To me, he fits the description of a terrorist. But on here, I've seen people saying he wasn't a terrorist and that the MSM are just using him to try and show that white people are worse terrorists than muzzies.
Can someone please explain to me why Paddock should not be considered a terrorist?
Other urls found in this thread:
What was the political motive behind the attack?
>I think he's a terrorist but I've seen people here say he's a super terrorist
Try again OP
white privilege
If there was a political motive it's terrorism, but so far they won't say anything.
I know there is no official definition but terrorism is about striking fear in areas of peace.
Attacking cops/military bases/government buildings =/= terrorism
attacking malls, civilians, concerts and churches = TERRORISM
By definition a terrorist must have a political motive
But there is an official definition
Need a political motive first. We don't even have a motive period yet.
Shit question.
we have no idea what his agenda was so how can we call him a terrorist
thats horseshit
terrorism is using terror to try and advance an agenda, it it not just "striking fear in areas of peace" or "attacking civilians". by that metric serial killers would be terrorists
It was an act of bamboozlement
This is the most retarded Paddock thread I've seen all day, and I've seen some doozies.
Like said, a "terrorist" must have political motivations.
Nigger take a look at a dictionary and tell me what you get. Here's the first definition I got after plugging "terrorism" into google:
>the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
Was looking up the definition of a terrorist, this is the default setting on google. top kek
Guns are bad, mkay?
Some of the attacks in Europe are called terrorists just because it's Muslim, no manifesto or demand ever published.
There was a Cialis shortage.
if you are trying to spread fear in a specific community then yes a serial killer is a terrorist. remember the DC sniper? They were terrorists. The spread terror amongst non politically affiliatity unarmed combatants
>ESPECIALLY for political purposes.
not ONLY. you proved yourself wrong
What was the political movite attack ?
Will the label bring him back to life ?
Will the label bring the victims back to life ?
> What was the political motive behind the attack?
> g+f2gasT
> gas
The motive was to gas the kikes, you heard it here first.
I bet they all shouted allahu akbar though, which indicates that the motive is religious. Therefore terrorism.
why there must be a motive at all? why cant a man shoot up people 'just because'?
i think he was proving a point - "i am sovereign"
No known politico-ideological motive
by your definition armed militias that seek independecne and provide food for women and children and only target uniformed government military are terrorists.
that is WRONG
He was a real human bean, and a real hero.
>screaming "aloha snackbar" before their attacks and having a social media presence with links to ISIS propaganda sites
Sure, they didn't write a fucking memoir, but it doesn't take a genius to know why they carried their attacks out. This guy wasn't on anyone's radar. No political affiliations, no motives, nothing.
Why would we pin Paddock if it really wasn't him that killed all those people?
Paddock was the fall guy
>target uniformed government military
That is where you become a criminal and possibly a terrorist.
There was no political motive.
The guy had no family, no kids. Nothing to live for. An entire life wasted on raking in money and then gambling. He ran out of thrills and realized the deep hole of no return he was in. Nobody except maybe his brother would be at his deathbed. He chose to exit with a finally.
A warning tale of getting scammed into cucking your life for bucks.
so the Continental Army were terrorists?
the kurds are terrorists?
Al Capone was a terrorist?
Terrorism equates political agenda. If he has none he's not a terrorist. If he does then he is one.
Muslims are always called terrorist because their political/religious ideology uses terror to spread fear and thus weaken their enemies while simultaneously recruiting those who hate their enemies and wish to join the slaughter.
Stop being retarded
>I know there is no official definition for this word
That word is truly an enigma, so many things it could mean. Whats worse is all this time and no one has formulated some kind of definition.
Well, that's why the old addage by Reagan rings so true:
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."
>I know there is no official definition but terrorism is about striking fear in areas of peace.
How do you know that was his motive?
