Hey user, my country is in a civil war c-can i stay with you?

>Hey user, my country is in a civil war c-can i stay with you?

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Varg told me you guys aren't white so I'm gonna have to say no

You have to go back.

>eyes aren't brown


Yes plz

We're both going to help the Catalonians, love. Anything to destabilize the EU

Keep walking.

Only if you answer this question correctly: who owns Gibraltar?

Sure. Bring your massive extented family with you, if you don't mind bunking six to a room. Don't worry about Brexit, the border doesn't snap shut until 2019, you still have free movement.

You see, if there were Spanish refugees, they'd fuck off back home to Spain as soon as possible. They wouldn't cause trouble while they were temporarily staying here, and I'd get a free place to stay somewhere hot for my holidays ever after.

You know? Like this "refugee" game is supposed to be played by civilised human beings?

What the fuck are you even talking about

"you picked the wrong country to escape civil war you dumb bitch"

No you fucking lazy commie scum, already enough of your moorish countrymen there subverting the place, also tell Louis XX he isn't french and never will be king of France.

Si taco burritoo enchilada

Cowards will be killed one way or another, no matter where they hide

>tfw no fashy Spanish gf

Great more Mexicans

Message me in kik??

Only if you eat all the eggs

No you'll just fuck up this place too. It's all your people are good for. Really. Think about it.

>letting poor people into my house

Goy, you are in the wrong place.

Refugees are fucking cowards. Fix your shitty country instead of running away from it.

>Wanting even more Muslims in my country.


I'e got all I need at home already

The only people with balls to go to war in this country are right wing christian nationalists which happen to be in the army. The only hope of catalonians is to whine so hard some foreigner country to fight for "their rights"

I like you, man.

aww come here sweetie, what did the catalan meanie did to you?


Nah, i'm gonna chill with Tay...

Sure i like pure blooded spaniards. The women are beautiful and age much better than their south american half breed counterparts


Oh yeah, what happened with that whole Catalan vote thing? I forgot about that.

Africa begins at the Pyrenees.
And it was a quadroon that said it.

J, u leftist parasitescjust want to force ure authrian parasitism on us too.
Btfo Spain, u nigger.

Why do you post Chinese cartoons on a political image board, are you a faggot?

it's already autumn but I just found some summerfag residue

Apparently the military is being called in to quell riots.


Illegal voting is against EU law citizen
Pick up that can

I'm sure you can find someone whiter. It's Spain, not Mexico.


Only if you'll be my buttslut.

implying im not going to join the spanish war

Says the memeflagger. Show us your real flag, 3rd worlder.

I'm American. I didn't vote in anything regarding Catalonia.

This image is massively unhelpful.

This is suspect. Source?


Absolutely disgusting.


Until they call in the German military to quell the riots, it's not very noteworthy.

Let me tell you about the Jews

Civil War is gonna last 2 days at max. Lefties nowdays has no army at all.

>Catalan separatists.

Well played user

>Hazel eyes

They have all the women, though. Modern warfare is about a bunch of women's studies majors screeching at a man until he commits a suicide. It's worse than trench warfare.

>35% moorish
>Grey eyes

Show us your flag.




This. Now if you agree to marry me it can streamline your entry into the country and streamline the citizenship process, but I will only agree to marry you if you are pregnant with my child.


>Shitskin visiting white country detected
Spaniards cannot pass the one-drop rule test. If you disagree with this, you have a fundamental lack of knowledge of genetics.

> Sure you can stay!
> Look into her and if I find out she's a commie who supported Catalonia. Once I pound her pussy for a bit I'll kick her out!

How dare you steal the name "legionnaire" for yourself, profligate?


For those of you that can understand spanish.

An explanation to why spanish society is as commie/liberal as it is today.

>(/spoiler) plenty of spanish tits.

*Unzips foreskin*

Equally unhelpful. And wrong; the King of Spain was ordained by Franco. Or at least Juan Carlos was. Felipe is just lucky.

Huh, what do you know.

Well, good luck Catalonia and good luck Spain. Try not to start a shooting war.

Why is it so important that Spain hold on to Catalonia, again?

shut the fuck up



dont worry i wont have lashed to a cross like the rest of these degenerates

Of course you can live with me, I'm gonna take you out to the best places with all the money I stole from the Krauts!



fuck off dont come here after ruining your own country like the spics and niggers

>Can I stay too, user

>not dating, marrying, fucking whatever a girl for having brown eyes

Fucking homos lol

Lmao we both know that varoufakis took all of that

are there still people that think eye color determines anything? There are mega bimbo negroes with freckles and blue eyes out there lol.

Race was, is and will be determined by your skull shape.

"Snow-white has black auburn hair. She must be a nigger hurrdurr"

Varg also thinks Genghis Khan had blonde hair and blue eyes

>Varg also thinks Genghis Khan had blonde hair and blue eyes
Who cares what he thinks, the facts are that Spaniards have a significant amount of non-white admixture (moorish/arabic/african)

sadly going ncr or yes man ending is better

One of the most homogeneous counties nice try nigger boy

>the anime stutter
fuck off weeb

>all that mystery meat admixture in between R1b
>an unsourced memeimage that could have been made/came from anyone
Show us your real flag, 3rd worlder.

the haplogroup meme.

when will it die.

mandatory gulag for people that think haplogroups determine race.

no, now get off my porch shitskin.

>Varg told me you guys aren't white

Apparently you care what he thinks. Wheres your proof ?

Varg is right

On Monday the independence gets declared. If the Spanish government went ape shit over voting, won't you have troops on Monday? It's literally going to be a war, isn't it?

"Chinese cartoons" are you an idiot?

gib princess leonor

Fucking traitor, if you are not marching with us then you should be sent to live with the moors at Melilla!!!

Dont feel bad Sweden at least you have a progressive muslim somali bf


Redditspacing niggerlover

Probably not.

But we'll have to wait and see.


Who the fuck are you to speak anyway? Look at the US afroamerican stats.
Plus: youtu.be/qku2WZ7aRYw

gay as fuck

What are the options if the state declares independence? Probably not if they don't declare independence. If they do, it's a certainty.

>My sources: Genetics and facts
>Your sources: "uhuhuhuh ook ook eek eek [*other unintelligible monkey-moor noises*] look at jewtube video"
I have genetics on my side, all you can do is point to your jewish leash-holder's media tricks. Genetic facts say at least 1 in 5 spaniards have shitskinned admixture in their background.

Show us your real flag, 3rd worlder.