Gun Control works, prove me wrong. Protip: You can't


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Chicago. Detroit.

it won't work here because if you attempt gun control right wingers will use it as an excuse to carry out the massacres they fantasize about.

Gun restrictions do not count. Argument invalid.

leave guns alone, destroy late capitalism.

Burden on proof is on you, faggot

People will rebel, we will filter them out.
Think big picture here.


How can you own guns in a communist society if you own nothing?

You literally make no sense, please donate your organs to a competent human in need.

We banned guns in 1997 and murders increased
OP eternally BTFO

Ask CIA how they do it

You won't do shit but get your lawn painted with your brains.

who own the english language? nobody, it's common. one does no have to own a thing to use it

None gun related you gay retard. Read a book

Humanity has done it before. Take the child's toy and tantrums will be thrown. There will be backlash. In time the tantrum fades. The child will focus on other objects of interest.

What does that tell, you genius???
Bad people will find other means to do bad things you cant stop criminals by punishing law abiding citizens

It's not that hard to make your own guns to be honest. With the right tools you can even start pumping out Sten MKIIs fairly easily.

So focus our resources on eradicating fucked up people? Or stop the bleeding? C'mon genius. Evil will exist. Take it's tools. Stop making it so damn easy.

November 2015, Paris

France has some of the strictest gun control in the world. You literally have to be evaluated by a doctor to see if you're mentally and physically fit enough to own a gun, among other things.

7 dudes with AK's killed 130 people

The gun control argument is tired and old at this point. We can screen individual genetics. We know the genetic basis for psychopathy. Taking guns means taking lives. Why not just take the psychopaths directly from the womb?

> >

Mexico has pretty solid gun control and we all know it's great down there

Be Paris, France in November 2015.
Be cucked with eurofag style gun control laws.
Be in Bataclan nightclub.

Proof given dumbass

What happens yo all the firearms being passed around every single hood city/hood in America? Do those guns just vanish?

It doesn't matter how many shootings there are. Freedom is what's important. Besides guns are just a tool, the real cause of mass murders are from 2 things; a sick degenerate society and the pharma companies. Tens of millions of you fuckers have permanently altered your brain on ssri happy pills. Fucking pathetic. Name one shooter that wasn't on these pills?

>ban guns
>ban cars
>ban knives
>ban anything explosive
>ban airplanes
What else do we need to control/ban to make this world 100% safe?


Why not both? "Taking guns means taking lives" Right, good thing all those Vegas victims were packing AR's and were able to counter fire and get that bad guy right? As long as people live with that mentality, the number of massacres will never decrease. Its just too easy for fucked up people/terrorists to get their hands guns.

If this guy did not have guns he would have carried out plan B: an ammonium nitrate car bomb, andkilled a thousand people

Have you been to Mexico or Brazil lately?

Gun restrictions don't count when discussing gun restrictions? Are you literally retarded?

I have worked for very powerful politicians for well over a decade, and last night the big dogs came back. They don't come back for nothing. And yes stonewalling would count as nothing. They come back to deal.

You had 3000 Americans killed by people armed with box cutters and pepper spray
Sorry but gun control is a meme designed to placate outraged suburban housewives

>ban penis
We're fucked

Those are corrupt, lawless and in effect failed states.

Lmao lets compare fatality rates on those objects that have bans vs those that dont. Better yet lets use your cute list here. The world will never be 100% safe. Hate and evil exist. We need to react because this isnt working. You, even with a gun, isnt working.

There are more guns in the US then people. Have fun getting rid of all of them faggot

Too bad you're fucking wrong, faggot.


Well, they'll stop orchestrating false flags once the people willingly surrender their only defense, so technically you're right

Oh yes, gun control works, alright.

The problem is the US would need to actually do it to see if it works or not. You can say it work in other countries all you want but the same thing doesn't work for the US because we have always had guns and its a major thing in out culture so until it actually happens its just fancy words by people that know nothing.

it just tells gun control doesn't work when countries have no frontiers

>prove me wrong
>gets proven wrong
>B-B-But that doesn't count, REEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

the english language also isn't a physical object you stupid fuck


That weapon was banned. He used that weapon.

