Was there a gun fight outside his room?

why are there bullet holes in the door?

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Who the fuck rents a room missing a door?

from when the Mandalay Bay security guard tried to solo the boss before tank and heals were even in the instance.

can someone here translate?

he leeroy'd nub

ISIS guys inside shot a hotel security guard through the door. They probably saw him on the cam Paddock had set up for security. More than an hour elapsed between the start of the shooting and the breach. This has not been addressed.



WASHINGTON -- Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amidst a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.

"All of the Israelis that we were looking for has been located," the official told The Jerusalem Post, confirming that their diplomats on the ground in Nevada were on their way back to California.






Casino security attempted to enter the scene prior to the SWAT teams arrival.

Its highly likely the official story regarding the SWAT team entry has been brushed over, considering all we have at the moment is 'he was dead on arrival'

I cannot see why he would set up cameras to monitor the exterior of the doorway for the purpose of seeing approaching law enforcement or other individuals / groups and then kill himself.

Cameras would make more sense if he intended to go out firing at the SWAT team, or if he was dealing with people regularly that meant he wanted to confirm their identification prior to opening the door.


where are the cameras

>Not sure if there are multiple shooters
>Have to clear 32 floors worth of stairs
>But why are they are taking so long?
SWAT teams don't take elevators. That's a good way to get lit the fuck up when the doors open.

>Shooter couldn't possibly have set up the cameras so that he knew when to kill himself
>Doesn't want to get flashbanged and captured

The level of mental gymnastics you're performing is astounding. The guy was obviously very intelligent, why would he risk getting wounded and captured by engaging a heavily armed SWAT team if his end game was to die anyways.

sounds like the security guard is the hero, he approached the room a aprox 10 mins after the first shots fired, Paddock see's him shoots at him,. security alerts police of location, Paddock things they are going to breach the room as they gather there, not realising that cops are waiting for swat, kills himself and that's the end of it

>the security guard is the hero, he approached the room a aprox 10 mins

And that's another interesting thing. Why did it take SWAT an additional hour to finally pop the door?

Yep. 100% looks like it.
Also explains these weapons laying around on the floor.
When he emptied one his dropped it picked up the other `long weapon`.

Still puzzled about his motive.

how many people do you think are on a swat team? how many places were they needed that night? how many places can they be at once? did they know how many shooters there were?

How come the security guard hasn't been identified yet? Its strange. What's most likely is this

>CIA Gun deal
>One guy in the room with the guns meets with ISIS
>Other guy in the room next door monitoring the situation through cameras
>Gun deal goes wrong
>Isis agents shoot or stab Cia in the chest (explains chest wound)
>Guy from the room next door tries to save his friend, gets shot at, runs away
>Isis agents think they're about to get captured, bust the windows and start shooting trying to take down as many people as possible with them
>10 mins they realize the CIA team was just 2 guys
>They run away from the building

LVMPD said it took so long because the SWAT team had to get there. And since the shooting had stopped, they were treating it as a barricade not an active shooter.

You forgot to mention the ammount of explosives ISIS got away with.

>how many people do you think are on a swat team? how many places were they needed that night? how many places can they be at once? did they know how many shooters there were?

So you have a man down outside the shooters room, and the shooter is raining continuous fire on a trapped crowd of 22,000 and there is no attempt to stop him for an hour? Reports that it took that long to locate the room are suspect too if there is a dead security guard on the floor just outside it.


swat team comprises of regular police officers, once they are spawned they have to group up, discuss a plan and be fully aware of the situation before they go in.

Most likely theory.

he had everything planned out, gun #19 on the floor was perfectly positioned for when cops enter to just start shooting as he lay on the floor. clearly didn't get to that.

Who the fuck disrespects a DND sign like that?

possible. But extremely unlikley

the "scene" looks staged as fuck

He knew at some point he would be overpowered. He did not want to be taken alive. The cameras were there so he could guarantee that he could blow his brains out before they could get him.

if it was an arms deal, whyso much ammunition? who does an arms deal with ammunition present? why so many 100 rounder surefire magazines if its just an armsdeal?

Las Vegas has a full time SWAT department.

he was wounded i think not shot dead also the LVPD made sure every other floor was cleared and secure because "muh stupid multiple shooters conspiracy"

Because whoever committed the shooting shot a security guard through the door

>the "scene" looks staged as fuck
Blown door by SWAT that takes it off the hinges.
SWAT team (6?) runs into a confined entry clearing rooms and knocking shit over as they rush in.

