Why do they pay you to get a flu shot?
I don't really buy the idea that it's because "the government cares about people".
Why do they pay you to get a flu shot?
I don't really buy the idea that it's because "the government cares about people".
because the first post is always the best post
>healthpacks in charge of making sense
make a shit thread, get shit replies, who'd have thought
Who is paying me to get a flu shot? I have excellent coverage and I dont think they or my job pay me to get a flu shot.
ive never had a flu shot. and ive never had the flu.
Lowers fertility, brings out the regressive degeneration in your DNA and most likely pure unadulterated gayness.
because people not getting sick and dying of influenza increases productivity, reduces expenditures, and provides a net benefit for the state
who's paying you?
i had one today. i wont end up with aids now, will i?
>flu outbreak in 2009-2010
>sweden mass-vaccinated entire population
i didn't get symptoms but my friend got permanent narcolepsia
I've had it a couple of times, and I ended up getting the Flu anyways
waste of time at best
I've seen at least a few places that have signs that say things like "come in for a free flu shot and get a $5 coupon" or something like that
so I mean it's not literally PAYING you but it's still giving a sort of financial incentive
My friend walks around with an insulin pump due to the flu shot.
Immunization works like this
>destroy or cripple virus
>The immune system absorbs the virus and learns how to kill it before it spreads
>You are now immune to the virus
>A virus needs a host to replicate itself, if everybody is immune the virus dies out.
>Because not everyone is immune, the virus continues to spread in people who aren't immune
>It eventually mutates into a different virus that nobody is immune to
>Doctors then have to get this new virus and synthesize a new vaccine
They basically pay people because so many don't want to do it, because it is effectively pointless as long as people continue to get sick and circulate an illness around.
People don't want immunization simply because as V for Vendetta pointed out that any mandatory medical process should be taken with extreme caution as it can just be another form of subjugation I.E engineering an illness that you have the cure for or the emotion suppression drug in equilibrium.
>be yuropoor
>flu shot not covered by gubmint healthcare
>have to pay for the vaccine yourself
No one in my family, including myself, has ever been vaccinated against the ((""flu"")) and we're all fine. In fact, it's more common that you see someone on the news who died from the vaccine than the flu.
t. works 90 hours a week, 7 incher, and 9/10 looks
This. Fucking this
Yes, the government may see everyone as resources or livestock, but at the end of the day, keeping the common people healthy and satiated can only be nothing but good for its bottom line. In other words, even if they are amoral and only really care about their own pockets or interests, the people dropping dead like flies is NOT good for their net benefit. The people are the government's assets, for better or worse, and making sure they remain assets and not liabilities (as in people dying or wasting even more of the government's money in extended hospital stays)
umm sweetie, sick people is what the pharmaceutical industry needs to be in business. As well as doctors. And therapists. And nurses. And coroners.
(continued because I accidentally hit enter before finishing)
Yadda yadda, making sure the people remain assets and not liabilities is essentially the whole motive for governments to spend money in pushing vaccinations
Or alternatively, it's pointless because it never actually worked to begin with.
Because if you send your kid or you yourself go to work and you are sick, you will get other people all around you sick because you are too ignorant to get the flu shot. If you work in a closed space with other people, you should get the flu shot, no excuses. You are literally endangering other peoples lives with your pure ignorance.
>t. shill/cuck
lol, one of my local pharmacies has a sign near the entrance that just says "it's time for your flu shot" and nothing else. it's unintentionally creepy.
The weak should die off for the good of our gene pool. Vaccines harm humanity in the long run by keeping these people alive so they can reproduce.
being insulted by someone from this place is a compliment. Thanks bro.
This, it's not just a coincidence that more children are developing chronic autoimmune diseases. Monsanto, Big food, and big government are all in on it, (((they))) want a sick docile slave race to harvest from.
>confirming that you're a shill/cuck
Not often I get to see that around here. Kudos for owning up to being a lesser human.
no user. youll be fine. you cant catch aids twice
I mean I don't deny that the pharmasutical industry can be evil as fuck, but its just not true that the government wants you sick or whatever. Where I live "the government" is always talking about getting exercise, eating healthy, sitting less, etc etc. Why would they do that if they wanted us to always be sick?
Hey I may be a shill / cuck, but at least I'm not a regular Sup Forums visitor.
I get it for free because I have asthma
>but its just not true that the government wants you sick or whatever. Where I live "the government" is always talking about getting exercise, eating healthy, sitting less, etc etc. Why would they do that if they wanted us to always be sick?
then why don't they improve nutrition labeling? john oliver turned out to be a huge faggot, but his episode on sugar isn't too bad.
There wouldn't be a concept if it didn't work, you can make a whole island of people immune to the flu on island and it would die off. It only fails when a mutated strain from a foreigner comes in.
