Racial purity

should Castizos, and lighted skinned Arabs/Berbers be considered white

they are basically spanish so no

No, they should be considered as you described them.

>considered white

Blue eyes
Blonde hair
White skin

Uncivilized barbarians from north europa know as nordcucks

Imagine my shock


Your jealousy is proof of our superiority

Yes. They're superior in every way to pigskinned, piss haired Swedes. Mediterranean men look much more masculine sue to their darker features

Blonde women are god-tier of course

Levantines can be as long as they aren't muslim.
So Assad can be white, but Ahmed cant.

>turks look masculine

Turk rape baby please.


Remember kids! Spain == not white.

This message has been brought to you by the Spic Awareness Project.


Only if they wipe their asses with pages of the Quran after getting fatty diarrhea from eating pulled pork sammiches.

Anyone who is not Portuguese is inferior & should fuck off.

Hitler is dead and whyte nordcucks are not a 'master race'




He's an indian shitskins spamming about "nordcucks" constantly. No one in southern europe hates northern europeans because of their race.
t. Italian

Fuck no. What next, Finns are white too?
>Hey Finn, you white now.
>Don't mind about your history
>Here have some white guilt and white burden
I refuse to open that door and those you mentioned are shitskins anyway.

>they are basically spanish so no
if a) they act like european (not nordafrican)
b) have low amount of body hair
and c) are not muslim
why not

wrong picture

Look at this feminine prettyboy faggot

>meme flag



>anyone blonde is feminine

So insecure much hate. Good goy.

Only full-blooded European people are white.

That guy is not Italian though. The writing on his body is not in Italian

No they are still over emotional and yell with their hands

Depends on IQ and what type of society that would make if lelf on their own, this also applies to indo aryans.

but assad is muslim isnt he?

First save ALL the intelligent and civilized. Then perfect human aesthetic through Eugenics after jews are taken care of.

Of course this is coming from a "Kekistani" Kek fag

He is from Italy. Look at that athletic aryan body and those eyes.. those beautiful blue eyes. You know white nords were rulers of Rome, Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. The writing on the body are runes. They are much more advanced then latin. You know we created vedic literature, right?

Those fucking shitskins are always trying steal our history.

Sieg Heil

Sieg Odin


We invented the zero and the wheel



I would even go so far as to say that lighter skinned levantines should be considered white. This would include copts, some Arabs, some Iranians and even some Turks.

No-Christian = non-white.

The Nazis for all of their retarded dogma considered Bosnians Aryan.

You are an idiot.



>googlesearch irl

yeah she married a normal dude? Whats your point? He is not even rich.

No. That's the right picture.

>she married a dude

>post a picture of Casper Christensen
why? Again whats the point of this shitposting?

Castizos are blacker then even Sicilians, of course they aren't fucking white. The Berbers however are debatable, most ethnic groups tend to look Southern European while others look Arabic.


BREAKING: if niggers think you're white, you're white.

what whites consider white is irrelevant.

I don't give a fuck what these fags on pol say, jews are white, and these niggas is white.

Just calling aryans or anglo people white is dumb af and betraying how genetically similar we are to the aforementioned groups. Were pretty damn similar to jews and light skinned arabs.

She is a nordic alien, not even human.

What the fuck is wrong with these people that follow this "tan culture"? I've actually seen them in real life too, just a couple of weeks ago in the border of Italy and France. Wtf!

Why would anyone care what retards think?

Nordics also have a relatively low iq compared to the rest of europe. The most accurate scores without counting immigrants shows that norway and sweden only have an iq of 97 which is on par with most slavs.

>nordniggers vs medshits arguing over who is whiter

You will always be inferior to the glorious celtic man.

With a post like yours the only proof you provide is that you are an idiot. Your picture is as idiotic as if it tried to push the same but the other way around.

AnCap, nuff said.