How many nukes does Israel actually have?
Israel nuclear power
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not enough to stop me from nuking dat ass
Why do you wanna know?
I'm a Jew and half Israeli. Just genuinely curious. I don't really need an exact number, just wondering if it's more likely in the low hundreds, high hundreds, etc.
For reasons.
>Israel is among few countries that refused to sign Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty and their nuclear sites aren't inspected
how does this make you feel?
makes me feel good.
>claims to be christian
>ignores the bible's passages where god states that he will restore the holy land to his chosen
Israel uses a foreign policy called "deliberate ambiguity" where they refuse to disclose any and all information regarding the existence, extent and status of all weapons and weapons programs, even from allied countries.
Israel has a stockpile unsanctioned by the United Nations. There are only 4 countries outside the Non-Proliferation Treaty with nuclear capabilities: India, Israel, Pakistan, South Sudan. The one estimated to possess, by far, the greatest amount of internationally illegal nukes is Israel, at least 4 different articles (1 from 1997, 1 from 2007 and 2 from 2015) estimate Israel had between 75 to 400 nuclear weapons.
Israel has a deterrence strategy called "Samson Option": if any other country invades and destroys most of Israel, they are prepared to launch a barrage of nuclear warheads until the entire area of the enemy country is reduced to ash.
The Vela Incident is a possible detection of illegal WMD experiment conducted by Israel and South Africa. As of 2016, it is still undetermined.
First details were released in October 5, 1986, by Mordechai Vanunu, a former technician Negev NRC. He was later kidnapped by the Mossad and brought back to Israel, where he was sentenced to 18 years in prison for treason and espionage.
It is currently illegal for any citizen of Israel to question whether it's own government possesses nuclear weapons, how many, and where.
Israel also has many undisclosed chemical and biological weapons for offensive purposes. It is also in league with the Equation Group in creating the worm that wiped out a third of all of Iran's nuclear power plants, and is also related with the entity known as the Shadow Brokers, notable for selling the WannaCry virus to North Korea.
Shameless bump
>How many nukes does Israel actually have?
About 200
Several hundreds
About as many as the number of slide threads in the catalog.
JIDF detected.
6 million
Idk but they need to be wiped out.
Israel is basically helping send niggers and Muslims into Europe, and the liberal Jews in America are helping beaners come here and live amongst us....
Jews are cancer everywhere they go and they all have an anti-white agenda.
too many
They're just trying to heal the world, you Nazi.
Why won't you stop getting in the way and let them heal you?
I wonder... did we help the Jews get Israel because we thought the Jews would fuck and go live in their own nation and stop the Jewing? Because that's backfired on us completely. Israel as a nation is jewing us out of billions, and it's jewing every nation around it, and also fucking over Europe by sending muds into Germanistan.
Helping Jews = helping them kill you, essentially. There is no helping the eternal Jew.
Jews would fuck off*
Who knows
What's important is they have SLBM nukes
Good job, America. Arming the rats of this world with nukes will surely not fuck everything up forever until an actual WW3 with nukes occurs.
Thank you for reading. It is really hard for walls of text to get through to anons because most people here are dumb teens. Everything in that post has an easily accessible source and is enough for any government to pressure Israel into divulging part of it's secrets or to apply sanctions to slow down their stockpiling of WMDs.
Official estimates are close to, but less than 100, with them almost exclusively only being pointed at their neighbors' population centers.
That's the whole point of the "Sampson Option", is Israel gets fucked, they take everyone in the Middle East with them.
Of course, it's Israel, so for all we know some billionaire might have stationed missile clusters in orbit for them.
About as likely as the public intelligence actually being accurate.
6 million
Do bibi have any friends to share his nukes with?
