What lies and other pieces of propaganda did you get taught at school?

What lies and other pieces of propaganda did you get taught at school?

I'll start

I got taught by a lefty teacher that it was the white man who started the slave trade, and that aside from rome, whites were never in history enslaved.
Of course i later learned that's a bunch of bullshit

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I was taught that Germany declared war in 1939.
I was taught the Sami people were the original Scandinavians.
All that bogus "United Nations are peace keepers of the world", which people still believe to this day.
Alla människors lika värde.
Women are paid less, and discriminated on the labor market.
Lots of other stuff.

>whites were never in history enslaved.
Aye well done lad.

Everyone nation has its own version of events, narrative is important.

What we dont get taught in the UK is Empire history, which is a great shame.

We go from the people who made Stonehenge in 2000 BC straight to the Romans, Vikings, Saxons, Normans Tudor period up to the early 17th century century

Then there is a massive Empire gap until 1914.

We are forbidden from talking about the Empire as Germany is forbidden from talking about Nazi.

Germany and England did some really really terrible shit, France too, Spain, Portugal, the Dutch.

but good stuff too \o/

6 gorillion

Take Tudor England, Ahhh Tudor England, Knights, Honor, Castles, Chivalry, Princess, Kings and Queens, Crusades, what a glorious time to be alive eh?

Only it wasnt, It was brutal as fuck, like nothing you can imagine.

I can't think of the Doco but it gives you a perspective of living in real Tudor England, no warmth, no light, no law, you could be killed or raped at any time, if you cross the wrong stream you'll get massacred, say the wrong thing about God, torn to bits, burned at the stake. No one had rights, not even Kings were safe, God was everything, its was medieval.

To even stay alive was a task, to be enslaved was what everyone was, you were the property of your Lord.

Was taught the six gorillion as well

I'm mid gen x

Leftist control of education has been going on for far too long

that Hitler hated jews because the doctor that treated his dying mother was jewish.

>I was taught that Germany declared war in 1939.

right. Germany invaded Poland without declaring war. They were less honorable than one would think.

Hitler dindu nuffin, he wuz a gud 'ol boy, he wuz just tryina get his people sum lebensraum, he wuz goin 2 the League of Nations e'ry year

I was taught that women are human.

We are under continous mental attack about how we are useless and should let other countries fix our shit for us. and lefties are terrorist who got teaching positions and constantly recruit children for criminal syndicates via alientation of the country.

The holocaust is taught every year in history in American schools and accounts for about 60% of the syllabus. We even took an 8 hr bus ride to DC to the holocaust museum

Jew soap and lampshades

me too user.

my life was such a lie. it is so sad. I want to cry.

Was told the American civil was fought over slavery. Non stop for a dozen years. No other reason for the war.

Graduated HS in 2006. In my junior year I had a black history teacher show us some movie talking about how there's no difference in DNA between different races.

The Sami people are not original Scandinavians?

She was right, you just dont realize whites came from albinism.

How come forensic scientists are able to use DNA magic to determine the race of a suspect?

Orwelian nightmare experience growing up in SoCal:
I was taught pretty much every lie you can think of that had no evidence to back it up but was insisted was right and actual "history". Say anything different, or anything "intolerant", and you were sent to a re-education campus. The kids who went there and came back were not the same.
I kept my mouth shut and just repeated the shit these crazy liberal bastards wanted to hear. For several reasons I did this:
1) to not die. "Problematic" thinking made you a target to not only authorities but also everyone around you. I was outnumbered. Out of 10,000 students, only about 565 were white. And, being California, you are unarmed and unable to defend yourself.
2) to not be sent to brainwashing. I really didn't want to be sent to that campus.

It is scarier than it seems over there. We just think, "Oh those lefties are just crazy as they run around fucking eachother and weighing more taxes on their poor haha". No, motherfuckers, they fucking send people with "problematic thoughts" to brainwashing in a facility.



The only Australian history we ever learned was Aboriginal history.

