broadly speaking, America as a whole WANTS them to have Statehood, but the Puerto Ricans themselves have continuously voted for "status quo" on referrendums, with statehood always coming in second. The only exception was the most recent 2017 referendum, but that was declared invalid due to there only being 27% voter turnout.

Basically, they're a colony because they CHOOSE to be. Our laws don't allow us to force statehood on them, at least not in so direct a fashion.

You only meet the population and territorial requirements, amigo. You can't fucking support yourselves and you don't speak ingles.

Are you sure?

What is worst, to be left on your one by America or being treated like shit by foreigner yankes that don't want to see your ass even if it was made of gold?

I'v met Puerto Ricans, they consider themselves Puerto Ricans, not Americans.

USA doesn't have a national language. What else? We're too brown for you dumb gringos?

We can't support ourselves because the goverment is corrupt as fuck and put 50% of the workforce in the gobverment and the remaining 40% are welfare niggers. Just clean up house and good to go.


I'm sure there are a few white people living in Puerto Rico.

>We're too brown for you dumb gringos?
puerto rico has like 85 average iq and your test scores are below african tier and you call others dumb? know your place

when you ask a Floridian what country hes from, he says America

when you ask a Puerto Rican what country hes from, he says Puerto Rico

they want benefits from being a USA territory but they do not want to be completely American. They have pride in the place they come from and do not want to lose that. Many I knew didn't want Trump to get elected because they thought they'd get lumped in with the filthy mexicans.

most the Puerto Ricans I know who came to the mainland are hard workers and good company, I'd take one over a Canadian any day. I would not give them statehood but hopefully Trump finds a way to help them

Look at the grills in this video.

There have been five total referendums: 1967, 1993, 1998, 2012, and 2017. In the first three, "status quo" was the winner.

In 2012, Puerto Ricans were asked two questions: (1) whether they agreed to continue with Puerto Rico's territorial status, and (2) to indicate the political status they preferred from three possibilities: statehood, independence, or a sovereign nation in free association with the United States.

While in the 2012 referendum the vote was 54% "no" (that is, they do not agree to continue the current status), and Statehood in the second question got 61.11% of the vote, that still works out to Statehood only getting a plurality of the vote overall, not a majority (specifically, only about 1/3rd of the population voted for statehood); more to the point, 500,000 ballots were submitted blank, leaving the actual desires of Puerto Ricans up the in the air. Congress was right to not accept it as valid.

In the 2017 referendum, the voter turnout was only something like 23% of the voter base. It can't be taken as representative of the desires of Puerto Ricans, then.

I once was accused of being racist by a Puerto Rican co-worker. My response was "I'm not racist, I just hate stupid fucking Puerto Ricans like you!"

The most recent referendum was never officially declared "invalid"
That's just how Congressmen probably interpet the result, with lack of mandate.
Although that is not necessarily true since if you don't vote, your opinion doesn't matter, so statehood won. This is especially true since all options were on the ballot in a reasonable structure.
Statehood also won in 2012, however the mandate for that one is more questionable, given how the ballot was structured.

It's irrelevant that America does not have a national language, the language gap is simply an example of how distant the Puerto Rican's are culturally to mainland America.

Again, it's irelevent just how much less they produce than our lowest producing state, they would be overwhelmingly the poorest state in the union. This crushing debt that they have amassed through failed Socialist bullshit would inevitable have to be shouldered by the other 50 states. Due to the country being a socialist poor hellhole, the people will naturally flee to the mainland in droves, turning a poor socialist hellhole into a barren poor socialist hellhole.

Little to no one on the mainland wants a 51st state that has to be nannied, especially when we already are under trillions of debt ourselves.

Learn the god damn language that the bulk of the population speaks, I'm not learning Spanish because a fucking island doesn't want to assimilate.

>Puerto Rican
>Not American citizens

How fucking stupid can Sup Forums get I mean seriously

>Although that is not necessarily true since if you don't vote, your opinion doesn't matter, so statehood won

Personally, I agree with you, but I can see the logic in deciding that without at least 51% of the voter base showing up, you can't accept the results. For my own part, I want Puerto Rico to be a state too.

If I had my way, voting, or rather showing up to vote, would be mandatory, not just in Puerto Rico, but in America as a whole. There'd be a line on every ballot that said "I choose to vote for none of the above", or a write-in line, or something - you're required to show up and write down something, not necessarily vote for any given candidate - but barring medical impairment, not showing up to vote would be a crime. A minor one with like at most a $1000 fine, but still a crime.

Australia has something like that in play and it seems to work well for them.

so is he asking Puerto Rican girls about stereotypes about themselves? Or american girls. I dont get it

This is all well and good but what the fuck is the point of us having territories if we're not going to at least attempt to maintain them?

Those are Puerto Rican roasties desu. Would you impregnate them?

pls come back

Keep dreaming. The Republicans will never allow another Democrat-majority state into the Union.

>the language gap is simply an example of how distant the Puerto Rican's are culturally to mainland America.

Again, I'm from Massachusetts. When I went to visit Texas a few years ago, my serious reaction on leaving the airport and looking at Dallas was "should I be checking in at the American embassy?" I honestly felt like I had entered a different country, not helped by the Texan obsession with flying their stupid flag everywhere like it was a national one.

(Side note - yes, I know the Massachusetts flag is far, far stupider than the Texas one)

>they would be overwhelmingly the poorest state in the union

"Overwhelmingly"? Puerto Rico's GDP per capita is $28,703.75 (2013). That's not much worse than Mississippi's $36,029.

