What has caused the west to become so creatively bankrupt?

What has caused the west to become so creatively bankrupt?

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6 media companies own everything and are working in tandem to destroy culture to create brain dead propagandized masses that will accept communism with a smiley sticker on it.

Not my definition of dabbing

Just use a good deoderant.

Make everything dull, boring. Stifle free expression.
Theres documentaries about what happened to the culture of the soviet union. Same thing, bland meaningless superficial crap.

The Lord placed each and every one of us here to experience this era firsthand and witness why this world is not our spiritual home.

sieg heil movie, that's right, motherfuckers

Disney fucking up copyright for everyone.


>t. the ancient nation of Greece


Yeah, if only we could just have state-funded commie propaganda films, then we'd be better off. Faggot.

Every movie they crank out I become more convinced that Sony Pictures is just an elaborate tax evasion scheme

Sony pictures going under would be a blessing for humanity

I'm not good with taxes, tell me more
I mean, there's no way a company could be THIS out of touch after the flop that was the emoji movie, r-right?

Hollywood went full retard with the Remake fiasco, churning old properties to try to make new money, and it never really recovered creatively.

The blockbuster is where is all started to go wrong. Before that stupid step, each studio would make thirty films a year, and hope one or two would go wild, with the others mostly making back their costs. Then they shifted to making a mere twelve and putting all their faith in marketing to trick people into seats.

When that failed they tried to virtue signal their way into profit, which failed, of course, as leftists don't spend/have money.

Now Hollywood is fucked. Their future depends on an audience they have wilfully alienated with pseudo-political hate speech. Trying to suck up to the Chinese is futile in even the short term, the chinks hate the West.

The mainstream is a giant synergised circlejerk with less and less money being injected into it, just like the housing market, in fact. Billions turning circles to conceal a game of pass the parcel.

Let's home it collapses in our lifetime, eh? It would be beautiful to watch.

>This could save them from bankruptcy

>greece talking about bankrupcy

life really writes the best jokes

Ever seen the producers?

>What has caused the west to become so creatively bankrupt?

Who nose?

No, I don't really look into that stuff as much as I should

Communists actually supported high culture. They outright banned or taxed what they considered ''low culture'' or kitsch/schund.
This is actually capitalism and lack of high culture. All American culture is culture of the masses, you lack great composers, painters, writers (there's some, but compared to European countries and US population and wealth it's laughable).
Communism is shit, but you should stop using it as a boogeyman. Degradation of culture is capitalism.

there's no incentive to create because if it's good people will just steal your shit anyway with illegal downloads, you'll get paid in "exposure" and if you accidentally do anything really creative someone will probably call you a racist/sexist/transphobe

might as well get a job at a bank, it's more fun

Dab really look like a nazi salute.

Nepotism. Nobody has talent.

>trying to make money
>pushing agendas
Pick one. Problem isn't capitalism.


basically they get a shitton of funding, loans etc. produce a box office bomb, then write it off, and do that shit where the government takes the property (which means it can never be aired again outside of government channels) and forgives the debt
so if you take 1 million dollars, use say 100k to make whatever, you can pocket the other 900k because the government doesn't look into failures.
Now if it succeeds on the other hand.

We should appropriate it. The new Roman Salute

just another symptom of the pullout of hollywood jews. they are down to their C tier talent.

>The west

I see...

affirmative action

>do that shit where the government takes the property (which means it can never be aired again outside of government channels) and forgives the debt
Does the americlap government just buy whatever properties?

I swaer Sony Pictures only exists at this point to waste all the money the company is getting from the games division. They keep fucking making shit movies based on memes that take longer for the movie to be made than the meme lasts.

Do you see why these producers always have massive marketing budgets? If the movie fails to recoup costs they can write it all off and pocket everything, if it succeeds they pay off the debt and keep the rest regardless.
It's a win-win for them

Sony Pictures is just real ass.
They deserve bankruptcy 5 times over honestly.

The decline of Hollywood can literally be tracked by star wars

Era 1 the Blockbuster boost. Star wars was the first blockbuster. It caused what you said to happen and changed everything in a way that'd kill Hollywood later on

Era 2 the reboot/prequel/remake. That whole thing was really kicked into high gear with the star wars prequels that made a fuck ton of money despite sucking ass. Made the rest of Hollywood take notice which led to creativity taking a nose dive

Era 3 the virtue signaling. Where we are now. No creativity. Just the same story but replacing the characters with blacks and women

No the creator has to willingly write it off on their taxes, in which case instead of taking the money, the government seizes the property, IP etc. It's how TV stations and such get rid of bombs, just write it off and forget about it.

Nah it looks really gay.

From our PoV this creative bankruptcy in the media is a good thing. We dont want the propaganda outlets to be new and innovative in their propaganda. Rehashing the same shit but only changing stuff for a political narrative makes it blatant for normies.

It's an opiate designed to entertain. When people tune out because it sucks they start thinking on their own again

Exactly. Remember that the Emoji movie was literally supposed to be anti-Trump propaganda. It's good that this is all they can come up with. Soon, the renaissance will begin, back to the days of good old western flicks where men have balls and women know their place. (going down on those balls.)