Enough to bring nuclear holocaust to the whole of the Middle East, one can hope.
nobody has any proof israel possesses even a single nuclear weapon.
if you have any such evidence, present it here.
conversely, nobody has any evidence that israel DOESNT have nukes, so theres always that question lurking in the durka durka's mind.
inb4 opinion pieces and "international watchdog groups"
even the cia isnt sure if the israelis have nukes, and the kikes arent saying.
also, since israel is not now, nor was it ever, a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty regime, they have no obligation to eschew nukes, unlike india (signed and took all the free gifts and presents, still developed and tested nukes) Pah-Kee_Stahn (signed, took all the free goodies, still developed nukes) iran (signed, took all the goodies, STILL getting the goodies, STILL developing nukes) NoKO (signed, reneged, STILL GOT THE BRIBES, still developing nukes) etc etc etc.
go fearmonger elsewhere.
israel with nukes is far less worrisome than india or Pah-Kee-Stahn
> unattributed copy-paste
> doesnt name the source because the source is 100% unreliable
> makes wild claims about israel's hypothetical nukes
> claims israel's nukes (if they exist) are "internationally illegal" when there is no such "international law"
> israel's "illegal" wmd programs..." again, no such "international law" exists
> declares istrael is "in league" with noko, russian hackers and the internet hate machine's Hackers On Steroids to distribute viruses that cant be defeated by dogs and curtains
go eat a bag of dicks.
fucking portagee.
youre sometimes worse than the strayas.
Well some say they gave us our six nukes in the late sixties. So if they had six to give away in the sixties to be tested by us with no link to them they must have many many more now.
> some say...
thats some real in-depth reportage you got you got there mufasa.
do you often repeat rumors you heard while lurking outside ladies rooms waiting for your opportunity to pounce on some helpless 10 year old boer girl?
you deserve a necklacing.
There is allot of writing on the subject of Israeli - South African nuclear cooperation. Go look it up for yourself, its not unsubstantiated.
There is a reason why so many old boer love Israel so much, they had a comfy relationship with.
Enough to glass all Muslim cities. Not even kidding. No town above 100k people would be left standing if Israel had its way.
Are jews so stupid that they think only arabs want to destroy Israel? Its fuckin everybody at this point
> du yer oon reserchez!
yep, thats a nigger.
when you make a claim YOU are required to support it, telling your opponent to "do your own research" is literally the first rule of debate, argument and civilized society.
as you are a nigger, i recognize that civilization is just something you hear about when youre shitting into the elevator shaft of whatever highrise your tribe is currently squatting in, but we, here in the real world, value such things as scholarship, intelligence and not being a fucking raging anal pustule.
also, "allot" is not a fucking word you illiterate monkey.
I have never claimed to be christian.
Yes do your own research you dumb cunt, google
Operation Phoenix/Vela Incident
I am not going to copy paste paragraphs on Sup Forums and if you think googling a single phrase is asking too much you obviously do not want to know in the first place and are just a teenage troll.
Fuck off kike
There was also an unexplained big explosion in the southern Ocean during the Isreali-South Africa nuclear coorparation. The whole Globe is monitored with satellites able to detect nuke flashes and that sure was one. The US and Russia just didn't have any interest to make it a big thing.
A wild Jew appears!
only Muslim want to hurt Israel, correct.
How many does America have?
At least that many.
Go fuck yourself. My post is not a copy pasta. You Americans and your affinity for fake news is astounding.
That is the Vela Incident I referred to in
We actually bought our reactor from the french
My dad works for Israel and says they have 17 and only 4 work.
>take out everyone in the Middle East with them
That’s not what the Samson option is, if Israel falls the Jews will take out the entire world with them not just the Middle East
> if Israel falls the Jews will take out the entire world
I think it's only whoever attacked them, but *that* can be anything from 1 country to all of them, I guess. Its mutually assured destruction on steroids.
Only a jewish mind would actually come up with an option that involves omnicide.
it's all a jewish lie
You share a spy network with them, you'd know.
I used to serve as IT in a permanent base in the Negev. It has 5 silos, each housing 18 jerichos
one of these is like of those CLEARANCE LEVEL 6 GORILLION TOP SECRET DON'T ASK DON'T TELL shit, I got my ass kicked by security and arrested when I accidentally came to close to it take a piss. I've never actually been inside but there's definitely more than 4 missiles inside it and that's just one of maybe a dozen of bases that size and even those are just the ones that arent covert that civilians know about
Not to mention the dolphin nuclear subs we got from the Germans. I kinda doubt we'd spend all those shekels on staffing and maintaining them if they had no actual warheads on board
The fact that this exists is hilarious
Israel is "The Mouse That Roared"