Is rape wrong?

- Most women fantasise about rape (dreams, porn searches, rape novels like 50 shades)
- Women have a higher chance of orgasm during rape than consensual sex
- Women have a higher chance of pregnancy if raped

So, why is it bad? Their mouth says no-no but their body says yes-yes.

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Would you like it if I raped you?

Consider it user.

but you are a man
I don't fantasise about being raped by men
i fantasise about 2 bitches sucking my dick
women fantasise about rape like i fantasise about 2 bitches sucking my dick

>it's m-m-mean

Christcuck morality aside, rape is wrong because it breaks down the orderly social conventions surrounding sex and the creation of children that civilization depends on to exist. A society which condones rampant rape exposes itself to instability.

I used to only get off to rape fantasies.
Watch "a woman in berlin" and you might have gopod fap material or a change of heart.
I had both.

I was actually raped by a woman. This is not a fucking meme. And trust me it's not as nice as it sounds.

fucking faggot kill yourself

Here you go

Well, considering my girlfriend has flash-backs, nightmares, etc in regards to her rape, I'm going to go ahead and conclude that rape is wrong.

I bet the stupid WHORE loved it really. Stop being such a cuck.


Doesn't matter if it's wrong.

The reason why so many women fantasize about rape is because of history. Prior to say 1600, every single one of your female ancestors was raped at least 5 times during their life. And I mean violently.

The women who liked it for reasons tied to their personality (and thus genetics) would be less affected. They would not be opposed to sex, stop going outside, etc.etc. Someone who didn't care either way was roughly the same. Those who were negatively affected by it would shut themselves off from the world, have less sex overall and none of a period of time afterwards.

How is this relevant you might ask? It's because those who weren't negatively affected by it emotionally would have more normal lives and thus have more children. They might only end up on average with one extra child than those who weren't, but over tens of thousands of years the effect becomes noticeably more pronounced.

As such there is a genetic predisposition towards attraction to alpha males taking you and raping you.

That's my theory on one contributing factor, anyway.


Wow you're an utter cunt...well done!

you have to go back

Joaquim stop posting this shit,this is at least the 3rd time you post this in the last 12 hours
Also sage


literal barbarian here

A chick once raped me by pegging and I liked it....

no, its not
ive done that, she liked it

Yes rape is wrong.

pic related

50 shades is not rape, you dumb fuck

Roastie detected

>Most women fantasise about rape (dreams, porn searches, rape novels like 50 shades)
>- Women have a higher chance of orgasm during rape than consensual sex
>- Women have a higher chance of pregnancy if raped
these are lies

> Flashbacks from having slept with someone when slightly drunk and next day embarrased cuz ppl are talking -> Raaaape!


My faggot thermals have detected a mega faggot

Rape in the word's original sense, carrying away a woman against her will and forcibly making her your wife is morally wrong, but she finds it pretty hot and ends up very happy if you take care of her and get her pregnant. It's still wrong though because you're denying her father the ability to consent to the marriage. #WhiteSharia

Forcing yourself on some thot you'll never see again is morally heinous.

>Now let that be because it's true, a lesson to the likes of you - snatch 'em up like them there Romans do, or else they'll think you're pets!

At least you were a bit more creative in your imaginative bullshit. Still bullshit, though.


It is almost always sex before marriage. Which is degenerate. Sex before marriage is the most harmful degeneracy in the west at the moment

Only if she's fat.

>Estonian women
Were you raped in the ass by her clitoris?
Seriously though did the police do anything? Why not waste her famalam.

It's taken from a false survey.

Imagine creating a survey: Are you gay?
Then do this survey in a gaybar.
You'll probably get a 99% right there.

Does that mean all men are gay?

Pic related

The first one is true actually, 80%, but I'd like to see something on the other two.

