Why didn't anyone hate muslims 30 or so years ago?

Why didn't anyone hate muslims 30 or so years ago?

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How do you foot freaks find these pictures?

because they were contained far as fuck away from the West in their Godforsaken desert

because they stayed in their own countries and didn't come and shit all over our civilisation.

>ancap fag
>talking about civilisation

that's fucking disgusting

The shills know their audience. I can only imagine what other stuff OP has saved to get you all to reply so easily.
The method is always the same
1. Foot fetish pic
2. Pointless open ended question

Literally was the only muslim picture I have, retard

They weren't any muslim terrorist

because they stayed in their own third world shitholes

Fucking bongs...

Because the only western country with a substantial Muslim population was Britain, they weren't breeding like rats and causing mayhem all over the place

because Wahabbism hadn't spread. The Middle East used to be somewhat first world (SOMEWHAT).

Those feet are dirty as hell.

That's SICK post more.

>has never read a book
Whites have been at war with islam for 1400 years you fucking retards

Because they tried to be civilised back then and didn't focus their time on religion.
Then the islamic revolution took place and the entire middle east went to hell.

That doesn't answer the question

Yes it does. We have always hated muslims. Americas first foreign war and creation of the marines was sending them to tripoli because the sandniggers were beheading our sailors. Cuck

the (((media))) didn't tell the retards to do so yet


(((they))) want you to hate Muslims and invade their nations. Muslims are literally not an issue if they stay in their countries. (((They))) are the one's pushing our countries into illegal wars with Muslim nations, destabilising their nations and making them come to our white homelands.

You mean the only Muslim pic you could find in your foot fetish folder

Yes there were, but back then they were mainly Palestinians who hated Israel and Jews

Great isn't it?

Rome wasn't built in a day. First, we remove the Muslims then we remove the Jews.

racists cant build rome

They did, there were just less of them around so fewer had to deal with them. Heck, the muslims were already holding public book burnings in Bradford and Bolton in 1989. Salman Rushdie had to go into hiding because of threats to his life.

Your flag is made up or various crosses from the crusades...


Because the Jews in Nova Israel the USA were occupied with the cold war meme.

your flag is made from food

>no u

Back to pookistan you filthy goatfucker.

We don't mind them in the dessert.

why do you have this gif saved on your computer?

Because you are an autist that believes the world begins west of germany. People have hated the muslims since day 1. The T*rks, Arabs, pajeet muhammads and inshallah niggers in North Africa constantly caused problems. You only care about it now because you believe you are the centre of the world.

moar pls

Why what's wrong with it?

That's pretty gay desu senpai


Sure Ahmed. You know your audience. Just admit it you dune coon

They were called anti-Soviet freedom fighters and fully supported by the West before.

No u.

Because they fucked goat in THEIR shit hole eating sand and humus, and nobody gave a shit.

humus is great though

This, a thousand times.
Read Mark Twain's opinion on muslims. "Hate" and "racism" are recent buzzwords.
Civilized men mistrusted and disdained the moslems, and knew how to keep them in their continent.


Vanilla or chocolate?

Bro, tienes la colección de gifs más chingona que he visto.

Oh i get it, you're some paki shilling for goatsex after being bullied for believing in the devil.

kek fucking albanians

I don't get it, why do so many walking bin bags publish these foot pics? What message are these she-mudslimes trying to send out? That they are quirky?

that it's hot and I want to stuff my face against them?

footfags are degenerate cucks who love being submissive

That's what you get out of it, but why are THEY making these pics? This isnt the first time I noticed she-camels doing foot pics. What's in it for them? Is this some sort of craze among the boxworshipping cunts? I've asked this before, but nobody ventured an explanation. Why are so many Saracen cunts doing foot pics? It can't be to indulge foot perverts on Sup Forums. I can't figure out what message they are trying to send out.


So many? I WISH there were more of these hijab girls doing it
it's actually incredibly rare to see this and I only have a handful of images/videos

As a footfag i have to say, these muslim feet pics make me embarressed to be a footfag. Only premium huwhite/asian arched footpuccis please, you're giving us a bad rep.

post them then

Why are their feet so masculine?


Even that bitch Linda Sarsour made a foot pic. Even if it is just a handful, these pics are all deliberate and I cant' figure out why hijabis want to show their feet. Most of the foot pics that get posted here have all been hijabis. What's in it for them, what do they get out of it? There has to be a reason for it. I don't get what this trend is about and it is making me crazy trying to figure out WHY?

Jews did 9/11 and blamed it on muslims, which started the shift in public opinion against them. Then they blew up the middle east, which flushed the arab filth into europe and into the US, which put them in proximity with us, which, since they are disgusting, led to everybody hating them. Then various ZOGs did shit loads of false flag terror attacks which were blamed on muslims, plus there were a shitload of likely legitimate muslim led attacks, which lead to even more negative sentiment. All this was done so that we would develop a hatred for the arabs and fight wars for jews and israel. Plus it contributes to white genocide, which is another kike objective. Also they did it because the muslims end up menacing the pleb jews and scaring them into moving to israel, which increases their population, which means more military personal for the IDF.

we did

>Linda Sarsour

Sweden has spotted gold, while they became more secular we straied even further from God after the student revolution in 1968
Naturally we would become more averse to each other

1) Because they were first generation muslims who, for the most part, kept to themselves. The subsequent generations is where the trouble starts. They forget why their parents came here and romanticize their roots. Homeless mongrels.
2) There were simply a lot less of them.

It's part of the muslim playbook to stay low until you reach a certain %.

They were intresting, mysterious, highly skilled and educated. We needed them.
What we're seeing now is different...
...its the rest...

Yup, it's all a big muslim conspiracy, all the muslims in the media, and controlling our governments and military all got together and conspired to flood the western nations with muslims, had nothing to do with jews at all right?

Most sandpigs lived in their own islamic litter tray countries 30 years ago, where they belong.

Islamic warriors were attacking Europe heavily, so the crusaders pushed them back and the western powers have been fucking the Middle East over ever since.

You didn't hate Muslims before because the old leaders generally kept the Middle East out of Europe.

Only fascists like Hitler liked Islam.

Because America said commies were the enemy.

Speak for yourself, you freddie mercury fan queer you

Because they all lived in their natural habitat: the desert.

We did. The Iron Sheik.

Because they fucked off.

We hadn't reached critical mass in Sweden, it was still possible to be ignorant.


Hey Britfoot, haven't seen you in a while.

yo paki man, fuck off and make someone a kebab

You're a retard. This thread isn't about the jews. Erdogan flat out tells his sandnig army to racemix and breed in the west. The jews enabled them to do so by subverting our society. Without jewish influences, rabbid sandnigs would be shot on entry.

We are now here:

Something something inbreeding. Something something goatfuckers.


Wow, degenerate people handed over their empire what a big surprise