What does this mean Sup Forums?

What does this mean Sup Forums?

It means the wrong people won WWII.

It means she's desperate for attention, probably because her music isn't good enough to get her enough by itself

virtue signaling for record sales. that simple.
Oh, and a mental disorder. she isn't anything but a dumb cunt that can't get cock

Probably this. Who is this erection deflection tier whore?

>Italian and Nigger
>calls herself bi-racial


they forgot bewildered, bungling soon to be bye-bye.



>identifying as bipolar

HAHAHA, fucking hell...
The madness shows no sign of slowing down.

they're evolving

Bipolar is a gender now?



Let me guess, a "white" kike

Yet she can only be gassed once. Some times life just isn't fair.

Wow! it belongs in a mental institution!

It means we're in for a long hard battle to restore sanity to the world....

bahahahaha it's true. this is the same bitch who was complaining about not being considered "alternative" like kendrick lamar despite growing up listening to "biggie and nirvana" a few weeks back

She got fame from basic bitch alternative 20yr old millenial women after copying the style of every other female indie artist and is desperately trying not to become irrelevant as she comes our with the exact same sounding songs. She doesn't even change her pitch all she just stays at the same pitch and it is edited to sound quieter/louder at parts. Now she sees her music career dying she is trying to get media attention so her songs keep playing in McDonald's and Starbucks.

Means she didnt have a dad and is desperate for attention

>look at me and please say I'm special fuck judging me on my music

It means she was born an actual female, and is attention whoring. She needs to get knocked up to get some perspective.

what's going on with those crazy oval ears? obviously reptilian.


>I woke up today and I was like "What kind of bullshit can I make up today?"



Interesting that the next post after OP is the eternal and only answer.

She can say that word that can destroy your career if you're white?

mental illness is what it means.


I identify as trabi

>identifies as commie garbage
>flag checks out

it means you probably shouldn't fuck her if you get the chance, because she is crazy

So basically she did say it and is going back on herself

CAPTCHA: Microgay 33990

I identify as the South Pole


It means that the end of the world is coming

Shit talent, only channel to sell is through diverstipedity.

quad bi actually

assuming it identifies as bipedal

Thank God for aposematism. Makes them easy to spot.

gewd jawb bud

Legacy media is dead.

I hate people

She should kill herself

She's actually quad bi, the fourth bi is for batshit insane or bullshit identity disorder

we need to push a form of social accelerationism
we need to except all this shit
we need to promote the most ridiculous horse shit out there and once they get all comfy...
pull the rug out from under them

It's real, Sup Forums btfo and trolled again

oh god, when will this degeneracy stop already? how long until that volcano in yellowstone erupts???

She just needs a good dick. Also daddy issues and bored as fuck.

''If it is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right."

I'd put my cishet pole in her tri-bi hole, if you know what I mean.

Sounds like a catch. Good luck calling me a racist if I got my dick buried in that twisted piece of ass.


why is this allowed?

It means gonna kill herself.

Bipolar and bisex follow logically from biracial desu. She only needed to mention the latter.

You tell me, heeb. Your ilk are the ones that did this. For what reason? I can only imagine. However, it is no coincidence that the media (the 4th pillar of society) is exclusively made-up of high-profile international Jews.

Sexuality is like poker these days.


White faggots being unironically racist by pretending and making up million ways and excuses to claim victim status. I'm a nigg and these white faggots are one-upping blacks so they can feel important and victimized. These same white faggots drove me to become a based conservative black dude. Fucking faggots. I don't want your wywymin either I just want my guns and my private business to be left alone.

Now they are putting in SHAPES for sexuality? Watch out guys, I'm an trapezoid-bi... ahaha

She admits that she is bipolar. Tells you all you need to know.

So an average snowflake.

so you basily take no responbility for your weak mindness ?

The Jew is known for dodging and deflecting the question at hand, so this is not surprising to me.
I myself am not weak minded, so I guess not. I don't watch (((TV))) or any other kike media, for that matter. I am just shittin with you personally btw, but I am being deadly serious where I say it is always Jews that are behind this stuff. And yes, I would have to say that our own people have succumb to your people's brainwashing and permanent guilt over the years. It's all part of (((their))) plan.

She's Hungarian and black, not Italian.

It means she shouldn't reproduce.