Meanwhile AR on a bipod is undisturbed in a perfect position for that camera shot while being placed there supposedly by the shooter where it makes absolutely no tactical or logical sense.


This theory sounds lit but why would they be doing this type of sale in a place like Vegas? Why would they have brought a hammer with them?

thank you! im practically a normie and thats the first tjing I noticed its like they placed the gun there specifically for this photo

You've never seen a real one asshat your references are most likely TV related

Thanks for posting this.

No one is talking about the lack of twatter and InstaJew videos of the floor. Where are the witnesses from the floor? The 32nd was empty. Why?

to smash limes with for the tequila shots they were doing

Looks like they gave zero fucks about the do not disturb sign

If you buy guns then why not buy ammunition for them too? Getting ammunition across international borders is just as difficult as moving guns and ISIS wanted to have them delivered to the Philippines in my opinion.

thats the point numbnuts it looks like a CSI las vegas episode with the gun strategically place in the "money shot" cause guns are bad

We love our Jews.

He had over a 1000 rounds of ammo as well

in all fairness, the official story says this guy killed himself long before cops arrived
so he calmly abandons his gun and offs himself and the gun is relatively undisturbed
of course, that's not to say a glow in the dark CIA nigger shot him and bailed before cops got there

that's not to say CIA didn't*

Are you fucking stupid? Do u think a gun store is going to sell a habib from out of country thousands of rounds of ammunition? Use your fucking head

You can make your own fucking rounds in a cave dickhead


We need hotel cam footage then.

More holes in the plot...

why would he have over ten rifles and 1000s of rounds just to fucking shot into the crowd for only 10 mins?
it wouldnt surprise me that if it was an arms deal that there would be loaded mags, wouldnt the buyers want ammunition too? they probably didnt want to have to load their own mags and just have the guns and rounds ready to go immediately

Foreigners visiting Las Vegas probably doesn't raise too many red flags

So what you are saying is...


"ayy steve um this is abdul um maybe heh when you bring the guns can you also bring loaded mags with them?" "oh why you ask? um well steve i dont think a gun store will let me buy ammo so uh if you can that would be swell" "lol dont worry brothers he went for the bait lmao ALLAH AKBAR LOL DIS GON BE GUD"

it's not a fucking arms deal, in a casino hotel, with a million cameras having to lug a bunch of arms in different bags only a few at a time, with the risk that security can randomly waltz into your room when you've had a DND up for several days. Arms deals would be made in a house, warehouse, desert, almost anywhere would be a better spot than a casino's hotel

you mean Israelis? always red flags

who shot the light also, why is it hanging down like that?

Everytime theres a mass shooting we get CCTV footage the same day. That time a guy shot up the Miami airport we got the videos on the news in a couple hours. But no videos have been released so far. It's very suspicious

Were the shots fired from inside or outside?

no one shot it
it blew up from the explosive breach charge, hinge side

>Arms deals would be made in a house, warehouse, desert, almost anywhere would be a better spot than a casino's hotel
yeah so the buyer and just kill the dealer and peace out with the guns
you fucking faggot retard

why would the hotel release that publicly? they wouldn't.

There were multiple groups involved in the shooting, and Paddock died when a gunfight broke out between them.
The shooter/s on the lower floors were the ones that were shooting up the concert.

wasnt that the whole point you idiots are trying to say with all this stupid arms deal gone wrong?

if they dont release footage of him in the lobby, hallways, and elevator, its a psyop

Yeah I’m sure someone in the arms dealing business wouldn’t have precautions in place for such things. Why would he pick the 32nd floor of an extremely busy hotel to traffic weapons? I’m sure the buyer wants to lug out dozens of bags worth of guns through a casino with cameras everywhere.

oh ok you got me, sorry, guess casino hotels are the only place all shipments of drugs and guns are sent to to be sold into the black market. kys

Wait didn't the "SWAT" team use explosive breach to enter the room because that door dose not look like it was breached with an explosive at all. i swear i saw a news report video with audio of them saying they were using explosive breach.

He had a chest wound? Where did he shoot himself?

