White males BTFO

It's not a conspiracy when Muslims commit the crime but when a white male is behind it now it is a conspiracy.

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Salon.com, the height of journalism. you are right buddy this is a real article made by a reputable journalistic establishment and it's totally the world view of the masses they are all out to get you including the government, cover your room in tinfoil, run buddy run!

this stuff happens because when white people want to kill people, they actually get it done.

No conspiracy. He was a leftist who attacked innocent kids because democrats cant handle losing an election. Its mental thats all.

now Elliot Rodger is part of the white patriarchy?

>Elliot Roger

Fucking seriously?

If whites were evil they would never make it pass the bronze age as they would be too busy killing eachother to advance.

Elliot Rodgers wasn't white, his mom was asian and his dad was jewish.
Jews aren't white.

Elliot "riceball" Rodger is white? Seriously?

Because white people literally commit less crime

>white father
>white name
>grew up in white patriarchal mysogynist society

fuck off

>majority of a country's populace are white
>majority of the mass shooters are white


it just shows how little they think or research this shit, it's just women vomiting their emotions again

After the terrorist attack earlier this week in canada I was starting to get worried we wouldn't focus on the real issue: white males.

If white people were all like the recent shooter?
There'd be nobody left.
Do you have ANY IDEA how capable we are?
How about you quit pissing us off. Maybe that.
Before it's too late.

All Liberal Dems. Go figure.

amazing how quickly they neglect to mention the previous two high score gunmen
Cho and Mateen
neither white

Salon is the britbart of the left

>Adam Lanza
>Pissed off that he couldn't fuck little kids
>Dylann Roof
>One of us
>Gooba gaba
>Eliot Rogers
>Postracial posterboy angry he couldn't get laid


Young black men still commit the vast majority of homicides compared to young white men but of course das raciss

The funny thing is, here in Europe they use "mental illness" as an excuse for attacks by Muslims. So... if it isn't about mental illness...


chinese are white apparently

Desperate fucking nigger aren't you?

Loled hard at Elliot

The majority of mass shooters in the US are black, but you'll sooner prove creationism is real than get the media to admit that

>hey Twitter name my band

Except nobody said Dylann Roof did it because of mental illness, the accepted narrative there is that he was right wing terrorist motivated by racism.
If there is an ideological motivation, then it is terror. If not, then we have to assume it's mental illness. It's that simple, and yet leftists still refuse acknowledge it.

One drop rule faggot. Unless you think Obama is white?

What about all the evil that existed before whites were discovered?

whats another few decades of being labeled the bad guy in the long run. im sure we are all used to it now lets just go to sleep.

>if it's a man it's patriarchy
I miss the days when people didn't just throw out buzzwords

I hate how they use the term "white" I dont want to be in the same group as those murican mutts




No evidence his dad was Jewish

Eat shit and die, Serbian

Reddit called, they want you back.

>white father
his father is a jew; not white

White people are closest to the truth.
Everyone here is fed up with reality and just trying to cope. Some of us can't keep going on.
I survived because I had my music if I didn't have that who knows what would've happened.

It's a all a conspiracy duh

>It's not a conspiracy when Muslims commit the crime

Guess you missed the million posts about ISIS/muslim mass immigration being blamed on Israel/Jews.

>black murder stats totally ignored because muh racism
>the mass shooter did the crime because he is white
>unironically they argue its impossible to be racist towards a white person because something something privledge something something

It really shows how they will leap on anything to force an anti-white male narrative. Proportionally whites commit mass shootings slightly below their population level, but they still force it. There is no chance of reconciliation with the left, I'm often critical of Sup Forums but the left operates on several levels more delusion and non-ironic hatred.

>implying we aren't the last bastion of truth left on the internet

Tbqh the more moderate "alt-lite" types are generally better than this place, but this place speaks certain truths you won't here elsewhere.

Elliot would be happy they called him a white male