Could see it being fairly shit if drugged up and it's a land whale. Prob not what happened though.

somebody tell me why it's unethical to rape a woman in self defense. if she hits me, it wouldn't be appropriate to deck her right back in the face. It could kill her. But bend her over, pull her pants down, spank her a couple of times, then tickle her clit. Nobody gets hurt that way and more than likely she'll be demanding you put it right in after the bean flicking so it won't even be rape.
Some roastie tell me why she'd prefer my fist in her face versus my thumb on her button.

Rape is wrong, but it would help if women didnt secretly want to be raped.

Like, you could grab a woman in public, and some will just automatically give in like they've been waiting for it.

Women are damaged goods, bro.

>Literal cuckold

Depends how you define rape. It maybe be a fantasies for women. But if a women was to actually get raped it would break her. So people who fantasize rape can't handle the trauma if it actually were to happen. I would say it is a major trap if a girl likes it rough then that could lead to a false rape report an your life in ruins. So tread carefully when some skank says rape is a turn on. It's not it never was and bitches who say that are just out to ruin lives for the sake of attention.

Faggit. Tell your gf to get over.

>t. Guy who got raped in his booty while in prison.
Wasn't as bad as most say.

>raping women is self defense.
How would you like it if a dude raped you in self defense would take it all or just sit on the floor in the fetal position crying while your asshole bleeds.

unless you were drugged/she was ugly this is false.

wasn't as bad, but you still turned gay

Um no. She's a Type-1 diabetic. Sometimes they have low blood sugars, and she compares it to a combination of "fight or flight" (I need to eat now or I'm going to die type response), exhaustion, and not being entirely with it.

She was showing an apartment to a guy and she was having a low. She's guessing the guy picked up on these signals (or maybe thought she was drunk or otherwise vulnerable) and then she realized this guy is on top of her, raping her.

She says once over she still had to deal with her low, and had to go home and still be a mom (single mom), and to this day hasn't told any of her family. She quit her job the next day.

Explain the random screaming in her sleep as she comes up gasping for air and flailing around yelling to get off? Me flying out of bed because I'm being attacked for merely being close by when these nightmares occur.

Yep, you must be right, user.


What ugly ass setting is that?


Nice imagination you have there buddy

sure thing there

noun (archaic)
the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.

(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.

Which is why the Rape of the Sabine Women was not morally wrong for reasons beyond the consent of their fathers. Sex before marriage existed 100 years ago but it wasn't as bad a problem because they almost always ended up getting married anyway, as man and woman alike knew that having sex was almost a guarantee of children. Men were more careful in choosing their partners, and women were much more careful. A woman only had sex with a guy they intended to marry.

The Romans married the Sabine women before consummation, and they gave their wives protection and provision. They violated the consent of their fathers, but their fathers gave consent after the fact rather than do battle with the husbands of their daughters and the fathers of their grandchildren.

I'm sorry that happened to you. I was sexually assaulted by a women before as well. It really fucking sucks.


Meant to attach this.


>I don't remember what happened, but suddenly I was having sex with another man

Greetings from Reddit!

The only way faggot OP can get a woman is by rape. Typical micro penis Fatassery here, way below 4 channel standards.

A reminder that OP is a shitskin and these threads are intended to make Sup Forums look even worse than it already is, as the MSM is watching us closely now.

Previous thread, earlier today

>Raped in the ass by a giant Clitoris.

Meme setting mate.

>women who are traumatize by rape have less sex
>less sex means less children
>those people with genetically determined personality factors that enjoy rape become steadily more common

You can't even discount what I said idiot, because it's entirely logical.

T. Muhammad asking the tough questions

Where did you get the stat women area more likely to orgasm from being raped? That sounds like bullshit.

You sound like a degenerate who watches a lot of porn.

It is unfortunate to have scum like you walking around, who give the rest of us a bad image.

That's the problem with these stupid bigoted feminists. They meet one scumbag, and decide all men are scumbags.

They want to be (reluctantly) raped by absolute chads, not some Sup Forumsvirgins.
99% of the people raising this argument are almost always the definition of 'unfuckable'

Only women that were unmaried and had no families, wealth or relations were frequently raped.

