Today I was approached by two young female Jehovah witnesses, one was black with big tits...

Today I was approached by two young female Jehovah witnesses, one was black with big tits, and the other was white and qt.
We talked for a long time, as I showed some interest in whatever they were saying ("the world is becoming worse and worse, only Jehovah can save it bla bla bla"), and I ended up invited to their church.
What should I do? I don't believe in their religion, but I'm kinda lonely. Should I become a Jehovah witness in order to find new friends and hopefully a non degenerate and modest girlfriend?

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Common tactic of cults is to get the young attractive women to invite naive lonely men to join the cult.

Try to fuck them and find out they both love Tyrone more than you


All the people I've met who were jehovah witnesses were completely out of their minds crazy. So idk man, crazy women are scary

Someone post the Jehovah's witness /fit/ story

OP fell for a honeypot

No. If you're going to join with any of the fake religions at least join the mormons. They wouldn't send their women out trying to recruit for them, because their women should be at home pregnant and tending to their most recent babies. I remember there was a hot mormon girl at my high school. She was polite, traditional, and didn't converse with boys because she knew they were degenerates trying to get into her retarded mormon underwear. She was a fucking boss at home ec and got religious exemptions from certain science classes because they were, according to her brother, "unnecessary for women, since their domain was inside the home, not as scientists".

They're also very unaccepting of later in life converts so unlike JW or even worse, the born-agains, they aren't likely to take in remorseful roasties. Problem is you gotta also get in young cause their marry their girls off as young as possible.

You might get a handjob if you tell them you'll convert

No, Jehovah's witnesses are nuts. I had a friend who was raised that way and the day of his 18th birthday he told his mom to fuck off and left her life completely. Jehovah's witnesses can't get blood transfusions or celebrate any holidays.

Do it. Get married. Go to church. Have sex. Have children. If you can't get laid then leave asap. ASAP.

Yeah, lets join some crazy cult because I'm lonely.


>church because degenerate, lonely

OP, church is fine if you're trying to get your life together but just because a couple.of tits want you to go is no reason to go.
Do you not doing anything interesting with your life as to not be swayed so easily?

They're a cult bro, find a Christian church.


Also they do not salute national flags and do not go into the military.

This. You should try to fuck them anyway, OP

Only accept the offer if you get the contractual girlfriend. Get it in writing.

The very definition of it.

Watch this to get Red Pilled the Fraud JW is. Assuming you care to know the truth about the bible to begin with.

That's how we do it

This, stop thinking with your penis OP.

This. I had some qt Jehovah's girls come up to my doorstep. I accepted their literature and invited them in for tea but they didn't seem willing. I can tell that it's all just a ruse.

Become a Mormon instead, OP. The girls are qts and they still have the values the rest of the world has forgotten.

I'd like to point out our two posts saying go get a mormon girl both got trips...

In theory they don't accept blood, but when their life is on the line they often accept the blood transfusions. It's really a media beat up that they let their kids die, and saying they don't take blood is one those things that is easily said in theory but different in practice.

I grew up as a JW.

I am staggered.

Holy shit.

Holy shit

I have an entire branch of my family that is completely gone because of this fucked up cult. They absolutely destroyed my uncle and two cousins. He was a super intelligent engineers that managed electrical power generator plants. After meeting his wife my uncle became a driver's ed teacher then a real estate agent. Now he is some grand elder. One cousin is bipolar severely and the other has flip flopped from being non-witness to being witness like 6 times. They won't show up on holidays, birthdays or anything else remotely fun. Anything related to evolution and/or science higher then 2nd grade is considered false and/or not relevant. They are a plague on earth don't even fuck with them. You will never see the koolaid coming.

Fuck off Christian. The only reason people don’t roll their eyes at your “Judaism 2.0 Cross-platform Edition” religion...wait...religion-by-committee, is because it’s been around for two-thousand years.

That should proof enough for OP.

People who substitute an ancient book for facts and evidence are subhumans. Period.

