FACT: Gun ownership has little affect on the murder rate

FACT: Gun ownership has little affect on the murder rate.

fact: most murders are committed by niggers

what we need is nigger control, not gun control

>what we need is nigger control, not gun control


It has an effect on how many people one person can kill at a time. If all someone has is bolt action then it's tough.

>what are bombs made with household supplies
This path eventually will lead us to banning plastic knives like Britain, and I'd rather die than let us get to that level.

I think Molymeme had a really great vid on this a while back. I hate his guts and so it pains me to say he did a great job breaking down the statistics. When it comes to violent crime, the #1 predictor is race. Where guns are concerned, violent crime is overwhelmingly committed using ILLEGAL firearms. Lawful gun ownership is an outstanding predictor of peace and safety in a community.

>FACT: Gun ownership has little affect on the murder rate.



look at the statistics asshole

Thats kind of racist though. Why does Sup Forums like the 2nd amendment but doesnt like 'All men are created equal'?

Because "all men are crated equal" is not in the constitution.

>FACT: Gun ownership has little affect on the murder rate.

Niggers murder niggers. Gun ownership protects whites.

Nigger dead are good news, not a problem. If you disagree you deserve to die too.

Friendly reminder that 90% of gun crime is committed with illegally owned firearms.

All men created equal was the declaration of Independence, it was Whites telling other Whites they were equal to them, not referring to blacks or any other race

We can only compare gun deaths to gun ownership.

The murder rate is irrelevant.

Other countries do not have nearly as many gun deaths as us. That is how we know guns are killing Americans and if you don't see how Americans dying is a bad thing, then you are the degenerate.

Wake up.

Of course, some people are bigger than others.

>The murder rate is irrelevant.

The murder rate is extremely relevant.

>NM at 50%
I can believe it. Albuquerque was nice but you could tell there was a lot of violent spics fresh from the border

>The murder rate is irrelevant.
tf are you talking about? Gun deaths alone don't tell you shit about violence in America, you dumb fucking retard.

Unless you want to start including car accidents in with the homicide rate.

States with a larger proportion of white people have lower murder rates. Hmm...

Nigger control now!

Niggers and blacks are separate. Black people contribute to society, niggers are passively working against it.

ya blew it

>Why does Sup Forums like the 2nd amendment but doesnt like 'All men are created equal'?

Because that's obviously incorrect

>suicide rates factor in to gun deaths
You're a special kind of person I can tell

Gun deaths include statistics on suicide and accidents. Removing suicide removes nearly 2/3rds of the gun deaths annually. This could be blamed on the stigma of seeing a psychiatrist, or possibly because they can't afford it. I oppose single payer healthcare, but I honestly see no other option to allow these 20 something thousand people access to the care they need regardless of their ability to pay.
You want to reduce gun deaths? Start with suicide.

You're making it sound like you don't understand cost analysis. This will happen incrementally and for example the solution that you presumably want to happen will in fact occur before revolvers are touched. Meaning that the goal is to get all the way down to fucking bolt action but other solutions like mental health will actually succeed before that happens. Things like silencers have of course already started and is the tiny top of the iceberg. It truly will be a different America after Trump.

It's not racist when 13% of the population commits 39% of the homicides...

Unemployment and poverty are extremely effective predictors of gun murder. The p-value is less than 0.0001.

Gun ownership rates, guns per capita, and the Brady campaign score (which measures gun law strictness) have no effect. Their p-value is like 0.75.

Liberals love to conflate gun deaths (which includes suicide) with gun murder. Gun suicides make up such a large percentage of gun deaths that it actually skews the data.

That's not even taking race into account, which is very predictive as well.

>tfw you live in Maryland
>tfw concealed carry permit nearly impossible to get