So you can pay your taxes by cranking out bad movies?

Guarantee you they're using it as a tax write off

So much this
I remember when I was a kid growing up in the 90's how Hollywood would churn out a bunch of films a year. Some were hit-and-miss but others were rare gems. It's stupid how instead of hedging their bets with many films they sink $+100 million in a few movies based on what marketing teams say and hope it strikes home.

but if the movie succeeds then the government will be all over you , it doesn't even had to be a good movie, it has to break even or more, but if it bombs, well it's one big tax write off. this has been abused in (((Hollywood))) for decades, and the movie the Producers written by the best Jew on the planet mocks this practice.

They kicked out the straight white male writers and replaced them with gays, hipsters, and feminists.


>What has caused the west to become so creatively bankrupt?
Political correctness, nepotism and the excess focus given on special effects and shit rather than the actual story

Jews and their degeneracy.

100% this, even Mel Brooks is calling it out

This cannot possibly be real

If you think about it, he's not that wrong.
>If they don't want to starve, an artist needs money
>usually that involves working on a team or just doing commissions solo
>For the former, creative control drastically decreases. The latter interferes with your ability to create your own projects.
>If you want to easily create popular art, you have to work with others
>having a group create something together via mutual creative input results in the most mainstream-appealing end result, especially as staff size increases.

It's why you don't see many successful comedian GROUPSn because the humor would be super sanitized by the time jokes are agreed upon
Except again that's ONE person writing a script that others perform.

Same reason people buy bullshit postmodern art for millions. It's a fucking fraud scheme!


Capeshit is aids and has demolished the minds of not only our youth but of the boomers that raised us through faggy comics

Sony's gonna go bankrupt. Nobody wanted nor went to see the emoji movie.

How the fuck is Dank Meme: The Movie gonna help?

Was meant for

100% this
You think people actually pay millions for fucking art?
Fuck no it's money laundering, they're using the sale as a front to transfer shittons of money, whether it's for hookers and blow, or fucking firearms, doesn't matter, it's what the corrupted elites do.

Sony is a jap company faglord

everyone knows modern art is just a money laundering scheme.

t. ex artfag

the emoji movie made a profit didn't it?

Regulations making every industry have only a handful of people up top with no actual competition due to impenetrable barriers of entry into said industry and political correctness exacerbated by social media handcuffing people from being creative. Those are the big two.

>Sony movies

Emoji movie made 180 million on a 50 million production, no idea what their marketing budget was

It honestly looks like they are sniffing their pits.

Seriously how did this ever become a thing?


Jews and nepotism.

Oh shit looks like we have ourselves a slide thread!


making pop-art for monetary value instead of art for artistic merit like in the old days


well said bong

>this could save them from bankruptcy

Hollywood won't collapse that easily, at worst it'll shift its priorities like it happened in the past. Case in point late 50's when television "killed" their model practiced since the 30's. So what happened in the 60's? Slow collapse and borrowing ideas from Europeans(most visible in westerns for obvious reason) then a "new age" of cinema.

I think sony is just trolling at this point


>Degradation of culture is capitalism.

This has to be some "Producers" style scam

Sauce immediately

it 100% is

you laugh now but just wait it' will turn into a silento movie and all the kids will be whipping and nae naeing

sony pictures is trying to ruin itself so sony international can pull the plug on them like the vioa division

its just american jobs who cares


Unironically this

What in the fuck is this dabbing thing anyways? It is so god damn cringey and stupid.

Communism was a wasteland of culture because it had to fit state ideology.

drug reference turned flavor of the month twitter dance move. done by niggers, celebs who want to be relevant and nigger loving white people

>anything opposed to unhindered (((capitalism))) is communism

Memes aside, you can thank nigger culture for the degradation of our society,

I could sense that it was something like that. Its like a sixth sense of mine.

Whatever happened to Krumping? that was funnier to look at then this mess

not sony pictures retard

>be communist
>can finally follow my passions and be a musician like i always wanted
>get free food and housing and whatever i want just for existing because this is ancomistan
>wait i dont know how to play any instruments
>wait i dont know how to sing either
>wait i also dont have any talent
>whatever i'll just make noise music or drum loops because it's better than working in the fields
Many such cases even in capitalism. At least in our system they don't get any money for producing shit.

>Sony Pictures is just an elaborate tax evasion scheme
Yes, and the big-name actors rake in a fuckton of cash as well
These movies aren't made or the audiences, they're made to hold onto licenses, embezzle money, evade taxes, all that sort of shit.

jew sony killed the music and game industry with their playstation and korn bullshit. it should have been sega saturn and power metal.

pic related is the reason

Underrated dude lmao


Anime is way more creative than anything coming out of Hollywood
It's also more prolific, more entertaining, and even cheaper to produce.

Why the fuck would you watch some shitty Hollywood movie full of leftist messaging when you could watch an anime chock full of hardcore nationalist themes, interesting new ideas, and entertaining plotlines?




Congrats on writing the dumbest shit I've read today.

What do you mean, bankrupt? This will SAVE THEM from bankruptcy!