They sat around eating seafood and never ever killed each other or had any insane customs and mild cannibalism, no sir.

Race doesn't exist. A race has winners and losers. Those (((scientists))) just do and say what they're told.

Cuz druids never did that. Berserkers were never a thing.

Hitler wanted to kill everyone in the world without blonde hair and blue eyes. When his team of scientist told him that it could take 1,000 years to make the entire world blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked at them and said, "Better get started now then".

Yea, I was actually taught this.

dumb ass, the genes for white people and albinos are different

Either way Im glad we can all agree now that Hitler was wrong.

Wrong. Whites are not albinos. But they did come from them. And anyone who disagrees simply hasn't done even the slightest bit of research.









Only the northern parts, but they were nomads and never formed a nation.

Northern Indians have allays been considered descendants of Aryans. What you are presenting would be considered core evidence of the Nazi ideology. I don't really understand if you are this stupid or if this is some form of layered Nazi propaganda meme.

>Making up stories about German history
>Making fake quotes using American phrases
Nobody in Europe says "better get started now then", well nobody except the Brits, but they're not really Europeans, they're Brits.

that's retarded. whites have low melanin because it interferes with vitamin d absorption, and is disadvantageous in cloudy climates. if whites "came from albinos", whites wouldn't be able to suffer from albinism, the same genetic disorder that causes albinism in blacks causes it in whites, completely unrelated to normal white genes.

Stopped watching

You are trying to pull the ol swithcherooo.

"Us europeans made them!"

Nah. Thats not how genetics works. Two recessive can never make dominant. You tried.

>if whites "came from albinos", whites wouldn't be able to suffer from albinism,
Wrong and wrong. You are basically making things up as you go.

>The holocaust is taught every year in history in American schools and accounts for about 60% of the syllabus. We even took an 8 hr bus ride to DC to the holocaust museum
Where did you go to school? We only studied it one year, in European History, for about 2 weeks.

Pic before this, david duke top right

Middle right, matt damons son.

Just coincidence? Uh-huh. Not buying it. Whites didnt fall out of the sky.

top left*

The evidence is all around you. I dare any of you to find your birthmark and question how it really got there.




Classic deflection. Black albinos. Non-cacausoid. Now do me a favor and show me pics of ethopian, sudanese, and other north african albinos.

What the heck
Have any names (as in, the names of the schools/"re-education" shit) we can look into?

History : Everything about WW2 and Algeria chimpout is fucking made up.

Political "science" was glorified brainwashing "look there's only one axis, right or left, the left are kind and the right love money," "extreme vote is simple : the more stupid and uneducated people are, the more likely they are to vote for them. Only works for extreme right tho."

Economics were basically "free trade solves everything, the only purpose of border is being selfish (??) , having a strong money is good, having central banks is essential, modern Germany is the pinnacle of a good economic template."

Philosophy was pretty based actually, teacher was mostly into greek and shopenhauer/nietzche philophy, had good talks with him.
From what i heard , most teachers and the program teach only about "state is good, justice and equality for all are goals to strive for" and other post modernist bullshit.

Physics : Muh climate change due to human C02 emissions.

Litterature : Mostly study pre-feminist, communist and holohoax fictions for 10 hours a week.

English : Muh diversity, muh global order, muh progress...etc

Spanish : All the leftist bullshit, only in spanish. Same thing if you chose German.

"Civic education" : How to be a good goy.

I was in a good private high school, i can only imagine what is going on in public schools.

I was taught that SS soldiers thew Jewish infants up in the air and shot them.....

>English teacher was an absolute Marxist
>unironically would tell us that "communism was the only true path to equality"
>would rant about how he wanted to kill all Tories
Pic related, found his Twitter the other day through RedWatch.


