Why doesn't Sup Forums support Israel?

>universally despised by SJW's and basically all left of center groups
>Stack Hajis like Clint Eastwood stacked gooks in Korea
>Women that give excellent head
>A martial art where you litterally have 3 starting positions and end nearly every move by kicking your opponent in the balls
>Fizzy Bubbly
Well Sup Forums, are Israel /ourkikes/? Pic unrelated, my cryptokyke ex wife

The same reason I can't like anything these days
The Jews

israel expects america to defend it and has through its constant nagging for america to do more in their region created more potential refugees over many years

israel expects the west to topple syria just because they want the greater israel

Why are americlaps such good goys?

>US Liberty

Get the fuck off my board you subhuman fag.


Israel controls American foreign policy.
Yet another example of kikes fucking over our country.

Because settling in close proximity to a bunch of wartorn tinderbox regions and relying on others to foot your defense costs is a colossal dick move.

How do they even hate the Jews and the Nazis at the same time?
How the fuck does that works?


Exactly, without knowing much about the conflict I have always publicly supported Israel just to piss off leftists, in reality I'm kind of neutral enemy of my enemy

I have really enjoyed my time here so far... this place reminds me of Texas...

Everybody fights, nobody quits, they are educated, clever, and the women are fucking hyperbolically good looking...

For real, the woman are next level wtf tier smoking hot... phenotypes you havent even seen before... Its like bizarro miami beach the country... they arent stuck up cunts either...

the holidays fuck up everything youre trying to do but the prices are comparable to the us...

the quality of life is absolutely western... kids play outside, families and communities spend time together, leave it to beaver tier...

The majority of the population is either russian or european...

in regards to the (((government/mossad/etc.))) i dont know... but the people are some of the finest of all my travels...

come to the holy land goyim and pollinate a local... that blowjob stereotype is legit... they work for that shit... :)

In order to answer this I have to ask some things.

You are in Israel.
You have an hentai of any sort in your PC, loli or not, 0% real children, 0% real human.
Rabbi discovers you have a fuckload of animu drawing porn.
What happens to you?

Can confirm: kikes can fuck. Don't ever marry Jewish although, holy fuck are they insane


i'm okay with them honestly. they made something out of a patch of sand, unlike the arabs. still, gun grabbers and sjw marxists must be shoahed.

bruh... i am staring down that barrel as we speak... i have no idea what the fuck i am supposed to do...

I support them existing in their own country for sure.

Hello, Ahmed. Without Israel, your kind would have invaded Europe decades ago.

>Forgetting Iraq with Saddam, Syria before Isis, Libya with Gaddafi
>Ignoring that Israel would be a shithole without America giving them billions of shekels

No one believes you and women beat the men in Israel (legally).

Your entire country is sad as fuck and women also fuck Arabs because the Jewish men are beat into submission.

Prenup, and remember US Contractors have a hard on for ex IDF types if shit really goes south move to Burgerstan and do what I do: get paid $350/day to babysit fat ex Special Forces and LARPing Militia guys on the shooting range

We didn't have any problems in the ME before Israel though. Israel is irrelevant as far as "invading Europe" goes too because they don't share a border with Europe and the invaders come in through Turkey. Israel controlling goys is the only thing that stops anyone from stopping the present invasion. Again, in case you can't tell, this is a problem directly because of Israel. I could go on, but there isn't much point.
I'm glad you changed your flag otherwise I would have thought you were a Jew (((yourself))).

hahaha you lying piece of jew shit
i live in jerusalem
and all you've said ALL of it is lies
nothing is close to truth
most women are ugly as fuck, people fight for nothing and basically the majority of people outside is Mezrakhis which are ARABS
and the quality of life is western , are u fucking kidding me ??
i mean people could do a simple google search and find out you are full of shit
, and btw i lived in Tel aviv too, so dont give me shit about only jerusalem is shit.

well ya... you live in jerusalem...

no (you) for you... :)