Las Vegas was an inside job

That moment when it comes out that this is a false flag operation done by the CIA. Confirmed by Dr Steve Pieczenik on the Info Wars live stream a few minutes ago. There is no way that in Las Vegas the security capital of the world does not have footage of our scapegoat over 4 days bringing anything in. If this was a lone wolf, the footage would have been out but we know the truth. Just like Sandy Hook and 9/11. Trump is falling for the bull shit instead of revealing the truth.

We as citizens need to start calling for the impeachment of many political figures and start putting pressure on them. Start exposing corruption in our federal and even in the state and local levels. It’s time to stop being bent over and having a corrupt cock being shoved down our own asses and cut that shit off[spoiler][/spoiler]

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone post the original

Original what?

I've been listening to the show since the beginning and Dr Steve Pieczenik has not been on. Alex has had zero guests on.

CORRECTION: The show was Real News with David Knight. Around 11:15 CST Dr P was on the show talking about it Link to the stream about 45 min ago

>Confirmed by Dr Steve Pieczenik on the Info Wars live stream a few minutes ago.

Oh, well, if Info Wars says so...

Hello friend

>being this new

Get the fuck out of here you stupid worthless faggot.

Ben Garrison sure is gay for Trump.

HRC just can't keep her stupid trap shut. Not even during a moment of silence.

Who left the push cart in the room someone brought it up and left it on that floor

Who isn’t gay for Trump? Everyone gets a fucking hard on for him every time he does something

>HRC just can't keep her stupid trap shut. Not even during a moment of silence.

Yeah we should wait for the next mass shooting that happens every three weeks right?


Many are false flag events. (Sandy Hook, for example). All designed to grab guns.

He finally found an audience willing to give him money.

We need to pressure Trump to get rid of those unelected officials. Those officials are causing too much problems. And pressure Congress to stop dragging their feet when it comes to approving trumps appointments

What if he did join isis? He has a stockpile of ammo and rifles to supply multiple people. He gets a room at the Mandalay Bay resort. Nobody sees him bringing in a shit ton of weapons. Why? Maybe because he wasn't the one bringing them in. If he had an accomplice that let's say dressed up like a hotel employee or even was an employee on his team then that person could have brought the guns up and not looked strange carting a bunch of bags up to the room(s). Also the food tray could have been brought up by the same guy or maybe even a 2nd accomplice. He was there for awhile setting up so why wouldn't room service have showed up to take the food cart away? Maybe bc the person who was supposed to be doing that was in on it. They set up the camera we for sure know of outside the room and set up 2 shooting positions. When it came down to it Mr terrorist punked out. The other guy shoots the yellowbelly does the job himself and gets out undercover of his uniform without any question. There were for sure other shooters. Maybe part of the same team? Maybe just to divert attention away from the main area of shooting so ol kitchen aid can get away. Sounds crazy and may be digging too far but nobody has looked into this scenario yet

When is the right time to talk about reasonable gun laws?

There are reasonable gun laws. I can’t legally buy a firearm until I have a firearms identification card. I can’t conceal carry till I have a concealed carry permit. Which the process takes months of back ground checks and required training. Forget about buying automatic weapons and explosives. I need to have a class 3 license which involves months of background checks and I need to submit fingerprints and photos to the atf. Once complete the gun must be registered with the atf and they will let the local Leo in the jurisdiction you live in who you are and what guns you have.

So you’re telling me that the current legislature isn’t good? You’re saying that criminals can’t get their hands on guns even if they were illegal?

>99.99% of American gun owners use their guns in a criminal manner
>3 gun deaths per 100,000 US citizens
Fuck off Deep State, we'll pick you off if you try to take ours.

