Kimmels Cries Again

Are you ready to burn the Constitution yet?

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when you still pretend that late night comedy isint blatant leftist propaganda then this acutally funny

Are you kidding me? This fag cries for everything!

He cried when John Ritter died and he never knew him and didn't really like 3's Company

I cry everytime

Trump curse lol
His kid is dying

Picklejar Jimmy aka Jimmy Pickles aka Jiminy Clickbait

Real talk lads, when was the last time you teared up over something on the news?

Serves him right for using his sons near death as a political chip to make Trump look like shit. What a hack. Shame on him.

The fake crocodile tears are funny as fuck. Kimmel is a scumbag who had the balls to stand on the bodies of dead men, women and children in order to push a change in policy. Fuck moral grandstanding cunts like this, rights can be abused.

Was the crying in Chuck Schumer's script or did Kimmel add that in himself?

I'm glad this faggot's kid is defective. I hope it fucking dies.


When I saw the boatloads of niggers storming Europe starting in late 2015. The one and only time the news has made me tear up.


Damn Nigga

When I saw the solar eclipse and was taken back by God's beauty.

If this retard reacted the same way with islamic terrorist attacks (which is still a possibility in this case)...

Did this faggot cry when the Dallas police force was gunned down by a nigger?

I got a little choked up on 9/11 when the second plane hit but I didn’t weep or anything


That's it. I just can't repel btfo'ing of this magnitude. I'm uninstalling all my guns tomorrow and deleting the save folders to make sure I never go back.

Is there a way I can change my vote so Hillary wins? I'm tired of being a rural and suburban retard.

wtf i hate the 2nd amendment now

I cried laughing when that crane fell in Mecca and crushed 200+ mussies on the anniversary of 9/11

anyone got that webm btw? I lost it

Election night, watching the pundits slowly come to the realization that all their shilling for Hillary and dismissing Trump didn't work. What a joyous moment.

You're not a burger; you're a fucking leaf

Trying to imagine Carson pulling this shit

He cried for Cecil the lion

Nothing on the news, maybe documentaries with survivor interviews and shit

Stuff on the news just makes me mad really.

I will cry when Stan Lee dies, I would've cried for Jack Kirby but I was too young. I will not be happy about the fake nerds crowing about it on kikebook when it happens.

aka pickle jim

>cries when it's effective to the agenda
>distracts at other times with constant star wars and marvel shilling to appease his masters at disney, who own abc

The worthless fuck is a human billboard.

Just ignore him and drive on by.

close thing i have to that

that was the wrong file

Election night I teared up a bit.

But when there's something in the news that makes a liberal cry, it probably just makes me angry instead.



holy kek

my sides, wtf garfield

I'm ashamed to admit this but I teared up watching "the sandlot" when they showed the white neighborhood having a 4th of July celebration, with tables, food, fireworks, etc.

I legit laughed out loud at this

When these drunk-ass celebtards start making laws the country is over.

I want to believe this wasn't on purpose

he must be related to Kevin Smith

am in class and actually lauphing out loud

Literally spouts the same shit that would do nothing to prevent the shooting

The way to prevent the shooting and get a bombing or plane crashing instead was to confiscate all semi automatic weapons years ago and accept all the people who will die in that process and later die from no adequate means of self defense. But they won't say that. They stay vague so their bullshit feel good security theater legislation can get enough political capital to pass.

Im ready to burn Jimmy Kibble.

this is the closest thing i have

Move to a small, rural community with a majority white population, it's that fucking easy.

I grew up in places like that through the 90's, and it was like living in the sandlot or stand by me. I moved to a major city at 17, it's a blackhole of depravity and filth. If I ever get some chick pregnant, we're moving to a place with a population between 2-8 thousand

>Trying to imagine Carson pulling this shit

Johnny Carson carried a gun.

Never listen to the words of a man in tears.

When Steve Irwin died I teared up a bit.

>that was the wrong file
no it wasn't. no need to be ashamed.

people eat this not even trying lowest level commentary drivel up


truly the saddest part of all this

go home and tell it to your jew wife you faggot

Fuck you kimmel, quit stealing Glenn Beck's thing

Harsh but agreed.

I miss The Man Show era Jimmy Kimmel. He is now a complete shill. At least Adam Carolla is still cool.

Well, I have a boner now, thanks.

never do

i don't think he was ever cool, he just rode around all day on Adam's massive balls, of itself an impressive feat.

KEK has already marked his weakling son for death.

Fuck Kimmel. I knew that unfunny asshole was a pretentious piece of shit years before it was cool.

Kimmel did his show while his daughter had just been born.

Kimmel is a fuckin dolt. A little pussy retard.

