Reminder that Earth will be BLACKED by the year 2100 and there's nothing you can do about it.
Reminder that Earth will be BLACKED by the year 2100 and there's nothing you can do about it
friendly reminder
whites will win the race war
World won’t exist by 2100.
They'll starve and go back to a stable number.
Google Malthusian catastrophe
>commercials try to get you to think Africans are starving to death
>they're having five kids a couple, sometimes more
>Implying W*thes wont force all other continents to feed these niggers.
Fuck you and your cuck morals
reminder to fuck everything you can. Every offsrping will be white eventualy.
That would be the end of the entire planet. I doubt world governments and elites are so stupid as to let that happen
I'll be dead by then so idgaf
And when whites are gone who will feed them?
A blacked world = human extinction
Making nukes I actually not that hard.
The Japanese cult made them very easily.
When the race war comes, the shitskins won't even get out of bed before they're turned into a scorched shadow on the ground.
Current human existence limit is about 125 years. Advances in science will make that limit easily achievable in the next 30 years, and after that what stops them from breaking the limit?
Your only choice out of this madness will be to kill yourself.
>2017, China engages in economic colonialism of Africa.
>Blacks spread into europe and paralyze white nations
>2250 Chinese take over the destroyed impoverished wastelands that blacks have inherited from now extinct whites.
(((whites))) also? Asking for a friend
Who cares i doubt i can get 114 years old
>a couple
>implying family structures are in place in subsaharan Africa
>t-there is nothing you can do
>bottleneck effect intensifies
>Whites clock on (you are here)
>race war (finally)
>OP ded (soon)
A continent full of subhumans incapable of feeding themselves without whitey's aide is going to rule the world.
Ok Kang.
When the w*the cuck is dead, chinese will kill all niggers in africa and move their population there.
In seriousness though, this seems to imply there won’t be a serious plague or something in the next 125 years.
That will likely thin the overall population by a significant amount.
Areas like Africa with little infrastructure will suffer the heaviest losses.
Planet of the apes is real
There are no more planetwide plagues, they are a minor concern like zika and ebola
There are no huge natural disasters, a huge ass earthquake will not kill fast enough when everyone gets into building safe structures
Wars also kill a very limited number of people, and all they do is to displace people into other countries.
You cannot count in yellowstone or an asteroid
God has abandoned us and all we will get is constant suffering with no way to resolve.
You're all retarded.
Be FOR abortion. Period. If abortion weren't here this would be nigger heaven and America would have fallen.
We need to stop African immigration. STOP IT COMPLETELY.
The gates are open and traitorous scum have opened them for increased shekels. But they are already acting like niggers in America and Europe will become niggerfied. These pieces of land are our last stands against the hordes.
It should be concerning for a whole host of reasons besides being "blacked".
The planet and areas of it only have so much water and food they can produce, if you have millions and millions of people in one area you have a recipe for a mass dieoff.
Especially if water availability is interrupted, if food becomes scarce, if there's a large earthquake or other event or you have another outbreak like Ebola.
And with travel being free throughout the Western world from the third world, this directly endangers developed countries outside of Asia.
Who cares about earth?
Absolutely start opposing immigration now, the places that will survive a mass dieoff are those with smaller populations and sustainable practices on vital resources.
There is no reason Canada needs more people than it has now, there is no reason why the population of the US should not be allowed to mature and gradually shrink, other than pure fucking economic greed and "muh feels".
China, Japan and others are well placed to continue on and succeed when shit really hits the fan.
Only whites and people with money abort
Poor people never aborts, we give no social benefits to poor people in my country but niggers keep having 10 kids.
Im fucking pissed because of this, i dont want the amazon jungle to be completely cut down to make room for cows to feed more niggers.
There are smart people that are completely not racist and warn of this social imbalance from a logical perspective, but W*thes will disregard any warning and call people like bill gates literally Hitler and will keep feeding niggers and importing them in mass.
>Be FOR abortion. Period. If abortion weren't here this would be nigger heaven and America would have fallen.
NO. Abortion and contreception is NOT why niggers produce is such stupid numbers, it's because lack of forward thinking. Put in abortion and for every 1 they abort, 9 more will be allowed to exist.
Nigger you're having a laugh, the entire west will pull the plug on the aid fiasco, and swarms leaping over the fence will force europe to batten down the hatches.
Black people have a very slave like mentality. All they need is food, pussy and shelter. It'll make ruling over people a lot easy when half the global population don't mind being slaves.
When whites are gone, niggers will be just another item on a Chinese menu. Niggers' only significance is that which foolish whites grant them.
>and there's nothing you can do about it.
we could try genocide?
>everyone ITT thinking the Juden won't move on to subvert and destroy Asians when they're done exterminating whites
Just wait, Asian privilege will be a thing soon
>nothing you can do about it.
believing whites and east asians will let this happen. The reason we destabilized the middle east is so they don't take territory once we start genociding Africa. The europe migrant crisis is just to show comfy euro's what niggers really are and to manufacture the consent to genocide them.
>tfw it wasnt the jews after all
They will just spread out across the world like a zombie plague forcing themselves violently into every remaining society(they are stupid, starving, and desperate with nothing to lose).
reminder that whites will, upon the horizon of no return, proceed to exterminate every subhuman in a 1000 mile radius to their settlements
>not knowing china is already investing in and colonizing Africa
Burgers everyone
Other than putting slow acting poison into all the food aid. If the West ever runs short of water we'll genocide africa in a month.
This, eventually the western world is going to lack the means or the will to carry Africa's demographic weight. Any kind of serious event in the western world, a major war, a disruption of supply chains, etc, will basically spell doom for them.