Poor people not allowed to vote in Amerikkka


but she has plenty of money to stuff her face

You should have to be under 180 lbs (women) and 200 lbs (men) to purchase food

good. fuck that shit.
glad to see she's clearly eating well despite her debts. and wonderful painting up there on the wall. yeah big shame this fucking lady can't vote.

Felons can't vote anyway

fake news

Convicted of fraud
Not allowed to vote because she's a criminal
Has money to stay obese

Got it. I don't see the problem. Its like not allowing drunk drivers to have licenses anymore, and them being mad about not being able to drive to the bar anymore.

Also, we have the wealthiest poor people in the world. Always obese, always have a house with electricity, heating, cooling, refrigerator, TVs, and cars. But are too poor to pay off their credit cards. Fuck em.

too criminal to vote

boo hoo

your input will be missed

her fat ass cant walk to a polling station??? ha ha...then what good is the bitch??

>under 200lbs for men

Literally what the fuck, how tall are you?

Why should convicted criminals who don't contribute to society have a say in how it's run?

She's a criminal and doesn't deserve to vote

>story centered around a white woman

They really think Trump supporters are all backwoods hicks, don't they?

>under 200 lbs
are you a fucking manlet?

But somehow she finds money to eat, a lot... eats tons of food

>and wonderful painting up there on the wall

this kills the sports

>tfw to poor too vote

Is there a reason criminals / felons shouldn't be allowed to vote? They're still citizens, and their being able to vote isn't a danger to anyone.

>Obvious bot account with Jew star
>Current year


if they can't pay their legal fees for years

honestly being obese is reason enough for disenfranchisement as far as i'm concerned

They forfeit their rights when they violated the laws in egregious manners. You don't get to disregard the laws of the land and hope to be protected by them at the same time.

Because they are are fucking degenerates. Now that you mention it, we should also not let woman, sodomites, criminals, obese people, and druggies vote.

>Can't be trusted to make good choices in their own lives
>Shouldn't be trusted to make choices for other's lives

Simple as that. However, I do believe non-violent felons should have 2nd amendment rights.

That's not a "poll tax", she owes that money whether or not she wants to vote.

Fatty pls go

Felons are not considered citizens in the same way user.
Felon can not
>hold office
>purchase or own a firearm
>travel abroad (usually)
>get certified jobs (as many licenses require non-felon)

It's actually a pretty tough life.
However, you can become a Felon for something as stupid as not paying child support. It's a very biased system and most people who become felons did not actually do anything to warrant it.

>It's actually a pretty tough life.
Seems like decent incentive not to break the laws.

i hope you're a body builder.

> cant vote if you owe massive fines to the state for child support (yay!! #feminism!) criminal wrongdoing (Boo! #racialinjustice!) or credit card fraud ( errr... ummm... yay?)
dipshit lefties always have to spin shit.

also, this bitch is too fat to get into a voting booth so she should be disqualified just on that.

shes a fucking felon, so naturally the whore cant vote.

look at all that messy shit in that office.
must be a "social worker" or in "HR" nobody else could survive in such an unprofessional pigsty of an office.
literally stapling shit to the wainscotting
so pleb, i want to kill it with fire.

The can't hold office so why should they be allowed to vote for someone else to hold an office?

even one of your "new germans" wouldnt turn to this hamplanet during the most extreme of "sexual emergencies"

>Credit card fraud
She doesn't deserve to vote.

I'm not defending them as much as you think, but certain laws are obviously corrupt.
I used child support as an example. Probably the most corrupt system ever placed by our government.
It's one of the leading causes of felony convictions.

There needs to be some space and change of severity between the crimes.
Someone who doesn't make a money payment is not equal to someone who violently attacks another human.

The violent attacker should be put to death, repeated rapist should be put to death.
Missing a payment is not something that should lead to a conviction, ever.

It's a waste of tax payer dollars. It almost ensures the person convicted will never be more than a waste on resources. It doesn't help anyone involved.

It's flat out stupid.
Nowhere near the same.