It's not rape if she's already your wife.

if you're the kind of man that women want to be raped by then you probably don't have to rape them in the first place

Hell is waiting

Nice digits. Also, it's like people have never heard of Stockholm Syndrome. Ffs why do they think Stockholm Syndrome is a think and why are women more vulnerable?

Holy shit is that a good argument against rape. Betas unite.


This is physically and legally impossible. maximum you can be molested. Educate yourself.

((Women)) hate rape, the patriarchy, being treated "unequal"
((Women)) go out of their way to import these things into society

Giving women rights was a mistake

Lord Jesus Christ son of God have mercy on all who read this post and forgive all who allow sin and destruction into their hearts. Soften the hearts of all who read this and send guidance unto the path of righteousness.

Explain how you were raped by a woman.

Not true but it is different.

There are women who have told men who don't wanna fuck em anymore 'fuck me or I cry rape' so they are forced to perform.

I mean rape is sex against will. Doesn't mean you are penetrated if you are a man.

Go to bed, Billy Boomer. We're just shitposting, mate.

Suppose I lost all hope of fighting degeneracy and mantaining civilization already. Why shouldn't I try to act like an alpha and... effectvly rape?

Very nice image btw

Dude women who have been sexually abused are a huge fucking red flag. They never get over it, and I guarantee she fucks behind your back.

What if the raping is performed by an animal?

All arguments about rape seem to circle around the concept of non-consent, but you can't not consent with an animal.

I like how the only argument for rape here is
>but sex feels good

Fucking degenerates

Yeah I've seen examples of this. Ultimate chads (lol) can jump at women and hump them while flying because women secretly want them.

But 99.9% can fuck off now thx

could you elaborate?
Im curious about how it goes.

Hello MSM, can i receive a paycheck if i shitpost for you?

She probably had a dick...

Men and boys have butt holes you fucking idiot. Penetrative rape can and does occur to males. It actually occurs as much as female rape in the US if you count prison rape. Ignorant stooge.

Pertinent screencap.

pls answer, im a NEET, i cant contribute to the welfare state if i dont pay taxes.

Fantasies and role-play are not the same as actual rape. When they fantasize they're probably thinking about a sort of idealized rape with some handsome devil. The real thing involves some frog shaped wog with halitosis.

I didn’t say raping women is self defense you illiterate. I’m saying if a woman hits me in the face, wouldn’t it be preferable if instead of reacting in the same manner and potentially killing her, one merely pulls her pants down, sparks her, then fingers her clit a lil bit. Better than being killed and you two could even become friends instead of having a fight.

Doing anything against the will of others is wrong. Now rape play on the other hand is pretty hot. :D


Just imagine a 300lb lady smacking you against a wall, tying you up in a basement and gaping you with a potato.

Gotta catch me first, last I checked a 300lb human being can't run very quick.

You know what, you may be right but ethically is it right?
>what if she was married?
>what if she has passed menopause?
>what if she is not of age to consent?
>what if she hasn't gone through puberty?
All these need be considered and after consideration, if all meets the questions, they would say yes to you if you buy them drinks and have a little game.

All that doesn't apply in Muslim lands but Muslim women still don't want to be stab fucked bloody. Also it ignores the violent taring of flesh

>frog shaped wog with halitosis
>pinnacle of verbal intelligence

One woman raped is one less perfect wife for another guy. So don't be surprised when it's men that round up and hang rapists anyways.

Because they know they will get more attention and sympathy if they say they didn’t like it. All women crave to be dominated and put in their place, is it any wonder why most feminists say they actually have domination and rape fantasies? They are literally CRYING OUT for men to set them straight and all white cucks can do is stand with their heads down as Jamal, Jose and Muhammad make women their fuck toys. Pic related.

Yeah... but you also can't go past her, you fucking idiot

Also, the word "rape" sounds pretty bad, can we call it Involuntary Sexual Encounter (ISE)?