Can someone who understands art theory better than i do explain why the shading on her muscles looks so much like 80s...

Can someone who understands art theory better than i do explain why the shading on her muscles looks so much like 80s anime to me?

It has actual detail. That's it.


I didn't watch this show, but I do like and am impressed with this gif.

There's 3-4 shades of color for shading. Anime today just has one, usually.


Being attracted to this physique means that deep down you are actually a faggot

I never finished watching this, does it really get so bad?

The reason the shading looks like 80's anime is because they shaded it that way on purpose to make it look like 80's anime.
It's just a different style of shading, commonly referred to as 4-tone shading, which includes a main color, a highlight of that color, a shadow of that color, and a darker shadow/black.

Here comes the science, nerd

>most modern anime has two-tone shading
>Kabaneri had three-tone shading

t. homosexuals

Faggots on Sup Forums? Who would have thought?

Is it that much more expensive to do? It looks about 100 times better

>you will never get to chain her up in your basement until she loses most of her muscle and her hair grows long.

3 tone shading with high contrast, it's a little old school. Superflat influence is still going strong so most anime is not big on shading.

It's time consuming.

Are you aware of the current state of the anime industry?

you know, there are many
that i really feel, but i think im alright with this one.

>anime is cheaper and easier to produce than ever
>efficiency increases through commercial tablets, work stations, the internet
>all of this should translate to greater quality
>but it doesn't

Where the FUCK all have the productivity increases in anime gone towards? Paying one of 30 seiyuu 50 million yen per show?

Bad is a relative term.
Biba's motivations are pretty flimsy and rooted in some weird form of nihilism. His crew seems OK with being mass-murdering fucktards, but we're never given any indication as to why other than they worshiped Biba. They're whole plan to tear down the current "cowardly weaklings" civilization and rebuild with better (?) morals is retarded since they could almost just as easily just kill everyone who doesn't want to join them and take over the city-stations intact. They're destroying a hell of a lot of infrastructure for a bad reason if they're planning on rebuilding.

Once the main antagonist is introduced, the show is ruined.

With today's digital ink it's literally the same with or without. Trends change, what was once vogue becomes kitsch and the circle goes on

>Is it that much more expensive to do? It looks about 100 times better

What do you think? All the shows of most of the decade use only 1-tone shading.

Again? What do you fucking think?

I meant faggot as in homosexual, not faggot as in piece of shit

10 years ago you had 20 shows per season how it's 50.

>all of this should translate to greater quality
It got translated into greater quantity instead of quality.
Enjoy your 15 battle harem per season.

Basically. You can sell more merchandise when there are more shows and characters to make merchandise of.

There are actually very few battle harem every season.

animation and art quality can only come from more animation and art talent.
kyoani has the best animation talent around right now because they put their resources into working as an animation school on top of a studio because they want more skilled animation talent and the first crack at them.

Kabaneri was exploring new techniques that made this viable. It's very exciting and we'll likely see more of it in the future.

what kind of new techniques?

There's a good interview somewhere that explains it all in detail. Go look up the archives.

No, user, you don't get it, every single anime since 2007 is a battle harem LN adaptation or a CGDCT SoL, I heard it from Sup Forums!

Have fun with your weak wife

I always wondered what this was. Thanks, I can explain it now.

Happy to see it's making a comeback.

they bothered shading around where actual muscles would be