The Aryans and Indo-European people are interchangeable entities. The Indo-Europeans originates around the black sea, and migrated to Europe thousands of years ago. They brought civilization with them. The original European population were not Aryan. The Nazis believed that the Nordic people where the purest descendants of the ancient Aryans, that would not delegitimize the cultural heritage of other populations based on Aryan stock, e.g. the populations of Northern India. The swastika is not suppose to be a German symbol, but an Aryan symbol. Finding this symbol in other Indo-European cultures is further evidence of that.

East shit nigger.

Not black but I will make a mental note of your fear of the black man.

Ok swastika is for aryan? Okay Aryan is white?

Okay. Albino comes from the latin word albus, meaning white?

This is the part where you learned something.

How is the weight of your hubris? Heavy I assume.


Oh look I have a map too. Ye elsker deg Brother. My gf is norwegian.


Read and weep. You are probably the biggest idiot on Sup Forums at this very moment.

no. im right. same shit that causes albinism in blacks causes it in whites and every other race. it's nothing to do with race.

Race doesn't exist. You're just a homnid great ape.

Absolutely untermensch, would gas 140% of him on the spot with liters of highly flammable insecticide coming out a fake shower next to the fastest ovens in the world.

But your map is retarded m8.

For long time my gf would not believe me. But After seeing all the evidence, she starting to understand. Race isnt real. You are just a monkey.

race is just names with use to call phenotype variations that vary along lines of genetic and geographical distance. where the actual line between each "race" is drawn is arbitrary, but the variation is still genetic. albinism is something completely different, you're a fucking retard.

I feel like you guys are having trouble accepting reality. Must be all that pride. Greatest sin btw. Im sure that's no (((coincidence)))

None IIRC. My history teachers seems to always have been very objective in what they taught.
There were of course some of the 6 million, but it was something they just went over fast.

Being a leaf, in Toronto, surprisingly, not a lot.
I am close to 40, so times were different.
In my day, it was global warming, and the giant hole we caused in the ozone layer.
BTW WTF ever happened to the ozone layer? That used to be like the main selling point.

Ethnicity might be a thing but race is completely fictitious. Name the races.

jk, I dont care. Because I no longer believe in any of that. Nice ad hominems guiz, really shows the argument. Maybe add some stormfront infographs to strengthen your position. Which is what btw?

Races are real and we should go to war? kek.

We repaired it by banning aerosols and cutting down on factory emmissions

Kill yourself.
This is not even clever trolling. I understand that you take comfort in the physical distance between us, and you think that my words cannot hurt you, but that is not true at all. Intelligence is not a requirement to internalize simple truths. You are a genetic hazard to this planet. By merely existing you are a weight on human civilization. Deep within you know that I am right, and you would never be posting on Sup Forums if you were not upset about it.

That cute desu, but I live in the greatest country in the world. TFW when american. It was really courageous of you to try so hard like that though. I applaud your bravery.


Did you just stroke out?

No just really dank ganja

I wasn't listening in school.
Thanks Sup Forums for validating my laziness.

"I'm an atheist but if I was forced to choose a religion I'd choose islam. It's the religion that allows the most freedom and would impact my life as a woman the least"
-My (((History))) teacher

Do you believe in different strains of marijuana?

Yeah but I dont believe in sub-marijuanas.

It's mandated by the state of CA, but Orange County is where I was when they were drilling it in. And this seemed to start, as far as I am aware of, around 2008.

Read Nial Ferguson

Why do they make it so hard to have any respect for them

Then why even mention the DANKNESS if all marijuana is equal?

That Africans were human.

>Name the races.
H. Sapiens Caucasoid
H. Sapiens Mongoloid
H. Sapiens Negroid
H. Sapiens Australoid
and more recent genetic evidence suggests another group may be forthcoming based on admixture with Denosivan man.

Be easy guys. We famalam for realz now. Have no regrets. Everything happens for a reason. Karma spins tenfold, seasons constantly change.


>What lies and other pieces of propaganda did you get taught at school?
It's not so much what I was taught as much as it's about what I wasn't taught.
Leaving big gaps allows the subject to insert what seems to be their own narrative, but is instead on which you have designed for him to see.
IMO anyways
But the things that stick out to me as a white man speaking English from Nova Scotia is how they tried to make us feel guilty about killing Natives and kicking out the Acadians.
The opposite effect happened IMO, and I can really remember them trying to hammer home that emotional message.

