There are 10,000 illegal Irish Immigrants in Boston AS WE SPEAK. How do we fix this? They come here where they're not wanted, they eat our food, and they pollute our city with their stink.
What is the Final Solution to the Irish Problem?
I unironically never really thought about white illegals there. Do you get lots of Eastern Europeans as well? Presumably as soon as they have any kind of run in with law enforcement, they get deported. If they try and leave to go home, they get b& from returning.
I just can't really imagine why an Irish would move illegally there desu
We have Yugos and Poles here legally, in Chicago or New York I don't doubt there's some illegals though.
By gassing yourself, kike.
Go back home Mick, your CousinWife needs you to support your 8 children with autism.
Ban the selling of potatoes to Irishmen and the problem will be fixed in no time
Its our country now, boy-o.
Pure coincidence
>kike talking about inbreeding
You'd know
ban potatoes.
It's only fair; Poles took over Ireland, so the Irish are looking for a Pole-free home of their own
Country was pioneered and founded by illegal Irish Immigrants. If you are not of Irish/English heritage you need to get out of the country right now.
tiocfaidh ár lá :^)
His natural arch enemy: the potato beetle
I for one welcome our Irish overlords
Nigger Jew OP KYs, white illegals ain't illegal since they don't nig up the country like the niggers that come here illegally in the millions.
Also been to Boston, and it's more filled with fucking Hindus and chinks going to the university's there than any Irish. You fucking kike
>> tons of illegal Hindus, din-du, and Ching Chongs but whites make kikey mad
>being butthurt about MORE white people being here
kys retard
give the fucking irish a break
There's no such thing as an illegal white immigrant. Only non-whites can be illegal
I bet a fucking Wop made this thread
dis nigga
Why do you hate the dark elves, nord?
They have been here as long as you have. They have as much right to stay in Windhelm as you.
this thread.
father forgive us
we should've listed
The pic is OP
Plus Irishmen like Sean Hannity and Italians like Neil Cavuto are as complicit as Jews in opening the gates for unrestricted Third World immigration.
For over a hundred years, Irish have been shouting: "Hey! The U.S. let us in, so let's welcome in damn near everyone! (Oh by the way, we aren't racist")
Emmanuel Celler was a Jew and Philip Hart was Irish
Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965
Ted Kennedy was Irish-American too
Hart is an English surname
>sage all divide and conquer threads by kikes