Alright, keep having a mass shooting every day. I don't care.

yall make me sick. bless your heart but i reckon its time to give up are guns.

you stupid faggot. Paddock checked into Madalay several days before the shooting he was known bigtime gambler ( whale ) at the casinos. The previous weekend Paddock stayed at the Ogden, a 21-story luxury condominium tower with a line of sight to the concert-grounds featuring annual Life Is Beautiful Festival .

if the goal was to pass gun control, why would they go the mass shooting route? it hasn't worked any of the previous 1000+ times they've happened recently.

>I don't care.
neither do I
I am not giving up my rights because some fucko did a bad thing. I will never give them up.

My personal take is that on some level, this was pulled off as an occult ritual psy-ops. All the subtle symbols and numbers just don't strike me as random coincidences. Pyramid, sphinx, and an obelisk in direct line with landscaping across the street that looks like a womb when viewed from above. Shots came from the 32nd floor according to the official narrative. There are 32 recognized degrees in Freemasonry, with the 33rd Degree being an honorary one bestowed on a very select few. Mandalay Bay. Mandalay is the name of a very prominent lodge at the infamous Bohemian Grove gathering attended yearly by the Elite. The concert venue was between the womb shaped landscaping and the pyramid, sphinx, and obelisk. The concert venue was the sacrificial altar.

Hi there, Alphabet soup agency shill!

>/ledditpol/ still believes this happened

This "mass casualty event" did not even happen. Not one video depicts someone getting shot. There were 22000 camera phones at the event.

The only video of "casualties" is some autist running around the a field calling for emt's and saying weird stuff.

The "bodies" in the video appear to have no visible wounds despite what looks like blood, although lighter in color than real blood.

The "victims" also appear to have fallen in comfortable positions, even in a couples embrace. Real victim's bodies would look twisted and awkward when they sustain real wounds. You have seen it before on a rekt thread. This is different.

This whole thing wreaks of the gayest aids ever invented.

I dunno about putting pressure on political figures and "exposing" corruption and all that, but it takes barely any cognitive reasoning to realize this event smells like a fabrication.

I was hoping someone would go full autist on it and prove it could not happen.

>64 year old with nothing wrong with his life and no motive
>family is completely confused as to why he did this
>brought up 23 guns and hundreds of rounds allegedly by himself up thirty-two floors and stayed four days, according to HLN
>no footage or pictures of him in the hotel have been released
>no hotel staff have been interviewed
>not even before bodies were in caskets Killary was yelling for gun control
>choosing to just open fire on a crowd of random people for no reason
>killing himself after, since they all do this so they aren't questioned or arrested
I'm not usually a conspiracy nut, but this shit just doesn't make sense.

Exactly what I've been thinking from the start. None of this feels right at all.

Big if true.

I don't think they'd tear down the entire hotel like they did with Sandy Hook, but watch stories that'll say they closed off the room and "renovate" it.

Obviously. Whenever (((they))) are going after the guns before the bodies are even cold, you can bet it's a false flag.

This has black ops written all over it. There is no way a 64 year old man could have done this entire operation by himself. A 64 year old man couldn't even hold on to the recoil for 9 minutes of shooting. He had all those guns for a reason- for the other shooters.

The other shooters killed Steven soon after the shooting, and then escaped through the airport. The Mandalay Bay may even have had their cameras "conveniently malfunction" and not capture any of the other shooters.

nice copypasta

Why was Paddock's corpse wearing gloves? Was he worried about his finger prints on the trigger, or the gun barrel over-heating?

No it wasnt! The fucking shooter was simply a delusional fucking boomer, who was obsessed with his girlfriends ex husband ( Geary Danley,) Geary was a radical leftist and hated Trump. Paddock was just a normal guy until CNN and all the other msm decided to put out as much bullshit and fake news on Trump. Paddock noticed how Geary, hated Trump as well, so he decided to do something about all these racist Trump voters, who hated his asain Gf. If you wanna say its a inside job, go ahead. But the media will tell you otherwise. The media need to be blamed for this, and so do the fucking Left.

>Guests 2

Oh, you know the room will be "sanitized" and "renovated" to remove all evidence of a black bag job.