Around when i was 12 years old i got teached that we are guilty for 2 world wars and that we discriminated and killed more than 6 million jews. And in each new year in school we got taught again and again the same things. We should never be a great country again or this will happen again. You are not allowed to be proud of your country. The guilt of killing so many people overweights everything. If you dare to say that you are proud or you like your country, you are declared a nazi instantly. We are guilty forever and nothing will ever change that.

They realize that CFCs weren't the cause and currently the running theory is the whole gets naturally bigger and smaller (meaning they have no meaningful explanation)

All coined by Charles Darwin, white supremacist.


Deno, sapo, loid, thal. Its all just monkey.

The marijuana doesn't have feelings. It doesn't care. I'm not hurting anyone.

Ah. So in other words, back in 1990, the biggest selling point of global warming was BS. Makes sense.
The ozone was also the "main cause" of the Arctic melting. Now that is blamed on warmth, but since nothing is warming, it's just change. Kek.

So we should ignore science if it hurts somebody's feelings? That's ridiculous.

The dirty little secret about the UN peace keepers is that they're often the primary consumer of child prostitution. Many of them often use food and medicine as enticement for sex from locals.

Stormfront infographs aren't science. Neither are charles darwins "race" findings. He was right about evolution though.

That free trade benefits all nations that participate in it.

6 gorillion

THOUGH: I had a teacher who was right wing in the 4th grade, we were learning about elections and she really shit-talked the liberals.

Do you remember what they called them? I assume it would be something pleasant and misleading instead of "Fucking commie brainwash prison for kids"
I tried looking up "Orange county re education centers" and got some weird novel written by a gook from 'Nam

It might be ridiculous, but its called progress and its inevitable. Instead of standing against the raging tide, you could just row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream.

How the fuck did this become an albino thread?

In Scottish schools we only learn about British history. Our curriculum doesn't cover the picts or the wars of independence or any part of our history and identity. Scotland only gets mentioned tangentially when we learn about the Romans and even then we get taught utter tripe about the Picts. I hate how Anglo-centric our curriculum is.

>There is no American Dream
>The American Dream is only being able to make a lot of money
>White people are the root of all evil since forever
>Got taught that the Vietnam War was lost for nearly two months
>Spent a week on WW2
>Spent a couple of days on WW1
>Bush Jr is retarded. We even had a poster in class of his speech slip ups
>Civil War was only about black slavery
>Real communism has never been tried before
>Communism can work/will be the eventual outcome of human civilization
>Hitler had no other reason for killing Jews except that he was chastised in WW1 by a jewish officer and/or his mother's jewish doctor let her die
>Reagan wanted WW3 because he was an insane conservative

People hate to read books... or other time consuming shit. They love to be certain and they stay to their opinion to stay dominant. Few people learn that school tells too many lies about the past, because a rotten civilizational structure favors immorality, dominance is favored over competence/knowledge/capability of doing things for long-term progress.

I was taught that the Nazis were the bad guys

Oi, bin that knife guvnuh.

Tudor England was over 200 years after the age of chivalry and the crusades. You were not restricted where to work (serf) in the same way anymore. But the probability to die a violent death was actually higher in Tudor times than during the Middle Ages.

I only found out we had an empire from nan.

I was told at primary school that white people were painting themselves blue whilst other cultures were building pyramids and cities

Arctic home of the Vedas
Give it a read my nigga

That life came from non-life when lightning struck mud.

Celts were painting themselves blue, at least the tribes on the British Isles. "White people" (I suppose you mean Europeans) in general were building cities pretty early. Their neighbours, Middle Eastern people, built the very first cities.

>60% of the syllabus
Maybe if you live in fucking Israel or something, but I live in NY and that's so far from reality I'm wondering what other fantastical shit you spread