Are hillaryfags insane?

Are hillaryfags insane?

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She looks like a Sith Lord in that portrait

Hillary Clinton is a living painting from Harry Potter. Who knew?


To be honest if she were the president, the LV mass shooting wouldn't happened.

this will never cease to be relevant

Nope but more mass shooting would have happened, cuck.

Isn't that a rhetorical question?

This makes me want to vomit.

Fuck yes they insane and ignorant

Your tax money paid for that article.

Had to reference a fictional smart woman to compare to Hillary Clinton

obviously, one just shot up a bunch of Trump supporters at a country music concert

These people are delusional. Hillary was like Bush X 10

>by Virginia Heffernan
Does anyone have a pic of this guaranteed ham-beast fat acceptance queen?

>wishes the world was a meritocracy
>muh vagina is the main selling point


It's not a contradiction. In feminism, vagina = merit.



i mean, we did

I thought federal funding for PBS and NPR was cut?

Definitely, there are infinity better women out there and they picked that one?! The former racist /criminal/murderer/three time loser?!

>nine months into Trump's presidency and his supporters are still obsessed with Hillary


How the fuck can you praise Hillary so much? I mean, I know leftists don't have a lot of common sense to begin with, but Hillary Clinton is one of the most evil cunts roaming the Earth right now.

This is what happens when people stop believing in traditional religion. I don't know how anyone could look at OP's screenshot and not conclude that the left is a religion.

Hillary Potter?

>nine months into Trump's presidency and Hillary still hasn't been hung from the gallows

>____name supporter
Cult of personality leftist faggot detected. If you support people you shouldn't be allowed to vote. I support policies. And frankly all of Hillary's were shit.

Yes. Next question.

Fukoff corrupted pussy... she the worst warmongering tape worm the world have ever see

we need to get rid of npr. it's bbc tier.

Well to be fair, "we" did the same during/after the election. Only "ours" were just of way higher quality because the left can't meme for shit.

>hillaryfags insane

-She's the face of establishment politics
-She's a globalist neo-con
-She's of, by, and for the collusion between big govt and big corporation
-She's a shameless liar
-She's the most non-transparent politician in history
-She has stroke-induced brain damage
-She's a cuckquean

She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:

-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"

She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician rolled into one person.

Nope. And this pie chart is deceptive because the CPB and universities both receive federal funding.

meant to link to


And a pedofiend gangster

We were just fuckin' around. This guy got paid tax dollars to write this shit, professionally.

I'd put it slightly lower than BBC. I feel like the BBC wouldn't stoop to having Hanna Rosin do a podcast for them.

So universities give about 14? I'm sure it has to do with tax deductions and pushing hard left politics. How many universities support infowars or breitbart?

It really doesn't matters who you vote for.

Losing is probably the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton's image, and it happened despite her best efforts.

Bush looked more human because of how goofy he was at least

>trying to have a reasonable adult debate
>brings up Harry fucking Potter

>She described blacks as being "super-predators"
Well at least she managed to be right about one thing. 1/26, nailed it.

Ok I must ask. Why so many sharks?

>-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
need more on this

>reasonable adult debate

I only listen to it for three minutes when it does my local news and weather then shut it off.

she's holding a shark

They were lonely before they formed the Shark Fraternity™.

>more than a president


They really wanted to get their skin ignited in 1-million degree fireblasts via Russian nuclear warheads, and they're angry their suicide cult couldn't take the rest of us with them.

This, it should be defunded at the earliest opportunity.


And now it's being shut down by their university for gender discrimination. SAD!



>being this new

If anyone could have goaded Russia to declare war on the US it would have been Clinton. I'm not even sure JEB could have done it

>desperately wishing the world was a meritocracy
Are these people actually insane?

Where can I get a Hillary Clinton fleshlight?

I listen to it whenever I could get coverage of something that wasn't politics, or wasn't so dripping with bias. Like yeah coverage of Syria was biased but at least it wasn't so fucking bad.

I just need to get the infrastructure on my phone to start listening to podcasts instead.

time to go back to church, even if we're just larping belief.

Fucking SJWs can't handle the shark-kin after they tried to host a shark-rights shark-rally. No doubt that orca-Soros did this.

HG > HC though

everything hillary touched turned to shit, and she was a terrible campaigner


not eve


what fucking idiots

It's impossible for you to even know that, what can you see between timelines now? Fuck off wanker

What's wrong with that, we hangout sometimes. You never get together and watch anime with your bros. Sharks do it too.

>Smart women only exist in fiction


>clinton family

She literally said she would shoot down Russian planes in Syria and enact an economic blockade. That's a declaration of war to anyone with two brain cells. But since Jews were totally behind her campaign and really wanted an America-Russia war to wipe out white people entirely, it's no surprise the Jewish media refused to talk about this fact.

Just use a rotted goosefish carcass, probably close enough


Anyone remember this? Leftists were blinded by "muh vagina"

Why does nobody ever seem to remember that she cheated in the debates by getting the questions ahead of time from CNN?
Idk how anyone could support Hillary just from that

>affirmative prejudice
all this shit needs to stop

Stop with Faggy Rotter references! Oh my God, it had been over 5 years since the last movie. Wingardium leviosa my nutsack!

oh fucjk

this faggot knows what hes talking about

politics would work so much better with voting for text and not rallies and ad campaigns and smear campaings.

just clear intentions for the country
and stances on important issues (abortion, gun control, shit like that

>No fly-zone

Bitch was out of her fucking mind. I'm really glad she didn't win

>An idea
>A world historical heroine
>Light itself
Yet despite all of these righteous descriptions, the drawing of her still comes off as looking evil incarnate.

Take your nearest liberal anarchist garbage can and rescue it from their torture. Then you fuck it and call it Hillary, that'll do. Don't forget to pay child support when a few dead babies come out of it!

Hillary Clinton is like the best leader we will never have.

My sides await me in Valhalla

I am speechless.

It's such a classically Boomer personality cult.

If by insane you mean hyperreligious then yes

A large number of boomers despised Hillary, just not for the right reasons.


y tho

I don't understand unironic support for Hillary. It is incomprehensible to me, and I feel the need to kill the source of it.

Isn’t this that molesters blog Lena Dumpham


I fucking wish, people like Clinton would never be elected or hold any position of power if the world was a meritocracy.

>Loved the Harry Potter books as a kid
>Now the entire franchise has been politicized by Rowling and liberal faggot millennials
>People now seriously compare HP characters and plot events to real world politicians and current events
Fuck this gay Earth.

When will we get to see the completed project?


>worshiping a loser


I don't mean that all Boomers love Hillary, only that the age of the Boomers is the only time you would find something like the Hillary cult. She is a quintessential example of Boomer feminism.