Maybe he wanted attention
Maybe he hated people
Maybe he thought it would be exciting
This dude is a wackjob and anything is on the table. Most mass shooters don't do this shit to make people afraid to go to the movies/school/venues. They do it as revenge on society. Their motivation is inward. They aren't trying to change anything.
American definition of terrorism basically says political motive required
What ideology or agenda was he pushing?
Terrorism isnt just violence. It is violence or threats of violence to instil fear in a population that you can capitalize on that fear to get what you want.
I.e. jihadi's threatening to blow up a school unless the U.S. fucks off and the local government steps down and recognizes the authority of their brand of Islamic law.
Just killing a bunch of people because fuck it why not.... Is not terrorism.
Now if we can identify a political or ideological motive say to galvanize people to pass gun control or to make people fear being associated with a particular political group, then it would be terrorism.
if i shot a nigger because he was a nigger and i said "fuck you nigger im gonna shoot you because I hate niggers", that would be a "hate crime". if i shot a nigger because he wouldn't fuck my wife and let me watch, that would just be a crime crime. functionally, the nigger is just as dead, but legally, the sentence is different. basically, this is what happens when you let jews interpret and write law--semantic kikery.
I wouldn't really trust the first Google result for definitions, they have a tendancy to pick a more liberal/left wing definitions of subjects like this. Take a look at this one:
Who said he wasn't a terrorist? Citation needed.
paddy was a (((government))) agent and a pawn
>They do it as revenge on society. Their motivation is inward. They aren't trying to change anything.
terrorizing non affiliated civilians for revenge on society or otherwise is terrorism plain and simple.
agreed but its a silly definition. By that logic Americas own continental army were terrorists
he was clearly a terrorist, but it's not proven yet so the media can't say it
which is weird to me since they've never needed evidence before
He would have just bought more ammo then he could actually use.
Those are blood spurts, not blood smears. It splattered after getting shot
What political cause was he trying to advance through violence and or intimidation?
That sounds an awful lot like my life ;_;
Listen to Jordan Peterson talk about mass shooters. If it’s not because of religion/political ideology it’s likely because of nihilism and a hatred of being itself.
they wanna be real careful about intent when it's a white guy
Terrorism is only with a political motive , thus far there is no motive
>xplain to me why Paddock should not be considered a terrorist
Because anti-depressant driven crazies dont organise like that.
At least two shooters. Anyone who says otherwise is a shill.
Red pill/proofs:
>witness testimonies (4:00 - 9:06)
Multiple shooters, A 'hispanic' looking woman was taken out of the concert by security after telling people 'they are all going to die'
>police scanner (radio)
at least 2 shooters
>swat enters 32nd floor
>LVPD press conference 1
Police is asking assistance in looking for marilou danely, nobody asks about the second shooter. "The primary aggressor in this incident has expired".
>LVPD press conference 5 (skipped to press questions)
'Radicalisation'?, Say the Marilou is in philipines and will be returning on Thursday
shillbook com/ryancarrawake1/videos/525213534495045/
oy, as we say, u mean when semantics become semitics?
If the FBI would quit being a bunch of political bitches and just come out and explain his motive then maybe we could call him a terrorist, but they won't. So until then he was just some dude that killed a lot of people.
Terrorist is a legal definition.
You can consider him whatever you want, just don't referrer to him as a white supremacist to fill up your agenda.
Because terrorism is defined as politically motivated. But I think that's bullshit. He terrorized people. Retards here are desperate to avoid it because "zomg white people don't into terrorists".
homosexuality was legally a mental illness
humans were legally property
legal definitions can be wrong user hate to break it to ya
By that definition everyone who commits a crime is a terrorist. Im sure the government would love that definition and they already try to use it, but it's not terrorism.
Why not just call it a hate crime as well. He was probably filled with hate.
Only a leftist brainwashed liberal changes the definition of words to suit their narrative.
