Well guys, Im actually studying in LA and I have to move to a Black Neighborhood (Im out of money)

Well guys, Im actually studying in LA and I have to move to a Black Neighborhood (Im out of money)
What can I do to survive?

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sell drugs

No bro. Just fucking don't go. What is it CSU LA? That's a Spic nieghborhood too. Just don't go out at night. Not like they say in the East Coast or whever trying to sound tough, I mean it. Don't go walking around at night!

LA niggers are fucking pure evil and full of hate. Thanks Tu Pac

Im talking about survive to niggers, no earn money.

buy a gun

Which one? There aren't that many predominantly black neighborhoods left in LA. Move to a Mexican neighborhood instead, they don't speak much english, but it's safer because they keep the niggers out and you can call ICE on any of them that piss you off.

Don't move there

>There aren't that many predominantly black neighborhoods left in LA
You've never been to LA. There endless miles of niggers who will hate you in the middle of the day for going to a normal store. It's the center of hatred for the entire world.

Color your hair, wear brown contacts, stay dirty and smelly all the time. They'll think you're Mexican and move out of the neighborhood before you burn them out.
Say shit like "Dees is my barrio now, Homie." They'll catch the drift and be gone before the weekend.

Dude get the fuck out of LA

Move to a fly over state Where you can be comfy on minimum wage

>LA niggers are fucking pure evil and full of hate
That is because only the hardest niggers remain in LA. The Mexicans pushed the rest out of LA and into San Bernardino and Vegas.

My mother was colombian, so my hair is dark.
Still im afraid to mexicans

>You've never been to LA
I live in LA. You must be a youngster because the black population is nothing like it used to be. They still have Crenshaw, Gramercy and Leimert Park, but even Compton is full of Mexicans now. There isn't even any reason to go into those nigger shit-holes.

Move to a spic neighborhood instead. As for practical shit, get a gun and something to barricade the door with. Also, learn how to hide your valuables. Thievery is a thing there.

dude you are gonna die, im not kidding. DO NOT DO IT

>Black Neighborhood LA

never relax

paint yourself black and buy a crown vic

Look poor as shit, keep your shit locked all the fucking time.
Have a fucking gun on you at all times.

>capable of owning guns


You mean the niggerest

Live in the Valley bro

Rule them with your superior IQ

Don't act like an idiot. Also, be respectful, any elderly black folks you see/meet, refer to as sir or ma'am.

Get gun, get sharp knife, go to library and get books on anatomy, Sell the organs of blacks on Darkweb

fuck black qts

I want to see the front end of that car.

Become one with the black. Join a gang, buy some guns, start selling drugs, rob stores, sag your pants, hell maybe even some convincing face paint could do the trick. To survive the kangz, you must become the kang.

Is it true that 50% of them have herpes?

that's false

Share your anti-semitism. Realized how redpilled violent blacks are.

yeah, it's lke, 75% or higher

Doesn't matter what you do. You'll be killed in the November BLM/antifa riot

Dress like Zuckerberg except instead of a gray t-shirt, always wear a Black Lives Matter t-shirt. Every day. Everywhere. Also try to sound like them. For example, if I see a black man on the street, I tip my chin up as I walk past and say "sup, nigga". This is how you achieve Eminem status.

The problem with that is you have to never back down, because they'll get irrationally angry if they realize you were pretending to be a whigger.

Watch Soul Man with C. Thomas Howell to pick up some pointers.

Don't own anything that can be stolen. Deadbolt your door and stay the fuck inside at night. Other than that you should be good. just expect to be jumped at least once a week.

Main reason I avoid miscegenators