Good idea, bad metrics. Should be 280 for men, 150 for non pregnant women.

Men under 200lbs can't be taken seriously. Women can't be taken seriously no matter their weight, it's a disgrace they are allowed to vote.

My dad got absolutely fucked by the (now defunct) 3 strikes law. He got two DUIs at ages 20 and 22. Then he got his third at a .08 at age 45. He had to do a year in jail and he's now a felon. He really got fucked.

>to poor to vote
>thinking they wont vote socialist

Defend? If I had it my way, only landowners would get to vote.

Its almost like we have an entire process through which ex-felons can regain their rights

I’m alright with anyone, felons included, voting if they can pass a poll test.

>under 200lbs
ask me how i know you're shorter than 5'8"

do you know that voting rights were originally given to men by the supreme court as a byproduct of the draft. Apparently there is something about forcing you to serve in the military that correlates to voting rights.

Using that same supreme court order, women, since they do not endure compelled military service, should not have the right to vote.




shes clearly a drumpfkin

nothing of value was lost

Never said you were defending them, friend. Just bolstering the point.

Reasonably so, I semi-agree with you that there should be varying degrees of felons, however I don't agree that someone failing to pay child support should still have all their rights. BUT, child support, alimony, and divorce court is clearly a moneymaking racket for attorneys. That should be fixed before even considering changing felon status for white collar or non-violent crimes.

>Poor tax for voting
>Primarily Right-wing state

Any one notice the pic on the wall

Shes a coal burner

Fuck her

I'm 5'10" and 170ish, not in bad shape. 200 is easy for anyone taller than me that works out more.

Related to OP, nobody points out the black girl on the wall? Come on Sup Forums

Fat fucks should be banned from life. Look at the useless fucking cunt

This. She needs to stop eating her money.

People who should not be allowed to vote:
>poor people
>people who do not own land
>people who work for the government
>anyone under 30
>mental defectives
>anyone who receives government benefits
>the unemployed
>non citizens
>those who cannot read or speak the native language
>the unmarried
>those without children

>messy desk
>pic of golliwog
>criminal who is too retarded to work out a payment plan for restitution and earn back voting rights
Yeah, we got a socialist cunt here. Good thing she can't vote.
Anyone know what this sow did?

>American men think you need to be under 5'8" to be under 200lbs

>Too fat to vote

ofcourse Sup Forums will defend this

why should a fucking parasite living off governemnt handouts be allowed to vote?
they will vote for the most gibs me dat anyway
so fuck those faggot niggers

She could pay that fine off in no time if she reduced the food budget a little.

Honestly we need to go back to property ownership being a requirement for voting, why would we want people who are so inept that they cannot afford a home for themselves having a say in what happens in this country

>having lots of debt is poor
totally different thing
>the left lying
>the left using histrionic tearjerker anecdotes
not my first day around Jews guiz

I am debt-free and poor as fuck. Keeping my bank account in the black is like bungee jumping and trying to kiss the water, I love it

>Blessed be a little poverty
>A free life is free
Thus spake Zarathustra

to be fare, anyone under 200 in america is pretty much anorexic

truth kills the antihuman

Hey mister 1 post, no one told you faggots to black the country, and then brag about it before it's even done. You celebrate AFTER the race is won, not as you see the finish. But don't worry, you can still shame any 'publican candidate by recording him saying something cringeworthy. NIGGER!

she shouldn't be able to vote even if she pays the money back. she should still be in prison

>Luke Rockhold
>Chad facial aesthetics
>ripped 185
>Sup Forums blocks his path

>balls of fat

>criminals can't vote

because if you murder someone there should be consequences


Sounds deserved to me. Didn't learn his lesson after 23 years to not drive after drinking.

Tf is wrong with you. Manlet detected

Muscle weighs more than fat.

Founders believed in no taxation without representation, but never said anything about representation without taxation. I think they honestly never considered the possibility their democracy would be so successful that its people would start believing that giving the USA's enemies the right to vote in our elections could ever be the right thing to do.

