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>literally takes several whites to equate the danger posed by one nigger or muzzie
kill yourself
They're big guys.
For EU
Is this the study that starts after 9/11 and ends before the orlando nightclub?
Or is this because they have counted this mass shooting as terrorism but none of the rest?
Everyone not commie is terrorist. Gib lives!
This guy is going to be used to fuck up the "death by terrorist numbers" forever, despite being in no way a terrorist.
>literally takes several whites to equate the danger posed by one nigger or muzzie
Las Vegas alone was one white guy and that broke the record
Blacks kill usually other blacks so no one cares. Muslims have religious and political motives to do what they do and most of the blame can go on the ideology not a specific race. White dudes kill a bunch of people because they inherently have higher levels of psychopathy than other races and kill a bunch of people cuse they feel sad or angry one day
"White American" isn't an ideology like Islam. Maybe those (((researchers))) should study what terrorism means.
imagine her getting BLACKED
It's almost like there are more white Americans than any other group in the US.
I bet "white Americans" account for most traffic tickets too.
But they still don't account for one third as many murders as nogs based on percent of population.
>White Americans are the biggest terror threat in US
Maybe it's a incomplete message?
>White Americans who lean to extreme left are the biggest threat in US.
Keep in mind that most muslims count as white by US Census statistics, which is probably what this study used
Should make petition to establish sharia-law.
sign by antifa.
Then term terrorist is meaningless for the most part. Its semantical what his motivation is when the outcome is the same as any official terrorist attack. If you want to get technical even Islamic terrorist aren't terrorist because their motives were religious not political
It's like no one on the left understands the concept of "per capita".
I'd love to see that, said the rabbi
Whites represent 75% of the population, so what? Stupidity has no limits these days, it seems.
>implying Islam is not political
read the quran faggit
>White Americans biggest threat in the U.S.
>Whites make up about 72% of the U.S. population
To whom?
People need to realize that the reason white terrorists are generally more dangerous is the fact that a smart and methodical white terrorist will typically be more effective than a retarded goat fucker
How about fuck you?
why the jews are panicking?
Part and parcel for living around us whites. Why don't all you foreigners go the fuck home. Liberals and race traitors get the rope 1st.
Even then Muslims commit half of all VIOLENT terror.
Here's something interesting, look up the terror commuted by the right and you'll see that it's not always violent. It's insane.
>something happens
>white people most likely to do something about it
>more at 11
when you go by gun violence stats that include blacks/metizos but then remove them from the mass shooting stats... and also nothing is adjusted for % of population
it's a fake study.
blacks are the cause of 70% of violent deaths in America
Whites are the biggest treat
article written by (((global post writer)))
every... fucking... time...
>1% the population
>50% of terror
>the only counted terror is violent attacks
>they have to pad the right out with burning crosses just so the number is equal to Muslim terror (13 to 13)
Just ignore that though, white man is the problem.
This is the same NBC News that just reported utterly fake news about Tillerson calling Trump a moron. I have no reason to believe a word they say.
Maybe if we lived in 1868. ....
Wait a minute that pose...
Also has to count drug mules from Honduras as "white" to blurry the numbers
It's rare to see a literal retard in these parts. You should be proud of your disabilities
And they still kill less people than niggers.
We literally went to war against our own country , twice to protect them . Now they want to do it again under much with no real proof or evidence said problem exist's
'Member after charlotsville there were 100 attacked in spain by a muslim but the media kept talking about the 1 sjw bitch that got attacked by a white driver defending himself from crazy leftists?
I 'member
The funny thing about Spain tho was that they knew the attacks were coming because days earlier their beaches were literally stormed by shitskins
>1% the population
>50% of terror
That 1% are American citizens and almost none of the Islamic terrorist attacks have been by American Muslims. Literally maybe 3 people at the most. All white mass shooters in the US have been American citizens
why didn't the mom lick it up?
what normie shit is this?
Did it really need a study to know this? White people are the largest demographic thus the greatest "threat". If you were to have the same amount of niggers or muzzies as white people in this country they would have a significantly higher chance of any type of violence.