>being christian

In theory they don't accept blood, but when their life is on the line they often accept the blood transfusions. It's really a media beat up that they let their kids die, and saying they don't take blood is one those things that is easily said in theory but different in practice.

I grew up as a JW.

Nope, JW teens are just as much into drugs and fucking, witnesses with my own eyes, at my Kingdom Hall it was say one thing, do another, look the other way to maintain the facade.

The truth is that any Christian bible is cobbled together Helenic/Roman bullshit mashed up with badly translated bits from the Septuagint (not a great translation either).


You won't be sleeping with either of those women, OP. Sorry.
Unless you donate a lot of money, though. Then they'll pressure them into sleeping with you as a reward. Mormon Fundie groups offer big donors second wives and the like.

OP do them a ultimatum, you join the cult if you get your dick sucked

I think that story is bs, JWs are fine to drink, not against the religion at all.

I was approached by two extremely cute Mormon girls while walking home once, so I asked them "do YOU come with the religion?" and then awkwardly shuffled away.

>Common tactic of cults is to get the young attractive women to invite naive lonely men to join the cult.
They aren't muslims so they won't kill him if he leaves their little cult. At worst they will ostracize him and then he will be back where he started anyway, that tactic really only works on people that are born into it and don't have any other life/friends.

OP could join, try to get it together with one of the women and then try to use the power of a good dicking + to create some oxytocin and pair bond with her. Then he might be able to leave with her.

Its a zero risk game unless he is literally retarded enough to get completely brainwashed by them. Just play along and pretend you believe it all and you're fine.

They do like to pressure you to marry, especially if there is a single mum with kids and you're childless man with a good job, they'll lay it on thick so you can make her look more respectable to the congregation by way of marriage.

what a good read. /fit/ is an interesting board.

Don't worry user, you'll find a real qt one day. Don't fall for their bait

This is why men need to start being men again. Don't try to impress women by adopting what you think they believe, feel, think, etc. Be true to who and what you are. Always try to improve you yourself and never apologize for being authentic.

>mfw I know too much about the bible
>Can't be a Christian
>love christian girls
>everyone thinks I'm christian
>should probably just lie about believing in the dead kike
>could never forgive myself
I need to find an emo girl and have racist white girl pagan sex with her to cure her depression

You should have drugged and raped them, that's what we do to girls in Sweden, even if they are jewhovahs shitnesses


hahaha holy fuck what a fucking retard. He tried to play the long con when he should have just gone all in asap.

pics or gtfo

>This is why men need to start being men again. Don't try to impress women by adopting what you think they believe, feel, think, etc. Be true to who and what you are. Always try to improve you yourself and never apologize for being authentic.


oversexualization of men leads to demasculinization

"Do not give your strenght unto woman"

fucking kikes, jehova and christ cucks, the lot of them, never be fooled by them, it's always 2 things they want , either your soul invested into their kikery cause or your money, tell em to shove a cactus where the sun doesn't shine and slam the door on em.

That is literally their MO
Jehova and other churches similar to them send out good looking chicks to trick desperate faggots into going thinking they might get laid
Congrats, you're pathetic

They do get laid.

Mormons are easy as 1,2,3

The organization was started by a Kike, do I need to say more?

It's really the only appropriate response

What do you think the Jews did with Christianity in the middle East?
They also added in free food like bread usually and added in that anyone could join and there wasn't really any tiers

Literally white Islam
Kill yourself

Saved 4 later


t. edgelord

Russell was a kike? What strikes me a weird with JWs is how multicultural they are, with cath and prots you usually have some kind of national/racial separation, while with JWs is so mixed.

>Literally white Islam

that doesnt sound like a bad idea unless mormon theology werent as memish as it is.

>tfw no bitches want to convert me to their cult
>tfw monkpill and lonelinesspill is the only option


Pls b real

>they're a cult, find another cult

It's the truth ancapistan

they why the fuck did they send mormon males all the way over here to try to convert me?