Good on Alabama, for at least taking steps in the right direction. Want representation in the electoral process? Pay your fucking poll tax, then.

WHY the fuck would I want to allow a thief to vote?

one side of the arguement "Don't the 15th and 19th amendments make this illegal?"

other side of the argument "if you owe more than you pay in, you'll only vote in your own interest furthering the debt you caused, therefore only people paying a net plus in taxes should tell the state how to spend their taxes."

I have no pity for drunks, I have even less pity for retards who continue to break the law. As much as I hate the whole drunk driving laws, because all they do is generate revenue for lawyers and the state, I can't stand people who drink and drive and play the victim after they're caught.

It'll never happen. If I had to guess, most people in blue states and blue metropolis' are mostly renters. They'd lose MILLIONS of blue votes.

>you should pay back your debt to society for your crimes before being allowed to vote again

I fail to see anything wrong with this.

>knowingly commits a crime
>allows herself to get caught due to stupidity
>cries because she cant vote another criminal into the white house

She's had nine years to pay it off for Christ sake. Fuck her she deserves nothing.

Post source or get saged

I agree, you shouldn't vote if you have no personal stakes for the decisions being made. Sadly this

Damn right I will defend this. Most people shouldn't be allowed to vote. Those with children and are married + those that are working are all that should get to vote.

>too 'poor' to vote
>isn't allowed to vote for unpaid credit card debt exceeding $9k

Go further. Property ownership means paid off, no mortage. Youd get like 10 million voters

Money changers will never allow it

also they shouldn't let uneducated people to vote

>Nine years after committing credit card fraud, fat woman upset that no one in society wants to include her in the vote.

>9 years after being convicted of credit card fraud, woman STILL has not paid back the fines she owes from her case.

Alabama votes overwhelmingly red anyway, Democrats should be super happy about this.

>shouldn't let uneducated people to vote
Wouldn't help considering the (((education))) people have been getting in the last few decades

Don't answer the question. Specific to the "can't hold office" replies; I'd ask the same question.

>You don't get to disregard the laws of the land and hope to be protected by them at the same time
Yes you do; criminals / prisoners still retain many rights during / after their incarceration.

>Can't be trusted to make good choices in their own lives
>Shouldn't be trusted to make choices for other's lives
I think that's far too sweeping, especially if it's lifelong.

>I do believe non-violent felons should have 2nd amendment rights.
I agree, but your previous assertion defeats this. Still the best reply so far.

I still have yet to hear a reason (let alone a good one) why criminals / felons shouldn't be able to vote or hold office. Voting in no way poses a danger to others, and there's no requirement on voters at large to prove their competency before they exercise their right; literal retards, autists, and hi-school dropouts can vote.

14 amendment allows it

That pic sucks dude.

>Yes you do; criminals / prisoners still retain many rights during / after their incarceration
They can't own guns. After pedos serve their time we let them out but we don't let them coach little league, why should we let poor excuses for citizens vote?

because someone who cant keep control of their own life shouldnt be able to make decisions that will affect other peoples lives. granted i think that should extend to more than just felons but still

Lmao Americ*ns btfo once again i love it

Poor people shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway. Only those with
>a home
>a family
>stable income
>no violent or economical crimes in the past 20 years on their record
Should be allowed to vote in the first place. And only one vote per household. Divorced people lose their vote, widowed can keep their vote.

Very good.

Poor ppl only vote themselves other ppl hardearned money into their pockets.

#1 why the fuck should the poor vote?

>my net tax contribution amounts to zero after my income tax return
>but i totally have a right to decide how tax money is spent

sadly true, there was a lot of retards at the university too

>why should we let poor excuses for citizens vote?
Because you already do for everyone else? see:
>literal retards, autists, and hi-school dropouts can vote.

Maybe they can't either in your idealized future, but that doesn't apply to the current reality, nor answer my question.

180 is still pretty fucking fat for a woman, unless she's a lanklet

>too poor to vote
>too poor for gun control
