People died and my son is defective do something
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around jews never snooze
This pussy bawling again?
Why are liberals so gay?
Most of you homos aren't old enough to remember him hosting a show called the 'Man Show'. Where they would drink, look at tits, talk about guns and fighting. What happened to him? Jews?
jews lie, goyim die.
I laughed way too hard at this
>so the only solution is to take everyone's guns away
I'm glad he's so open about it.
i always liked the other guy more than kimmel
Carolla WAS that show. Jim Jim's Jew Daddy got him the spot, not talent.
Did his son get disabled during the shooting?
I was just gonna say...
>Guns are bad, you don't need them. The police will keep you safe
Hey Jimmy, why do you have armed guards 24/7 then?
>Jewing intensifies.
> What happened to him? Jews?
He sold his soul for the shekels.
Corolla is nowhere near as rich but he retained his manhood.
Sweden pls send help we need goofy blonde Swedes to help investigate motive
Black cleavage hair
That's so cool, I wanna be a detective as well
Y u cry tho? :-(
What a sad weak man. Seriously, your a late night talk show host. You can have an opinion but your opinion doesn't mean much when its all "muh feels."
>This dude was on the most alpha male show with BASED Adam Carolla when I was in middle school
What in thee fuck
He's crying and smearing his makeup. This guy is such a faggot now. What the fuck happened to him.
How come that cry baby's beard never grows out?
God this was pathetic.
These tears have got to be fake right? No dude is that much of a pussy.
beards are for fags
fucking scum thats what you get for poisoning the water turning the frogs and your child into mongoloids
Beards show virility, so no.
IF I were wanting to take over a country and become a dictator, I would stage a series of mass shootings like in Vegas until the people demanded the govt 'do something'. Then I would rub my campaign on strict gun control.
Once I had stopped the sale of guns and done a 'buy-back' of guns I would arm the police with stronger powers to raid homes and confiscate illegal guns.
I would never hold another election.
Beards show you're insecure about your jawline and chin.
another insincere kike globalist scum. there can't be anybody that actually changes their viewpoint because of his faggotry
Search out patrice o neals hollywood rant.
>needing a beard to show virility
Or you know, you could actually be a man instead of larping like one.
A : your son is born with a congenital disorder, he'll die after 12 painful years
B: your son is born strong an healthy. The trick is that he's actually Chad's son.
Which one Sup Forums?
These communists fantasize about dead whites
Jesus fucking Christ can Jimmy Kimmel stop blubbering on this TV show for one month fucking straight god damn. Keep politics off your shitty show.
but his sempai glenn beck always cried
so glad that fridge added fake tits.