Explain yourself white people

Explain yourself white people

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california can't be explained by white people

Why are americans retarded?

me love to eat xchan xchan make me feel good YUH NIGGA


that degenerate is still more fuckable than stem betas

thanks jews

Well judging from his pictures, he's not lying when he says he does xanax.

Kids a fucking retard though to eat so much xanax. There's not even a "high" to xanax. Normal people eat like 0.5mg to take the edge off and niggers and wiggers eat a 4mg bar and wake-up naked bragging about how bartarded they were.

>Explain yourself white people

Not before you explain your blatant slide thread you dirty shill.

She's cute

lol "Lil xan"

California has way too many insane liberal lunatics who think it's cool to be a degenerate fuck up and listen to rap.



is TOTAL ZANARCHY the ideal system?

i aint gotta explain shit

pass the lean


is this the childlike emperor?

That's a homo manlet user.

Salute to Cole Bennett for shooting this cunt