If you watch Dr. Pieczenik on Real News with David Knight that’s exactly what he says. I was able to write it out clearly enough but the point still stands. This is a larger scale of what happened at Sandy Hook.

And about the impeachment, we need to get rid of these deep state, unelected officials, out of office to try and recover the USA to a much better country. We the people need to be in control of our gov not the other way around like it is today. We just need to put an incredible amount of pressure on them year round, almost border line harassment and black mail that we will expose them hoes if they don’t resign, or just straight expose them of their corruption and try and spread this around like wildfire.

This makes you go "Hmmm!"

"I'm praying for at least some data points, because otherwise it's... it's... you know, the
bug in Men In Black put on a Steve suit and went and did this."

The glorious free market at work, where there's a niche there's a way.

Another thing I find odd, and I don't know if it's connected or just another side of this being retarded.

People get fucking gunned down with guns that are already illegal to buy. But this happens as Hillary calls for gun control, there's a bill on silencers being deregulated coming to a vote, and mainstream fuckers won't stop talking about "parts that make guns fully automatic" being for sale. People fucking died, and they're bitching about gun parts?

If he joined ISIS he wouldn't have commited suicide.

(((info wars)))

get this bullshit out of here

>a 64 year old man can't do x

Is that the best you idiots have got?

Also making up BS, there was nothing about the cameras messing up anywhere.

I love how morally bankrupt Ben Garrison is, he just doesn't give any shits beyond the next unapologetically partisan "comic" he's paid to draw.

It also kills me that talking about gun control after mass shootings has been construed as "disrespectful" by the right when the fucking elephant in the room is that -everybody- knows this is a coded phrase for not wanting to talk about the issue following one of its most disasterous consequences.

Imagine your wife has a smoking problem and one day your aparment complex burnt down because someone left their cigarette unattended. When you broach the topic about her own smoking and the dangers involved she lashes back at you: "that's disrespectful to the dead to talk about uncontrollablr smoking habits."

Really you fucking nigger? Because my fucking dead ass would want to throttle the sonofabitch who's left cigarette killed my ass.

fuck you.
I live right next to the harvest festival grounds, my own mother was at the fucking concert that night.

Fuck You you don't know shit, stop acting like you do, i saw the bodies with my own eyes, I saw the white bags being moved to corner vans, people died. I cleaned the blood off my mothers face kid.

I'm not saying its not fishy, but people did die you fuck, stop acting like they didn't its disrespectful.

HRC and the other Deep State are betting on people being dumb and scared of the scary black gun to learn about the actual law and how it works. All of HRC voters are uneducated libtards and beta males who have no back bone.

Hey there, shill. Go tell your handlers that Sup Forums is not backing down.

You will soon be infected by Sup Forums and we will welcome you.

no one cares, faggot. governments with guns are far more dangerous than civilians with them

the people pushing ISIS meme are loser twatter fake news kikes like fake news joomer and thernokike

Fuck you mate, my sister's highschool friend was killed that night.

Tell her grieving family and my sister nobody died, I'm sure they'd love to hear that.

So it's only the system's and society's fault when it's not nig nogs Sup Forums? Alright okay.

You know it's a good argument when you have to come up with a horrible, convoluted analogy for your main point.

What the fuck are you even saying, you dumb leftist faggot?

Not saying if he did or didn't, though there's no concrete evidence he did kill himself (there's a fucking bullet hole in his chest for fucks sakes). I'm just trying to raise awareness of the leakers thread last night, most likely the same person that leaked the crime scene photos.

The shooter had illegaly acquired automatic rifles. This is typically the case with these shooters.


my hockey coach buddy got shot and was saved by his emt buddy and survived surgery

people saying this is fake are disinfo fags, lefties, and fuking basement dwelling losers

Lots of people wear gloves when shooting, it's not uncommon
It makes a lot of sense to wear them when you're firing a lot

Stupid fuckin kike

>ancom flag
>emotional narcissistic attention-seeking

Checks out. Stop getting offended on the internet, idiot

kill yourself you piece of shit

>nobody died
Oh come on. This situation has fishy parts about it but there's no doubt that 59 people died that night.

