Why are conservatives such cucks?
Why are conservatives such cucks?
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If only Socialists actually supported what Marx said
Well, has an antifag ever shilled for gun control? It's always """liberals""" who do it.
>But aren’t guns inherently oppressive, reactionary and patriarchal? This idea has found currency in the years since the end of the civil rights movement, but the years since the civil rights movement haven’t been especially good for the Left. From Jimmy Carter to Obama—not to mention from Reagan to Trump—the US has steadily slid to the Right in all but the most superficial ways. In place of working-class activists like Fannie Lou Hamer, we’re now led by pseudo-working-class celebrities like Michael Moore, who cemented the gun control consensus with his sensationalized documentary Bowling for Columbine. Just as Moore denounces the Democratic Party in three year cycles but always comes back to them at election time, his film admitted that there are more important factors contributing to violence than guns, but finally dumped the whole problem at the feet of the NRA. It is revealing that the very same Hollywood establishment that gave Moore an Oscar for Bowling for Columbine proceeded to boo him at the ceremony for opposing the Iraq War. For them, gun control has nothing to do with genuine peace, but everything to do with an orderly and centralized capitalist empire.
Why? Because Lush Rimjob and Insannity and Mann Koulter and Ingrate tell them what to think for profit.
Vince Neil approves
Plenty of militant socialists.
Agree, there is a huge difference between the modern democrat and a true socialist.
Well put. Going to look more into the John Brown club. Although I advocate for the creation of better non-lethal weaponry(for home defense), real weapons will always need to be a right.
Goddamn, I try to listen to conservative radio to remain impartial but Hannity and Rush are so fucking ridiculous its hard not to immediately hate everyone who listens to them.
They only ever support the murder your superiors and steal their shit parts. It's the main reason Marxism has been such an unmitigated disaster the world over.
>Well, has an antifag ever shilled for gun control? It's always """liberals""" who do it.
Anti(at least here in the US) only reared its head after Trump's election. They were content with king Obongo taking away guns while the Dems were in power
I'm not gonna call Reagan the worst President, but he was by far the most overrated.
It's like this everywhere. Antifa are generally just disgruntled college youths who didn't really study or research shit much, but their pure reactionary attitude mixed with their naivety makes them swallow feel-good crap left is shitting out instead of hard facts so no matter what ideology they think they believe in, they don't really know much how it'd work and they keep on being bottom bitches of democrate policy makers.
>pure reactionary attitude mixed with their naivety
>murder your superiors
>unmitigated disaster the world over
Damn that sounds exactly like fascism
>pic related
>there no anti-fascist movement when fascists didn't support the president
I wonder why
He was a mentally ill piece of shit, but yeah, not the worst.
You guys actually managed to make people think he is so wrong everywhere in the world, even his supporters jumped out of his ideology to stuff like Frankfurt school. Old school red commies are dead or too old now.
>Damn that sounds exactly like fascism
And guess which liberal, supposedly communist group also committed itself to burning books few years back as a statement? Just like Hitlet Youth.
Modern wannabe communists who never had to live under communist regime and neither know how it works nor what sht it causes at the same time seem to be cherry-picking the worst behaviors of actual nazi while calling everyone that and supposedly fighting nazism. Ironic.
At least for some time, among all the crap it caused nazism brought certain internal stability and freedom to ethnic germans as well. If liberals and antifa would get their say, you bet places like US would turn into a totalitarian ghetto. So, barring actual atrocities committed (which is a matter of not having skills and resources, not will), they may be worse than nazis.
This. Conservacucks btfo.
not exactly, it has to do with changes in capitalism itself, very few of us would qualify as the "workers" marx was talking about. most of us are "flexible" workers is the service industry, there's very few factories in the US and Europe.
>capitalists acknowledge the worth of human life and don't want needless violence
>communists will kill you just out of pure ideology and have absolutely no morals
Pretty much this. In the times when Marx was writing his stuff, working class was basically stuck as such and their living conditions were very much unike what working class has now (probably many would qualify as poverty). There was less upward and downward social mobility in general.
But then shitty system got more loose and then died, global living conditions improved, people stopped being just exploited, uneducated masses barely struggling to keep their families fed. A lot of marxist stuff is simply outdated.
And before anyone will try to stir shit - I know what I am talking about. I live in a country which was a fully blown communist one just a few decades ago and some aftereffects, while miniscule can be still felt. I know full well how delusional, naive and frankly, stupid groups like antifa are.