The government most certainly wants you to be sick and dependent, dependency is the way big government keeps itself alive. If people were really taught how to thrive on this planet, nobody would need these institutions. The manipulator tells the victim that they need them and that they're nothing without them, this is the lie of authority.
Well, around 130$ a month. Covers everything, medicine, flu shots, medical care, dental care and glasses.
They can say all of that because they know people (generally speaking) won't do it. This is especially true for americans.
Only if those other people were also not vaccinated, which kinda makes that argument irrelevant
Flu shots Are guesses at best as they aren't 100% sure of what strain is going around in a given year.
It's a cash grab plain and simple. If there were a program it would work something like this:
Big pharma donate money to political campaign under promise that they will get a favor. Since the flu can't be treated by any of their products.... they make it one of the few areas they focus on "preventative measures"
Politician wins... then supports tax payer money subsidising flu shots and scares mothers in to vaccinating their children and the elderly in to vaccinating themselves.
Not rocket science and you don't even have to dive in to the vaccination debate which is an entire issue. Alsi
Yeah I got that at Target.
Its a promotion to bring in customers. Come get a flu shot and spend money on other stuff.
The government does not subsidize that.
Autoimmune is caused by "bored" immune systems. If you aren't eating dirt as a baby you'll probably get auto-immune diseases.
Thimerosal has mercury, but heck, so does tuna.
Not once in 30 years have I ever heard of being paid to take a flu shot, not that I'd listen to kike medicine anyways.
Doesn't the flu kill a shitton of people every year? Something to do with diarrhea and dehydration in poorer countries without clean water supply.
That being said I haven't been to the doctors or had any shots in 15 years or so
Its called a positive externality you fucking idiots
>In 15 years
That's how people die of easily treatable cancers.
>Governments don't form naturally
How fucking stupid are you? Literally all of human history all over the world some sort of hisrarchy formed among groups of people. It is beneficial, deal with it retard.
Do you ever look at the labels on most of the stuff at the grocery store? People are eating straight poison all the time every day and feeding it to their kids, the food we have today is completely different than it was even 50 years ago. Coupled with toxic vaccinations, fluoridated water, and general pollution it's no wonder there's so much rising illness and mental retardation among the population
You shouldn't need a flu shot if you're not over 65+.
Toxins in food don't cause auto-immune though. They may increase cancer, put a strain on your liver/kidneys and other shit, but Auto-immune is your immune system literally attacking the body.
This happens because of genetics and most likely, an underactive immune system caused by sanitation and isolation.
Crohn's disease is skyrocketing because parents don't let their babies crawl around outside and eat dirt or shit. That's literally when the immune system destroys your intestines because it's never had to deal with anything that would target your intestines like parasitic worms.
I never argued whether manipulation was natural or not, there's not a single mode of being that humans can operate on and ultimately nobody actually needs our current hierarchical dominance culture. Gnosis is freedom and if people truly understood what they were capable of, we could have paradise instead of this ruling in hell satanic religion.
How do I get paid to get a flu shot?
Perpetually sick and weakened people are also far less productive, to the point of just being a liability. Why do you think large companies and government jobs hand out health insurance as part of the deal with working with them? Because they would waste more resources from a worker being ill than by spending their own money to keep them healthy.
>No heiracrical dominance
People are not equal, leaders arise when one among many has the intelligence and the charisma to make group decisions that others respect and trust in.
There will always be chiefs, always be leaders, always be governing bodies. There will always be people seeking to dominate, always be people who seek domination.
Intelligence and charisma is not inherent to certain people, slaves have been historically kept in the dark because if they understood what the God's knew they would try and be as them. What you're perpetuating is a lie to keep dominator culture running, this parasitic condition is unsustainable and ultimately not worth it. Education and gnosis are the road towards freedom, and many have died for it throughout history but in the end the truth will prevail.
To get poor uneducated people to give a fuck.
>Healthy people are worth nothing to pharma
>except you can sell vaxxes to everyone without waiting for sickness
>vaxxes do not have same safety standards as other drugs
>because "muh everyone dies without them!!!!"
>vaxxes have high levels of things like aluminum (= Alzheimer's) and other bad stuff
>vaxxes + fluoride + garbage food + pollute air and water
>degrade health
>induce chronic illness
>create lifetime pharma and medical customers
Trace Amounts and The Greater Good are good red pills and vaxxes.
It's because sick days cost an absolute fortune to businesses, ergo tax revenues. The government doesn't care about people, it cares about revenues and public image.
Fuck off the lefty/pol/ commie, domination in human social nature isn't "parasitic".
We care, now drink some tap water for your teeth you faggot
Okay, I'm just going to throw this out there. Are there ANY scientifically sound studies that actually prove that modern vaccines cause all this nasty shit? Something from actual scientific journals preferred