This is the ultimate red pill. Weeding out sociopaths and psychopaths from society. Unfortunately they consist of all our leaders and business owners. Basically to be a leader in this culture requires the lack of empathy. we have been rewarding this behaviour when instead they must be removed from society or bred out.

What the fuck are you even talking about

Ban free thought/will/etc. problem solved.


Fucking dyslexia. I really should spellcheck more.

wtf does that matter?


9/11 you fucking dipshit

KEK why you not live in Chicago with the thugs???

He saying that you need to prove that it works. The null assumption being that it doesn't work. Think invisible teapots orbiting the earth. Prove they don't exist. Protip, you can't.

Trucks and cars kill more people. Should be ban them also?


Works completely.

Do you not understand cost analysis?

The guy in Texas in the 60s.

It sure does work. Look at how the government has easy taken the god given (born free) freedoms from the citizenry in the UK. Look at how it worked in communist coubtries. Look at how it worked in Nazi Germany. It sure works.

Just not for citizens.

imagine i am in a no guns allowed country

>goes to illegal gun dealer
>buys 2 ar15's
>puts in trunk

well shit gun control surely stopped that

How about look at fatality rates as a whole, people are just as dead whether they get shot or stabbed. Like uk user said above if you're murder rate is still unchanged you haven't accomplished Jack shit

We need liberal media control

That has nothing to do with gun control you fucking dipshit. btfo

checked and rekt

gun control is easy you just hold it and sqeeze the trigger


We have some pretty restrict gun laws here in Norway. Hell, the police don't carry guns, and have them only available in a locked gun case in their cars.

And we had Breivik. You know. If people are stupid and determined enough, they'll get a gun. However, gun laws does a large part of gun violence, only having the attacker use knifes instead. So pick your posion.


Guns are entirely banned in the city that has the most shooting victims in the country.

You have been proven wrong by cities completely controlled by gun control Advocates

I'm from Brazil and i can assure you that gun control works.
I was never robbed at gunpoint at 7PM, going out to work in the safest street in the safest city, also i never heard about "shootings" or "children dying in their rooms after hit by a bullet" or anything.
We are the safest country in the world!

Gun restrictions aren't gun control... nice one user, you're retarded.

Meanwhile in Vermont, which has next to no gun laws whatsoever, meaning anybody can carry without needing a license or anything, there's hardly any crime

>Anders Brevik is giggling somewhere right now

>The Onion article
The onion is a political satire site you dumbfuck

How are those not the same fucking thing?

They should make bank robbery and murder illegal too.

you are making assumptions that seem obvious and common sense to you but the statistics do not prove you correct. most times a gun is fired outside of recreation is in self defense. and restricting firearms almost always increases crime, at least in america.

the people in power who push for gun control in politics and the media, do you think they care about human lives and safety?

spree killings happen everywhere, you just don't often hear about the chinese guy who went to the kindergarten and murdered 50+ kids with a knife before a cop showed up

>"children dying in their rooms after hit by a bullet"

I suppose you're being facetious and if so this makes me very sad. If my daughter were killed by a bullet in her own bedroom I would go on a murderous rampage and kill every nigger I saw

I wonder if it's because of a lack of niggers in one place and another place being almost entirely niggers?

Guns seem to be the CV while niggers are the IV in this little experiment

It does? Pic related

They are, I'm calling him retarded for saying that.

That was a gun free zone.

Mass killings are mass killings regardless of whether they happen with guns, trucks, bombs, plains, or whatever.

It doesn't. There you are wrong.

Silly nigger

>prove me wrong

There hasn't been a SINGLE credible study that has shown any correlation between more gun control and less gun crime.

Silly niggerx2

Breivik was an isolated incident and he used legally acquired firearms (tried to get illegal ones, but failed)

yeah and the joke is on you

>pro tip

Abstinence prevents AIDS also. But I'd rather fuck trannies anyway.

Paris concert shooting



>quoting a the onion article against pro gun rights people
>The joke is on you