Black-Iron Pill Thread

Thread theme:

Every western politician is (((controlled))) in a direct or indirect way. At this stage the only solution is Civil war, but it will never happen. These kinds of problems have been around since before the invention of cuneiform writing. Essentially we actually need a cataclysmic scenario in order to start over. The apple is rotten to the core and needs to be thrown away. The “Alt-right” (at least the e-celeb infested version) wants to "preserve western civilization". Think for a moment, what does that even mean? It means enlightenment values, aka exactly what the Jews want. What counts as "Western" these days to the average person has now turned into pretty much anything liberal, which has been the root cause of our downfall. Within reason sovereignty is nice, but with nothing but nihilistic individualism society cannot be maintained.

The current stock of human beings has been out-dysgenic'd. There are so many people who don't deserve to live due to their upbringing. Most people in the West used to harden as they grow on their own, like anywhere else. Now without effort you can remain practically infantile due to this decadence. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, you can be sheltered and live comfortably. This is de-evolution. Everyone has a dandy-old time being a degenerate.

It’s not simply a change of political parties we need at this point. Humankind needs a reset. A return to the type of society where if you were a greedy cunt (crony capitalist) you would be caste out of the town or village. This is the type of social structure modern humans have lived in for 99% of its history. Cities are unnatural, way too big and have brought more misery to us. A large portion of society can now just "live" and try to find trivial things to keep themselves busy with.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Zeitgeist needs to be completely redefined. This is inevitable really, but people are scared of this viewpoint. They have no broader perspective. "You're just trying to bring us down blackpill cuck!" When in fact I'm trying to explain the gravity of the situation we’re actually in. Even if you get rid of all the Jews or any similar group, you still have to get rid of the liberals, commies, kosher nationalists and cuckservatives ect. It won’t happen.

Ancaps and lolbertarians are also at fault. There's more to life than just "the economy" and materialist viewpoints found in both Capitalism and Communism. Before interest came to be, before some greedy tribesman asked for more than he gave away, everyone had their fair share. Not because of a "gibs me dat" system, just because it was impossible for 99,999% of society to unfairly benefit, and if you didn't work at all (live like a welfare leech) you would die for not being able to provide for yourself. It's what commie pipe dreams are made of, except with actual work involved.

Society is divided into two clear parts, the Haves, and the Have-Nots. We briefly had a period where it seemed this dynamic would disappear with the rise of the middle class, but since the 70s this class has effectively been culled in the west.

>So what’s then the ideal philosophy for society to follow if not an endless pursuit of prosperity?

Essentially we need to go back to Darwinian Eugenics, which in itself actually almost took off during the industrial revolution when it became clear to many we were spiralling downwards as a species. We have to do away with loans and financial manipulation, the idea that modern medicine should help the genetically unfit, and the imaginary concept of “human rights”. Many people who larp as edgy Natsocs and those that call themselves “redpilled” do not want to accept that modern civilization is what has led to our downfall, and now it will lead to our destruction as nature resets itself.

Take the Bowdenpill

Nietzschean Credo -

Interview with Bowden -

Western Civilization Bites Back -

The "Pulp Facism" Lecture -

Race is Culture, and Culture is Race (short) -

Underneath the Mind (short) -

this goes for based content to

A lot of psy-ops on the boards lately

If you’re in the west I encourage moving as far away from cities as possible.

>Don’t you feel any empathy for those that might perish? Don’t you want to save them?

Most normies base their opinions off 9gag memes. That’s why I say let it all burn in hell. I’m not sacrificing anything for such sickly people. It would just be arrogance at that point. Maybe some like Hitler thought there was a possibility because there was no internet, otherwise all hope ended there.

In fact this isn’t even a psychopathic mind-set to have. The psychopaths are the ones who do not understand these simple concepts. I used to think everyone was a normie - when in fact, we were the normies all along. I cannot imagine living like the average western individual today. I used to laugh at the “wake up sheeple” crowd until I woke up. It was depressing for a time, but now it’s just funny really. I started digging into all these organised nationalist/redpilled movements and groups but eventually found out they were all just another strain of the new-world-order virus. I can’t believe I fell for the Trump meme one time. You honestly think playing their game of kosher elections (where you’re not allowed to address the JQ due to the brainwashing of populations from birth) is going to change anything?

I’ve come to realize all these political events, elections, movements ect have no true effect at all on where we’re going. Here’s a good analogy; it’s like kabuki theater for the goyim. But for those that have realized this and those that have been convinced; you are part of a small fringe that might outlast this event and can then ensure another chance for mankind as a whole, a chance for your descendants at the very least. For us to eventually reach the stars, we need to come to terms with this.

If you found this an interesting read first give the thread a bump and then watch this:

Stay strong, prepare, and good luck.


>t posted from /comfy/ and isolated Karoo farmstead

Come on you lazy NIGGER

Bump. Also read SIEGE by James Mason


Optimism is cowardice.

OP is a smart mofo. Thanks for the pill.

You shit eating retarded moron should be sent back in time to the medieval ages and enjoy your other retarded inbred autistic MASTER RACE friends company.

Get out of your basemant you autistic cunt

Go ahead and wallow in your concrete and tar cave and play with imaginary money. I won't feed you when those things finally mean nothing.

>shlomo hates the goyim waking up

If you actually read the other threads you would know OP is a farmer and more so a reactionary than a stormfag. He's also responsible for starting the /SIG/ threads in Sup Forums.

I'm not really the type that likes to give a name for my views but that is close to accurate I suppose.

Autistically naming our political views didn't really become such a fad until the 19th century. It's good that you see past meme labels.

Who gives a fuck? Here's to (you) OP. Good work today.

Won't be sticking around though, Goodnight.

Goodnight safferbro.

Daily reminder
