Around wh*Tes
Never relax
Around wh*Tes
Other urls found in this thread:
well the 2 in the middle are jews
/sage (racist negro sage)
white none the less
Around whites
Internet fights
McVeigh did literally nothing wrong.
And the two on the right are severely mentally ill.
Noooooo, big no... Jews are not people
Around (((jews)))** you incel flipbro
rly make me fink
doesnt rhyme
Actually nigs kill as many as all those combined every month....
Yes these are all niggered areas.
Numbers to your mother Yo!! Numbers.
>when you have to go back to columbine to fill out your propaganda
Oh sweetie...
The message here is not to relax around people with bad haircuts, which we all already knew.
Hook nose, MKultra eyes, bowl cut these are things you need to watchout. Easy to recognize
the race of peace
Your racism is stupid. Blacks have killed more people in Detroit this year than all of those people killed combined. Saudis killed more people on 9/11 then all mass murders in US history.
Damn right... you'd better not fuck with us, nigger!
Yeah. Look at me wrong and i'll annihilate you. Yellow monkey bitch
sage goes in the options field
false flag, jew, meh, false flag, false flag, false flag
Roof is not mentally ill.
das rite blak boi
You forgot John Wilkes Booth.
I yearn for the day the blonde beast wakes up again. You can't blame us for our thirst for enemies and resistances and triumphs
>Implying white trash wouldn't fill the niche.
Damn right we will fucking shoot you.
Das rit nig.
White trash own you all, scumbags! Get used to it. We are America!
Around shills never bump
>6 white murderers between 1995-2017
Honestly not bad.
Wtf are you talking about?
I could have told you that long before any of those shitheels were ever heard of.
Whitey is a good boy until he isn't, then he becomes the most destructive force in the universe.
That's also why you mudskins better straighten your shit out before we do it for you. It's coming, motherfuckers.
Whiteys drive minorities to crime through implied racism
you don't understand how much i'd honestly rather die than be around someone who's not white
Lol no. Niggers are just niggers. Like you.
They were all on SSRIs
Ino Puta Mo, Shill
This is all a slide thread.
Anyone who says Paddock was alone is a snopeshill
redpill them with these proofs, do not engage in their shilling:
>witness testimonies (4:00 - 9:06)
Multiple shooters, A 'hispanic' looking woman was taken out of the concert by security after telling people 'they are all going to die'
>police scanner (radio)
at least 2 shooters
>swat enters 32nd floor
>LVPD press conference 1
Police is asking assistance in looking for marilou danely, nobody asks about the second shooter. "The primary aggressor in this incident has expired".
>LVPD press conference 5 (skipped to press questions)
'Radicalisation'?, Say the Marilou is in philipines and will be returning on Thursday
shillbook com/ryancarrawake1/videos/525213534495045/
around fl*ps, relax because of based duterte
Typical white denial. It's the last stage of genocide are Asians higher than blacks and whites????
jews are not white
> implied racism
only now, do they finally understand.
Gargantua if Pantagruel
they have white skin and European descent so they're white
sorry to burst your bubble
Wtf is this chick doing?
Lefty cuck blue pill detected
Ashkenazi Jews are no different than Germans / Eastern Europeans, all the other Jews aren't white. Ashkenazi being a small ammount.
because they're like 5% of the population. how do you not get the concept of proportional representation? is there a cut off point at 90IQ where you just arent capable of understanding it?
Around a white, never sit tight
Around leftists, never relax, since most were retarded city-dwelling liberals.
The proportion of Asians there are worrying considering they are like 1% of your population
>all these people are taking (((anti-depressants)))
nothing to see here
I'm proud to call these niggas white.
They had some pretty alpha fucking genetics to go against every ounce of societal conditioning and decimate innocents as human beings are meant to do, and have done for thousands of years.
jews are not white. For fucks sake they say it themselves, dont lump them in with the crackers.
Sandy Hook was a hoax tho
Illustrating Chicago Values
Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 499
Shot & Wounded: 2403
Total Shot: 2902
Total Homicides: 536
In a hunter gatherer society, they would probably be tribal leaders, not mass shooters. They have the genes necessary.
Lol 3 of them are know false flags. More like around government never relax.
>Around whites, prepare to fight
There you go
source of the movie?
Isn't this Batman?
>elliot rodger
>not an honorary white
Around wh*Tes, Prepare to hide
You learn fast.
These things become more and more humanlike
You fucking dense fuck; if you're going to rhyme slurs, you gotta do AROUND WHITES, TAKE FLIGHT.
Goddamnit Duterte
Welcome to the internet wild monkey. Enjoy us keeping it real for you since you've long forgotten how.
Around democRats
never (ever) relax
Around liberals
Keep fingers on triggers
Around women
Something something.... i don't think this one through....
if i had the time i could make a collage of around 1 gorillion niggers, and say around blax never relax,
Uh... Most Jews are Ashkenazi, and they're clearly distinguishable from both Russians and Germans. I give your post a 0/10.
You country has more killing per capita then US.
Whites designed and built the network you are using. Please go back to using non white technology.
>and googly psycho eyes
We gonna pull up pictures of black people? I don't think there's enough bandwidth on the entire internet for that shit.
>elliot rogers
>20 victims
Yea no they weren't
And there is a big difference between being ethnically Jewish and religiously Jewish. And there is no chance they were ethnic Jews
>Whites designed and built the network you are using
Prove it
Protip: you can't