Young french teen was getting blacked when the parents of the black boy arrived.
Because the nigger didn't want them to see her, he literally pushed her out of his window.
Young french teen was getting blacked when the parents of the black boy arrived.
Because the nigger didn't want them to see her, he literally pushed her out of his window.
Other urls found in this thread:
Good. I hope she never walks again
Burn the coal pay the toll.
Damn, hard to hear that scream. You know she'll probably have chronic back pain for the rest of her life, fuck.
Funniest vid of the year.
God I hate niggers
>when the parents of the black boy arrived
This was how I knew you were lying.
>cuck comment
>check flag
All makes sense now
That's what she gets fucking coal burner.
Translation of video?
him: Just jump
her: are you crasy?
him: just jump, jump, jump
Hahaha rip spine
10/10 made me fucking die
Why would she get out of the window in the first place
because her master told her to whytboi
She's fucking a French likely migrant nog, she's not a smart girl.
>Not wanting to show your dad the qt wh*te girl you just plowed
Really, i mean come-
top fucking kek
Shame it wasn't head first
>well, she got burned
>he laughed and posted it to the internet
How will miscegenators ever recover?
Lolololol. I hate that I will never know the aftermath of this.
The Toll is always paid
no exceptions
Didn't want to get caught by the parents of the dindu.
Same reason why she's a coalburner
Oh well..
I mean, I feel for her being injured because I have some empathy left in me that I can't bare to get rid of, but that fall is more than well-deserved for taking part in the extinction of a people.
Jesus Christ that really made me cringe. Why the fuck was she doing that? Why did he push her? Was it on accident? Was he just havin a fuckin' laff?
I can't stop replaying it
you can tell by that thump that she broke something lol
good fucking riddance
Second time posted today, but still worth spreading. Nothing of value was lost/broken.
Holy fuck that's awful. Anyone know her name or the aftermath? And how did that footage end up online?
>fucked the bitch
>made her jump the window just cause he didn't want to embarrass his family with kafir woman
>broke her spin
This is Based Black Man material right here.
Kek, this whore will have back pain just because she wanted th BBC, it doesn't get any more humiliating than that.
White women are literally the lowest form of people, even white men want nothing to do with them judging by this thread.
10/10 would enjoy the screams again.
Look at his digits, it's true she probably broke something in the worse way. And that nigger nearly killed her by doing that. She probably will be in pain for the rest of her life for fucking this nigger ape. Plus it's obvious you're a fucking nigger.
one way ticket to snap city, no doubt
>coalburners are idiots
>niggers do nigger shit
Really makes you think
Apparently she fractured her pelvis and an ankle, she also broke two ribs.
>And how did that footage end up online?
The nigger found that funny and shared it on twitter (he just deleted it though).
Hopefully she won't be able to walk and have children.
Fucking whore. Dealing with disgusting niggers, having to face being literally pushed out of a window because of fucking niggers. Bitch deserves worse than that.
She didn't want to get culturally enriched by the father/mother. She knew exactly what she was doing before she went there; potentially taking her life into her own hands one way or the other.
For excitement.
>the aftermath
Two broken ribs and pelvis. Twisted ankle
>how did that footage end up online?
Perpetrator uploaded it to his twitter. Then some other guy spread it.
whore should burn in hell
>dat carbon tax
literally saving the planet
ITT niggers happy to nig
>Hehe, White women are such trash! You white go-guys would never go out with them, right?
same with crayons...
individually, they are beautiful...
so diverse.. so many spectrums...
so much color...
melt them all together..
Individuality is taboo.
because it's individual..
everything most be divided
and diversified..
into 1 homogeneous blob of shit.
Only the lowest form of human could find that entertaining. Lucky they are stupid and we have plenty of online redpills to spread.
So progressive!
I hate seeing girls get hurt, but I might hate coal burning even more. I just wish she had never even seen a nigger, so she would have never gotten hurt.
Holy shit, she fell on her ASS from that height.
Even from lower height, a hit like that could harm her spine.
although a lot may seem to be the biggest whores in the world, they are needed to create white people. Without them, the world is going to be mongrel
Checked. Just out of curiosity, why are there so many hueville posters oh Sup Forums? Is it because of the large amount of diversity?
Blacked and Wasted
Cry more you little bitch. She made her choices she can live with them.
Filename alone was was worth it.
dam, that scream fucking hurt. she deserves it tho
what do you think is wrong with this video?
everything is correct.
this hominid female and hominid male behaved their natural way.
animal planet or national geographic will be interested in this film
looks like it did from how she immediately puts her hand on her back
The toll was paid that day.
This right here, the other guy who posted is such an obvious kike
We are living your future gone wrong.
Just so you have an idea, our currency has been worth more than 3 times the value of the dollar. Now it's the opposite.
We still have some white people in the south but it's really coming down now.
shit like this enrages me. it's the typical nigger having a complete lack of consequences.
Does anyone know if she's ok?
any Franch anons care to tell us if that little ape is in jail and whether the whore is pregnant? I'm somewhat thinking she turned him down and that's the little animal pushed her. BUt either way, he should be caged and probably neutered, if not euthanized.
Keep on being a nigger you fucking faggot. She made the choice cause of your kike overlords polluting her brain with nigger myths of big dicks and everyone being equal... This is your fault as much as the kikes which I'm starting to figure you're more of than a nigger for even being on this site.
This just makes me sad and angry. The type of society should have never come to be in which Africans have access to white girls who have had their minds warped by Jew media to thing it's cool to be associated with these animals.
Fascism is the only solution.
And nothing of value was lost
dindu nuffin REEEE
dindu nuffin REEEE
>Just so you have an idea, our currency has been worth more than 3 times the value of the dollar. Now it's the opposite.
the fuck this has to do with anything? Brazilian posters are fucking retards.
>white women
from the comments:
That we were big in the past but crashed hard due to the leftists, dumb nigger.
How old are you, retard?
Wew you're triggered cuck boy. You sound like her boyfriend. Upset you had to find out this way or did you drop her off?
This. There's nothing funny about this video. It just goes to show how deep we've fallen. Our own women are betraying us for literal animals and getting hurt in the process. There's nothing but pain for all whites.
niggers and whores need to be sterilized
she may receive some disability gibs from government, so do not be happy too early, she is not dead yet.
so value may be lost in fact.
Can't we just enjoy them as lolis then harvest their eggs at puberty and use them as a source of lean meat?
can someone make it end like a Dark Souls death?
Not after the dicking she got.
it's still good entertainment tho.
Poverty in the 90's was as huge as it is today, maybe even more. The main thing that this country have worsened since then it's crime, but it was big nonetheless.
She will come back
>nigger breaks the ribs of his girlfriend
>thinks its hilarious and uploads it to twitter
How the fuck can't white people notice they have like an 80 point average IQ right off the bat?
w-what happened later?