>they cant just stuff them into the same bags they came in
im more on the occult sacrifice killing theory, but the arms deal gone wrong is kinda plausible
the dude brings all that ammunition and guns to shoot into the crowd for only 10 minutes?
i dont think so

In the only leaked photo that has going around lately it seems there is a wound right below the buttons of his shirt. The blood over his head seems more likely to be coughed out, which sticks with a wound in the chest area

They will never tell us the truth of what happened there.

The arms deal theory sounds pretty dumb DESU.

>Wait didn't the "SWAT" team use explosive breach to enter the room because that door dose not look like it was breached with an explosive at all.
Hotel doors are pretty solid to meet fire codes. Don't compare a hotel door with anything in your home. Steel construction would have kept intact as the breeching charge blew it off the hinges. Breeching charges are designed to do just that, not destroy the door and create shrapnel.

tell me a better one then

Everything I have been hearing has been so hit or miss. Did security actually go up and get into a gunfight with the dude? I was wondering why they didn't take him out before the police arrived. I would assume that since it's a Casino, and millions of dollars flow through Casinos every day, they would have quite a large security team. Not only that, I would also assume that they would have weaponry at their disposal. I could very much see them having lockers full of weapons. I realize these are a lot of assumptions, but doesn't seem too out of the question.

Anyone around who's ever worked in a casino? I've only done work in high rise buildings, banks, and large hotels, and they all had quite a large staff, and many had an armed force.


1. A phone or a mag on counter?
2. Gun set up pointing into room
3. Syringe
4. Blood drops biggest in middle


>Las Vegas has a full time SWAT
Not disagreeing with anything just wanted to clarify that las vegas has a dedicated SWAT team


Hmm. Ty.



Is that really a gunshot wound though? Not that I can think of something else it could be

I know that casinos have cameras that can pick up minute gestures to figure out if someone is counting cards. But we'll probably see 3 blurry frames 2 months from now which confirm whatever bullshit narrative theyre working to concoct at the moment.

Just like the "plane" that hit the pentagon

It was a psyops and the arms deal was a cover for it.

They did say that.

And that press conference was where I changed from "these guys were competent in a chaotic situation" to "these guys screwed the pooch and now they're making excuses."

Note in the press conferences how many times the sheriff congratulates himself and team. "These guys did an awesome job." "These guys were total professionals." etc etc etc. If this were true, the results would speak for themselves, and it would be the press who keeps saying it. Anytime you hear someone continually praise themselves, start thinking about what they are hiding.

The shooting was stopped by an informal group of security guards and non-assigned cops who contacted the room. (Possibly against official policy?)

Apparently, no more shots were fired after that aborted contact that wounded the guard. (Possibly shooter took his own life then?)

Although the police now know the room with the shooter, it takes a full hour to make the next contact with SWAT team. I don't buy the "barricade vs active shooter" explanation - that dude was armed and potentially still dangerous to the public.

I also noted in that same press conference, the sheriff said something close to "I don't know. ...Actually, I do know, but there are some things I'm not at liberty to say. (Crowd behind him laughs knowingly.)"

I'm not a big conspiracy theory guy here, but I think there is some serious Cover Your Ass going on by the officials, and they are definitely keeping something they know quiet.

I think that is an older guy who sweat through his shirt.. I get the same sweat stain. He had enough of a belly for this effect.

Unless we get more pictures, we won't know for sure. Nannystate ftw.

What if this wasn't his first deal, what if the guy deals like this before but in other hotels?

Was he registered at any other hotel in the past few years?

media talk about a unspecified (weird...) self inflicted gun wound. If it was in the head they'd just tell us, it's much easier to say.
Someone here said he didnt shoot himself in the head or there'd be brains around, and more blood. In the photo that's what it seems to be a wound the most

Looks like from the inside with the wood around holes being bowed outwards unless they flipped the door. Entry holes are usually rounded and smooth, exits have blowout like what's seen there.

Find a better resolution for this video thx

Why would you risk your life, when you can have a cop risk his instead?

Why were there marksman at least returning fire on him? LV police seem incompetent.

It keeps getting removed from youtube and google search results.

Isn't that the same gun which was above his feet?

Thanks, wasn't sure. Kinda interesting that there don't appear to be holes in the other door. Or does the pink tape mark two bullet holes?