Why don't all non'muricans get off their fucking high horse about weapons and let Americans deal with this issue. Who died and made you kek?

yes, sheep, the lone wolf is dead, no need to look any further, everyone is safe now

>If its not a Muslim or a nigger its a false flag
The absolute state of /nupol/

>No muslims carry out suicide attacks.

But does your dad work for Nintendo?

Go with cousin. Cousin is more believable.

>t. Shareblue

I've been here for 7 years, and believe me when I tell you Sup Forums used to be a much more intellectually honest place than it is now.

Half you shits base your opinions on feelings and then call those feelings facts because they are morally repugnant; and who would willingly want to adopt morally repugnant feelings as facts? You're just red-pilled on the moral repugnance of the world after all.

This shooter? This shooter had zero automatic rifles.

>Melania has wider hips than Karen Pence
fake and gay.

>I've been here for 7 years, and believe me when I tell you Sup Forums used to be a much more intellectually honest place than it is now.


these kids are jaded idiots

It was left in the hallway

Easy way to bring stuff up in seen

Well it's smelly




How the fuck is it a convoluted argument? Let me break it down for you:

Phenomenon A precipitates phenomenon B. Phenomenon B is awful shit we never want to happen.

Phenomenon B happens, so we want to talk about an underlying cause, Phenomenon A. But detractors respond by saying talking about A so soon after B hurts their feelings, it's disrespectful, don't talk about A and consider my safe space.

This is so stupid. Inside job... you dumb-ass mother fucker! If there's such a thing as karma you'll be in the crowd next time.

>Fuck you mate
burger's don't say mate, mate. Let's see some kikebook proof of all her "grieving" to her fellow normies.

I seriously do not know why they are even trying anymore.

If Sandy Hook did not pish anything, nothing will. Shooting elementary schoolers en masse is pretty much the worst thing you can do with guns.

Those were passed ages ago.
You want unreasonable ones, fag.

Its hard not to believe every thing this guy says. Even with his slip ups here and there, I believe him. But then again, I think this is just more programming for the other normie boomers who have money to DO WHAT THEY WANT, to go out and shoot more "right winged" people. This does seem like a CIA mind control situation, they want more of their sheep to wake up and shoot Trump supporters.

It seems odd that he would wear them when officially his plan was to massacre people and commit suicide.

Tin-foil idea: Paddock was framed and the real shooter wore gloves as well to hide his and Paddock's identity on the firearm.

this. I also was there along with my dog, and my dog's brother. We saw the whole thing go down.

They dont speak spanish either

>attention seeking
1st post of mine in whole bread

That's where he stated his camera to keep an eye on the rooms door. Check for pictures with the cable running through the adjacent room.

Well, this false flag was an interesting one. It was more "perfect" for what they're going for, since it was "executed" at long range with "fully automatic, military-grade rifles", we're not able to point out how the shooting could have been done just the same with smaller arms or hand guns.

Seems like a better strategy as far as getting their foot in the door. Ban the big scary ones first, you know?

Someone post the September 10th post

I don't think one man should own 20+ semi auto's. I know, that's a crazy thing to say in Burgerville.

>does not have footage of our scapegoat over 4 days bringing anything in

Who ever said that? Just because they dont show it to you doesnt mean they dont have it.

Pic of gloves?

Republicans control congress and the presidency. Why would they try and push gun control now?

Does navada have a pro gun control governor?

Why would the cia false flag such a big operation when it has the lowest chance of effecting gun control laws instead of last year when obama could have actually passed gun control bills?

Something here doesn’t add up.

Because if you own a lot of guns, it's more bad somehow!

>This man who killed people using a single gun, owned OVER 500 GUNS!