>muzzies are shitstains on this planet and cause mass amounts of terror around the world
>muh not all mudshits
>legitimate psychopathic individual white guys compete for high scores
>put all whites in camps for being a threat
Really strains my noodle
>A civil war is a terrorist act
So I guess Colombians are the biggest terror threat to Colombia, uh?
white american males with guns
I like how they leave gang violence out of these equations, really activates my jimmies
Haha you say white Americans are the biggest terror threat but consider this: there are 150 million of us and we’re mostly heavily armed. Perhaps it’s a bear not worth poking. After all, we put George Takei in a concentration camp and can( should ) certainly do it again.
They keep saying this but I never see any statistics proving them right.
Nice Example of Propaganda:
NBC News: "Almost twice as many people have died in attacks by right-wing groups in America than have died in attacks by Muslim extremists."
NBC links to NYT: "Since Sept. 11, 2001, nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, antigovernment fanatics and other non-Muslim extremists than by radical Muslims"
From all nomuslim extremists to right wing groups, thats what fake news is all about. Stop this stupid tweeking of facts MSM.
yeah naw
KILL that yankee soldier instead
just kek at the west imagine the uproar if it was "brown muslims biggest terror threat to US" (which is 100% accurate). Just flush this fucking planet, fuck everything.
>study finds
>doesn't link the study
Yes, I'll definitely believe your anonymous sources, NBC.
>almost none
there were almost no massacres in Las Vegas last weekend
were the whites even ahead for October 1st?
Yea Im the retard yet all you can do is say some mean words instead of actually make a point or argument as to why im wrong
>Hurr durr me no like what you say, you retarded
because you're-a-peein'!
Let the Muslims in to commit the terror, you fucking white males!
btw Vegas wasn't terrorism if it had no political motive.
Wow nice false equivalence
But that songs racist to poc.
Place your bets people on how the (((study))) got its numbers
>Uses flat out numbers of terrorists attacks instead of adjusting for population differences of races
>Will count drawing a hate symbol like the Gadsden flag as a hate crime but not Antifa hitting someone with a bike lock
>Will say Dylann Roof killing a few niggers is equal to 9/11 or pulse night shooting
>Will only include terrorist attacks and ignore nigger/gang violence
>Study doesn't actually exist or pulls shit out of its ass
Winner takes all
people of crime are offended by everything good.
By the way, as the study is about muslim extremism vs all the others.
One third of extremist kills by a 0,9% muslim minority but MSM finds the biggest problem are the 99,1%. Unbelievable... FacePalm
Cool now why does everyone want to move here again if we're just gonna kill ya?
We should all leave and let Mexicans and niggers fight for the Jews in Israel and hold back China.
Hey, Japan can we buy a island?
>Guns down a bunch of people
>Its ok folks, he had no political motive. He was a good boy that forgot his medicine
This is actually pretty great, this is the kind of headline that actually galvanizes people to cut ties or viewership of these venues. With a generalization they essentially are using the broad brush approach to push a narrative that would offend anyone with half a peanut for a brain because they can work out that simple "I have a gun ... and I have yet to go on a murderous rampage"
Fuck you race traitor.
Either a bullshit claim, or a bullshit (((study))).
there is NO fucking way that's human
is this one of those """studies""" that only considers deadly terror attacks that took place in America on Sept. 12, 2001 or later?
Whites excel at everything. Something the jew spooks are about to discover.
Islam is inherently political you fucking mongoloid. Open up a book for once in your life
shouldn't confederate nuts killing people be considered freedom fighters?
>1 sjw bitch that got attacked by a white driver
It already came out she was never hit by the car, but had a heart attack and died in the area. That's why you no longer hear about it.
I thought the ape girl from planet of the apes was cute.
>W-wikiedia t-taught m-me everything I know about the Koran
Three Hundred Thousand Yankees Is Stiff In Southern Dust.
>White Americans are the biggest threat to zog
Go figure
White is still the most common race of American. Whites are somewhat underrepresented among mass murderers compared to the population as a whole, but still the most common race for mass murderers, I think. So even if other races are more likely to do it, it's more likely to be a white guy.
Muslims believe:
1) The Koran is the ultimate instruction manual for humanity, at all times and in all places.
2) Muhammad, the messenger of God, set the ultimate example for how a person should live their life as a Muslim.
Now, can you tell me why it's a good thing that Muslims idolize a guy who beheads people and dates an 11 year old?
I'm pretty sure Putin would've kissed the feet as well :^)
Umm no sweetie I've read most of it. Nice try though
wow you almost had a good post nice try sport maybe next time will be better kiddo