I'm not sure how these fucks still have shows- no one I know watches these whining betas so I am guessing the jews are just handing money over to keep them afloat.

>mfw when Sup Forums is no less degenerate then other boards

Neo-Conservative Yankee partisans like this have not a shred of candour or intellectual honesty. Is it impossible for you to conceive that a man who has views differing from yours might not be sincere. Where in your beloved Constitution (a pernicious document which was responsible for making the Federal Government as powerful as it is) does it allow for the average citizen to own a weapon powerful enough to kill 59 people within moments.


no shit

>You can't remove the second amendment without destroying the entire constitution! YOU CAN'T!!!!!

>not even a little brown kid

They're losing their touch.

this, what a great moment, I was watching CNN in the background while shitposting here and you could almost taste the confusion, anger and fear, meanwhile Cenk was flipping his shit and talking about waging war with the Democratic party over at the young turds, while Alex Jones was rambling about the Valhalla timeline and drinking champagne, then all the images of crying Hillary supporters came rolling in and people started rioting in the streets, Nate Silver had completed his JUST transformation, waves of highest quality butthurt started to erupt in waves from the press across the globe, the sun had started to rise when Pence introduced Trump at the beginning of his victory speech, as Trump came and spoke I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started to laugh a very satisfied and honest laugh and I just kept laughing harder and harder until tears kept coming out, this was probably one, if not the, longest laughs of my life and all I could think throughout was this, "Sup Forums did this"

Shall not be infringed.

do you know what "shall not be infringed" means?

>he just rode around all day on Adam's massive balls
Jimmy always looked like he was phoning it in. I don't think I had ever seen him look genuine.

>british wanting more government control

a literal cancerous people

>does it allow for the average citizen to own a weapon powerful enough to kill 59 people within moments.
>Right to keep and to bear arms
yes it does

I like how you write, you should be a romance novel author or some shit .

I sure haven't. he can't think on his feet for shit, Adam on the other hand...

The amendment is intended to protect against the existence of a Standing Army, a thing which in modern America is the most enormous in the history of the world, and which Yankee neo-conservatives, who rave so extensively about the "Founding Fathers" and their alleged "greatness" are most virulently in support of.

Observe the wording of the amendment:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The first clause is a conditional one. "AS it is necessary for there to be a well-regulated militia for the security of a free state" (by implication: as opposed to a standing army), "the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed." In other words it promotes the existence of well-trained militias, not the right of the average citizen to own a weapon capable of killing 59 people in mere moments. It is not the unambiguous statement devoid of context which the neo-conservative Yankee ideology would make it.

If you are so afraid of the Federal Government you should not have given them so much power in the first place. But of course your "Founders" (I don't refer to the truly visionary Anti-Federalists) are the ones ultimately responsible for that, so that the ideology of men like you is a mere heap of contradictions.

Are the commie faggots staring at you? You're on a list for accessing this site. They are going to come to your house, hold you down, dress you in drag and violate your butthole. Be warned.


Are you retarded?

What am I saying, of course you.

tears of joy

I knew it was pasta.
Eat shit faggot

Why couldn't it of been him instead

>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

>being necessary

That is not conditional language, asshole.

Kimmel is surrounded by armed guards 24/ loser.

I'm a one man militia

They are trying to change the populous narrative I think. I literally had a libtard psych 101 teacher tell me that the shooter was a white nationalist. And that this shooting might help (((us))) by pitting the pigs(a lot of people who attended this concert) against the nazis. Then the classroom erupted in laughter.

Does no one remember The Man Show?


Who is that old fat stoner faggot and why does anyone care if he cries

It is a construction called the nominative absolute, correlative with the ablative absolute in the Latin. You can read about it here if you care actually to teach yourself something .

An example given there is: "The dragon slain, the knight took his rest."

(You could also phrase this as, "The dragon BEING slain, the knight took his rest.)

Which can also be resolved into, Because, or As, the dragon was slain, the knight took his rest.

Hence "AS or BECAUSE a well regulated Militia, is necessary to the security of a free State," etc.

the Left is frantically trying to change the narrative that their own "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY" movement includes mass murder of people at a country western festival.

I don't need to know it from the Latin. It's perfectly clear English.

Because this is necessary, this shall not be infringed.

That's not fucking conditional, you lunatic communist completely unaware of the Heller holding, among others.

gets me everytiem

I see. Thanks,
But seriously who is Kimmels?

Election night, followed the whole election since 2016 here on Sup Forums it all felt surreal, but damn it was some good time MEMING WITH YOU GUYS

>Because this is necessary, this shall not be infringed.

>That's not conditional

Ha ha ha.