Xplain Now, Or it doesn’t make sense

We are all still speculating.
Someone explain pic related. No windows out.

I agree w/ multiple shooter theory. I agree w/ arms deal. I agree w/ CIA involvement. But we need evidence. Dumping mine.

Start here: No windows blown.

Other urls found in this thread:



I don't have it but somebody post the webm of only some of the crisis actors running away while a guy in this group of 7 or so people is literally vaping while they're presumably being shot at with a machine gun

lol terrible run-on sentence.

there's a webm somewhere on here:
>standing room in front of stage partially clear
>a large amount of people running but also a lot standing around
>one guy literally blows a vape cloud about 3 seconds before bullets appear to hit the ground next to him

Okay but there was only 1 shooter

alright, i'll bite. i don't see any windows blown out. also what was up with the video of the mussel flashes at like the 12th ish floor. anyone been able to discredit them?



>We are all still speculating.

because of your bias that blocks your objectivity.

You are unable to accept the evidence presented...instead look for evidence to affirm your predetermined narrative. ...and when you find none you are still unable to accept it...instead just larp on with incredulity- which is a logical fallacy.

right there

>multiplshooter theory
not a theory, brother

here is proofs:




>witness testimonies (4:00 - 9:06)
Multiple shooters, A 'hispanic' looking woman was taken out of the concert by security after telling people 'they are all going to die'

>police scanner (radio)
at least 2 shooters

>swat enters 32nd floor

>LVPD press conference 1
Police is asking assistance in looking for marilou danely, nobody asks about the second shooter. "The primary aggressor in this incident has expired".

>LVPD press conference 5 (skipped to press questions)
'Radicalisation'?, Say the Marilou is in philipines and will be returning on Thursday

>believing single shooter
archive.is/qU11v = snopeshill

>video of the mussel flashes at like the 12th ish floor
obviously the one shooter narrative is bullshit. there's a receipt that shows paddock had a guest in his room before the shooting, it also says that paddock checked into the hotel a day before the sheriff said he did.

there's no camera's allowed in casinos goy.

Anyone else think there were supposed to 5-10 shooters and maybe the plan fell through. So many guns and they're all essentially the same thing. It's so hard to find info on Paddock because he's not a real person.

I'm thinking it was a group of radicalized leftists, geared up to massacre hundreds, and all but one or two bailed at the last minute... with potentially one of them even going out to warn the crowd. Now they're using the Paddock guy (alias) to take the fall because there would be guaranteed retaliation if people found out that leftists tried to massacre a music festival over perceived different political ideologies.

I'll take things that never happened for 200

maybe it was a CIA/FBI/NSA sting operation and the only two people who weren't actually alphabet agents undercover were Marilou & Stephen?

not an arms dealer



Someone already disproved this. If you turn it into a negative and look close those 2 windows are blown out. It's not as noticeable as you'd think.

No big lights were on in the room

You're right. Mossad fucked up.

There is no such thing as a crisis actor.

>I agree w/ CIA involvement
Can you heartless fucks stop taking a tragic event and twisting it to suit your political agenda?

If there were 5-10 shooters the number of dead would be approaching 1000

Why did he being up 20 near-identical weapons then? Was he, for some reason, planning on using a new one every time he ran out of ammo? In that case, why did he have stacks and stacks of loaded magazines as well?


I think most of them chickened out.

Sup Forums is just rapidly generating, processing and hyper-analyzing every possible situation, hivemind style
it's why Sup Forums are so good at solving crimes, and it's why Sup Forums come up with all the strangest theories
we're basically a think tank, except we do it for free
you don't deserve to fly that flag, lad

>is literally vaping while they're presumably being shot at with a machine gun
never overestimate a vaper's situational awareness

Literally vapers deserve to be mowed down

>I agree w/ multiple shooter theory. I agree w/ arms deal. I agree w/ CIA involvement. But we need evidence.

The ironiong here is palpable.

What the fuck do you need evidence for, you are convinced you already know what happened without it.

Except the houses

It was an arms deal (not just guns) Paddock was shot when a VIP was compromised, clients then opened fire to make escape.
But it appears the “device” was confiscated and taken to a secure location. So whatever they were planning to do with it isn’t going to happen.
But expect them to have contingency plans.
Something BIG is going to happen soon in multiple cities, full on attack, not just random shooters.
If you see something, don’t just say something, SHOOT IT.

The evidence presented is right in front of your god damn face user.

I’m half and half on that.

Agree. At least show how many bags were brought up. And what else he brought with him.

I was analyzing this pic too and could find that spot, but the broken window more to right i can't see.

Also, by looking at the lights, *there were* people in rooms very close to the shooter's. Hell, if you look at the lights there were people right next door.

Why are none of them came forward yet to tell what they saw?

You sheeple got it all wrong:
There simply was no shooter at LA. All those allegedly panicked people running on videos and photos are just crisis actors, and bad ones too.
Then there is blatant photoshop like where you can still see the pixels, and supposed "guns" which are just low-res sprites pasted into a 3D-scenery made with Blender on the cheap.
is probably the worst offender as one can clearly see that those are simply cloth hung from the top of the window frames and not actually borken windows.

And lets not even get started on the bad sound in those videos where the "gun" sounds like an erratic stapler.



No. There is no other opening on same level. Unless he didn’t break the window yet. Which wouldn’t make sense. Stop to reload, relocate, and break window? Why not break both first make it easier. Didn’t think it through all the way? Doesn’t seem fit.

Watched the videos in the archive. You got the strobe light at the 4th floor. BUT i spotted some muzzle flashes coming from the 10th-14th floor, can't say exactly. But they're there.