>Words have meaning and different words mean different things
>Dog (a furry mammal, a common pet) =/= shark (aquatic predator, not a common pet at all)
>Terrorism is a word. It has a meaning and a definition. This guys' actions don't fit in to that definition, therefore he isn't a terrorist.
It seems that most americans think that "a terrorist" just means a really REALLY bad guy. Not a surprise really when the word has been so overused in your media for the last decades.
>plain and simple
Funny way of spelling wrong
Just because people are afraid doesn't make it terrorism. All violence does that dipshit. What separates terrorism from other forms of violence is motive.
Here's a definition of terrorism that wasn't hard to find if you go somewhere that isn't a chinese cartoon image board
>Terrorism, in its broadest sense, describes the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror, or fear, to achieve a political, religious or ideological aim.
We have no hard evidence on why he did it, so you can't call it terrorism with any confidence. I'm leaning no because a single event and suicide is not an effective form of terrorism because you are neutralized and the public no longer fears you. DC snipers and boston marathon bombers are real examples. They had multiple targets they hit or intended to hit over time and though could actually live to see the paranoia
Look at Google's definition of Facism
>why can't they scour through electronics, paperwork, and thousands upon thousands of reams of someones internet history in 20min?! it must be a 'spiracy!!!!
because he didnt do it.
>That sounds an awful lot like my life ;_;
Are you stockpiling the ammunition already?
Fuck that. I’d want to off myself more being stuck in a shitty developed box if a house with a nagging wife who will never appreciate what you do for her and a son or daughter who will never respect you once they grow older.
Making money and doing what you want to do and spending all that on yourself is a much better option.
white isn't an ideology you retard.
Jewgle inserts the phrase "right wing" into their definition
You're a terrorist if you threaten the established order. Shitty enough definition that allows wiggle room for muh freedom fighters when it suits the "national" (financial) interest
Terrorism is defined by motive. It also has specific legal definitions, though I can't tell you exactly what it is. Can't tell you if he's a terrorist or not until we know why he did it. Either he just didn't really give a shit enough to justify what he did, or he did and that justification has been covered up. He was a smart guy though, if he wanted to people to know why he did what he did he wouldn't have just left a note in a crime scene, he would've gotten it out there.
>Retards here are desperate to avoid it because "zomg white people don't into terrorists".
No we're not letting a definition be fudged so "white people can be just as bad as muslims". Liberals are the one pushing the narrative. Saying non-terrorism isn't terrorism is a response and a truism.
Also it's not a defense of the vegas shooter. You're just as big of a piece of shit for murdering people no matter what your reason is. But words still have meaning.
>hurr it's just like shouting "Oh my God"
No. They are shouting that THEIR God is great. Islam is a political ideology mixed with religion.
>What separates terrorism from other forms of violence is motive.
no. What separates it from other forms of violence is its target. Targeting politicians, soldiers and police is not terrorism esp. if you are a uniformed combatant
targeting civilians indiscriminately and spreading fear and terror is terrorism regardless of your intentions
Yes on all counts
Terrorism requires a broader context than just the one event and one suspect.
Terrorism requires an agenda or goal. Terrorism requires that if the plan is executed as planned it will have continuing effects that benefit the perpetrators or those affiliated with it.
Mass murder for the sake of mass murder isn't terrorism it's mass murder. That's like trying to insist a specific model of vehicle counts as a truck while it doesn't and what fucking difference does it make? Both are cars.
You want to call this terrorism because you think the word has the power to label like minded or just similar looking people as somehow being guilty by association to an ethnicity.
'White terrorism' which is retarded.
Just because you suck diesnt mean we are privileged
It's a glass half full thing
To someone with an empty glass who lives on free sips from our half filled glasses I suppose it may look that way but at the end of the day your perception is twisted because you are crap and we aren't. That's not privalidge that's just the difference between normal and sub normal
now you are thinking with portals kid
>Making money and doing what you want to do and spending all that on yourself is a much better option.
ya and then become miserable like stephen paddock
Better answer than most, doesn't seemed like he gave a shit enough to justify his actions, unlike just about every other melodramitc fucking mass shooter in existence.