And overall, Puerto Rico's GDP is $103.1 billion. This is higher than Vermont, Wyoming, montana, South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Maine, Idaho, Delaware, West Virginia, New Hampshire, Hawaii, and New Mexico (in that order, with Vermont having the lowest GDP in the nation).

>This crushing debt

Again, their debt per capita is only a few thousand dollars worse than that of Massachusetts, and their total debt is lower than Massachusetts, New York, or California.

>would inevitable have to be shouldered by the other 50 states

Buddy, the United States currently rakes in about 18 trillion dollars per year. We would not even notice "shouldering" $70 billion in debt.

>the people will naturally flee to the mainland in droves

Friend, Puerto Ricans as American citizens are free to do this anyway, and have been - the population has been on the decline since 2004's high of 3.827 million (it currently stands at 3.411 million as of 2016).

>turning a poor socialist hellhole into a barren poor socialist hellhole.

Guy, you do realize that if the situation is as bad as you say, Puerto Ricans will just, y'know, vote for new people into their local offices, right? They're a democracy, same as any other state.

>Puerto Ricans as American citizens are free to do this anyway
What the fuck? Why would you americans do this?

>shilling this hard for mexicans on an island

If PR wasn't receiving their annual bail and wasn't attached to the US dollar PR would be in worse shape than venezuela. We need to somehow trick them into believing that the US is the source of it's problems and push for #PRexit

Because every now and then America remember that the only designation that is supposed to matter to us is "American", and that race, sex, and creed are irrelevant.

Puerto Ricans have been Americans since September 1917, literally more than a hundred years at this point. They've paid taxes, they've served in the military, they've bought American goods, etc. By any reasonable measure, they're Americans.

They pay no income tax at all.

Puerto Ricans have fought in every war since ww1. Earned it with blood.

>Not a single counter point

Good job user


Even with its ability to suck the teat of America, Mississippi's GDP is basically that of Angola, and Vermont's is worse than Bahrain or Bolivia.

We don't kick out states just because they have a low GDP, and GDP shouldn't be a consideration for letting them in.

Free vacation island

They voted against statehood like a year ago you fucking mong.

They were made citizens so they could be drafted for cannonfodder in WW1 or WW2, I forget which.

Note: I think they need to step on US soil to actually become citizens or to actually claim it or something.

They pay just about every other tax, however. In 2009, Puerto Rico paid $3.742 billion into the US Treasury. They also pay into Social Security and thus are eligible for its benefits; as well as Medicare.

Remember that this cuts both ways, user: if you hate income tax, nothing is stopping you from moving to Puerto Rico so that you don't have to pay it anymore. It's no more difficult than moving to any other US state. Actually I think it might even be easier than moving to Hawaii, due to Hawaii's bloodline laws.

No, just low IQ shit skins.

Mississippi and Vermont do not require an annual bail out.

Nah m8, all Americans must pay taxes regardless of where they live should they make over $90k a year.


They don't even consider themselves American, so no.

No. Every Puerto Rican is an American citizen automatically at birth.

Also wrong. The Jones-Shafroth Act was signed in order to establish a permanent civilian government in Puerto Rico. It overturned the Foraker Act, which established a limited civilian government in 1900 following the conclusion of the Spanish-American War in which Puerto Rico was taken a'prize.

There were only about 1.2 million people on the entire island of Puerto Rico in 1917, anyway. Only 18,000 Puerto Ricans actually fought in World War I; hardly enough to serve as "canon fodder".

No, our motivation was simply to establish and clarify Puerto Rico's status, as well as to extend citizenship to Puerto Ricans as its eventual statehood was anticipated (as with Hawaii and Alaska). Believe it or not, sometimes America does good things for good reasons.

>race, sex, and creed are irrelevant.
You are new aren't you? This BS how the United States was meant to be for all races has been pushed only for the past 50 years,your founding fathers never intended it. Go look at the Immigration Act of 1924,which says it is to "maintain the racial preponderance " and "preserve the ideal of American homogenity" and tell me race never mattered in USA

Neither does Puerto Rico. Again, its GDP ($103 billion) is larger than its debt ($70 billion). Its GDP as a percentage of its debt is actually better than that of, for example, Germany (where its debt is 80% of its GDP).

>Do yo consider Puerto Ricans Americans
Every PR I've ever seen drives around with minimum 2 PR flags in their car, has 5 PR flags hanging up around their home.
Have I ever seen one stating their allegiance to the USA? No, it is always stated to PR.

absolutely not

I'll see your Immigration Act of 1924, a mere Federal law, and raise you the FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Clearly different Americans have had different ideas at different times on the subject. But the Constitution never mentions race once, except in its amendments when it specifically lays out that no law shall be passed based on race or color. It is up to us in the modern era, and those who follow us, to interpret what the spirit of the ideals of America is, even as the letter changes over time.

1) the act was primarily aimed at limiting the immigration of Italians, so it has nothing to do with Puerto Ricans or even Hispanics;
2) The Immigration Act of 1924 sets no limitations on immigration from other countries in the Americas;
3) Puerto Rico, being a part of America, would not have been subject to it anyway; and
4) It was overturned by subsequent acts, most notably the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

No they're goddamn leeches that suck gov tits and still got all uppity with our military base there. FUCK 'EM