*Why none of them

I agree that it’s not a theory. I said that because it’s not being reported as so even though there is evidence. It’s one big wad of info.

Can't find the link right now but supposedly there was an Australian next door to Paddocks room who said he saw multiple people going in and out over the course of his stay.

>I agree w/ multiple shooter theory. I agree w/ arms deal. I agree w/ CIA involvement.
Okay, the problem here is you're not very bright. It's the same thing that causes niggers to believe in KANGZ nonsense.

Then what IS the answer oh omnipotent one?


I agree. Had this thought too.

Bullets can't hit us

My question is: the whole area is blacked out but the three four rooms above him are all lit up? I think his live feed was being seen a few floors up...

It's what the evidence indicates: Paddock wanted to shoot up a concert for some reason, open to speculation. Thus he took his AR collection and some other guns to his hotel room and shot at the concert until a security guard approached his room. He and the guard exchanged fire, the guard escaped, and Paddock killed himself.

It was probably a politically motivated attack by a democrat cunt radicalized by the leftist rhetoric and media shilling against trump and Republicans, any other theories being puked up are just dnc shills and media kikes trying to cover their asses. You guys have a chance to destroy the media and the dnc here but you only want to reply to threads about this fuck being a reptilian shape-shifting drug trafficker with ties to isis. Anything other than the politically motivated leftist angle is purely intentional disinformation.

also this

Stick around for a bit newfag, see what weaponized autism is capable of

>archive.is/qU11v = snopeshill

it was a strobe light for the 1000th fucking time listen to the scanner feed

what about all the gunfire after the room was beached. Like 40 minutes after

false reports, unless you have evidence

>Cringe flag
>Muh CIA did nothing wrong
This board is just about the only place doing a proper investigation on this event. People just don't believe that a broke gambling addict somehow got his hands on expensive weaponry. Hell, I've been hearing complete normies I know telling me they don't believe the story.

He checked in a day before what was reported. Also, 2 sodas and a bagel w/cream cheese? A chick was with him. And it wasn’t his GF. Or was it? 27th. She might’ve still been around.

t. CIA

>This board is just about the only place doing a proper investigation on this event.

lol, go to a vegas casino you wont be able to find a spot where 10 cameras aren't on you.

In this clip the PD is talking the gunfire is coming from Luxor.


Regular crime in the rest of metropolis doesn't stop just because a really big crime occurs.

Nukes in thirty minutes.

I have a screenshot from that night. MAJOR

One of my concern is, why is Paddock wearing gloves in the leaked photos? Was he handling weapons like an illegal arms dealer would?

Motive coming.

Why would he want to cut himself while breaking the windows? Every one in this thread would be a terrible mass murderer.

I don't buy the CIA angle, I don't buy the arms deal angle. The two biggest questions are: Who was the chick warning people and why so many rifles?
Given what is known, the next logical question is was he expecting help?

Nah, my friends cousin was killed there. It was real.

There was at least one person racing from casino to casino warning people about the shooting. Initial reports are always tentative until confirmed. Find one person who was shot at one other hotel.

Who has some pictures of ambulances on the field?


These floors?

>breaking glass
>handling hot metal
>not covering your hands

Ambulances don't pick up the dead. Coroners do.

Leftist participating,had a change of heart?

>spotted the shill.

Sure, I am sure that your (((friends))) cousin was killed there, as well as all 5999999 other members of his family.

Gee, where did I hear that one already?

what is a smoke screen?

there was a bunch of research done last night implicating Israel

-12 or 18 Israeli 'tourists' go missing around the time of attack
-high level Israeli 'diplomat' in town
-18 guns reported recovered from 'shooters' room

Saw it.

You're fucking retarded if you believe all those dumb conspiracies with no evidence, but you can't imagine that this guy just wanted to kill a bunch of people before killing himself.

Why is the FBI PLAYING softball with Mary lou

she and her male companion were described as hispanic by one eye witness, shorter builds 5'5ish

>Who was the chick warning people
no one knows, could have been crazy or freaking out

>why so many rifles?
to make a point about the ease of acquiring semi-auto rifles, or maybe Paddock simply figured it would be faster to swap guns than swap barrels

Then why is nobody else questioning the ability of someone who just gambled their life away to be able to buy multiple rifles?

Water board Mary lou

Occam's razor states two other shooters in the room with the patsy. the patsy runns ammo to the two shooters and watches the hallway video for security/cops

When security/cops arrive, the two shooters blast the door with a shotgun, hitting the security officer, who flees

The two shooters kill the patsy, don hotel uniforms and walk out.


There’s nothing else to believe user we don’t even have motive. There is plenty of evidence. I could buy that it was a lone wolf too but it doesn’t add up.

Prove she was ever in his company at least or she's nobody.

Arms deals don't involve fucking loose weapons being thrown between chairs. There are cases involved, and crates, etc. Not fucking loosies.

exept it is

but you forgot the part where they were Israelis

>"The answer is simple."
>"Some shit happened and then he died."

Nice vague explanation fuckwit. This is why no one is buying it. The official story does not move with the actual fucking evidence.

>I could buy that it was a lone wolf too but it doesn’t add up.
Why not?

Why have 49 total guns and bring less than half if you were going to compose a mass shooting?

It will be the motive that hides the deep state involvement as usual.

Bagel is kind of suspicious. And soup. Bagel with soup.

why does nobody here know how fucking guns work? Jesus I wish conspiraniggers would do basic research before working themselves up about IT DOESNT FIT OMG IT MAKES NO SENSE MUST BE LE CIA

Why were there two fucking shooting positions, one far superior to the other, for starters.

>swap barrels

Welcome to the internet

Soup and bagel are halal

thought did occur to me as well.