Retard. I just pasted a definition.
Go find a commonly used definition that supports anything you're saying. You don't get to make shit up
He is the face of the alt Left.
So wait let me get this straight. An islamic extremist runs over some people in a vehicle....TERRORISM. CLOSE THE BORDERS. BAN ALL MUSLIMS. END OF THE WORLD IS HERE!
Old white guy, shoots and kills 60 people, injures over 500.... not terrorism....? I mean......WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?
It was terrorism. A bunch of leftists planned to meet in the hotel and gun down the festival with 20 near-identical ARs. At the last minute all but 1-2 chickened out. One girl even went out to try and warn the concert goers. The authorities are now covering it up because they don't want to spark civil conflict. Stephen Paddock isn't a real person, he's an alias meant to take the fall... that's why people can't find anything on him except for loose government connections.
It's like the difference between manslaughter and murder.
Terrorism and murder require motive. His motive is still unknown. Slide thread?
Fuck off - there is terorism legislation in the U.K. that defines terrorism. The fact that it's woolly enough to allow the uk government to define Iceland as terrorists during the financial crisis and freeze Icelandic institution's U.K. bank accounts is its key strengh. The government decide what terrorism is.
>You don't get to make shit up
we use logic and reason to see what definition best encapsulates the colloquial understanding people get when they think of "terrorist"
usually they get images of the IRA or jihadists and not entities that have a code of ethics like freedom fighters or organized militias. because of this there is a disconnect with the US's legal definition and what the word has come to mean in the zeitgeist
because of this the definition must be updated
>not terrorism....?
Because its not
Wow that was hard.
>At least two shooters. Anyone who says otherwise is a shill.
>because he didnt do it.
Really, the bad thing is that you could both be right and we'd never find out because of the way evidence is handled in these situations. They could've grabbed some random guy off the strip, drugged him, and then blew his brains out and posed his body before making their escape. And because of the media parade in this country evidence would quickly disappear or become unreliable. And Americans are too politically retarded to stop arguing over which of the two sides is responsible to ever look at the actual incident.
Simple, it cant be terrorism because the targets were trump voting conservative white people
Because he was dead when the shooting started
>The guy had no family, no kids. Nothing to live for. An entire life wasted on raking in money and then gambling. He ran out of thrills and realized the deep hole of no return he was in.
When people hit pits of despair like this they commonly turn to religion. Maybe he did actually convert to Islam and did this to prove himself to Allah. Pretty sure their book does say that doing shit like this earns you points, fighting and dying for the cause.
the US government also decided people could be property in the 1800s. The government isnt always right britcuck but I guess you may never realize that as you go about getting arrested for free speech on face book and having to update your TV license every year.
That's intelligence services the world over fucked by that definition, so it must be wrong
no political motivation=not a terrorist
not all mass murderers are terrorists, but all terrorists are mass murderers
You're assuming I even agree with the legal term of terrorism. It's purposefully vague to consider almost anyone a terrorist so they can spy on us all.
Go ahead. Call him a terrorist if it makes you feel better. Anyone who punches a Nazi is an antifacist. Any cop that shoots a black person is a white supremacist guilty of a hatw crime. Lets call all men rapists too. Legal definitions dont mean shit. It's all subjective in this beautiful postmodernist society.
>the colloquial understanding people get when they think of "terrorist"
That is all over the place
It's the more official definitions that are actually grounded in consensus. They are also definitions formed and used by educated people.
Example, want to argue over what an "assault weapon" is based on the colloquial understanding of people? The average person doesn't know shit.
I thought terrorism was to incite terror for a political purpose. What was his purpose?
Sounds more like a crazy person than a terrorist.
Terrorism doesn't imply a high degree of damage or concern.