Can Sup Forums disprove fishhook theory?

Can Sup Forums disprove fishhook theory?

This is even more retarded than the horseshoe theory.

>posts literal bait hook
Freudian slip?

Yes, all of these types of diagrams have finally been grouped into a category known as "Faggottry"

I like this. Cucks like Sargon and the rest will get really defensive


0/10 not enough dropping dodge challengers out of helicopters onto crisis actors

this is amazing bait user

It shows that the far right and centrists are not that different from one another.
That's pretty accurate.


a centrist stands for nothing. A doorknob is a centrist. The far right is reactionary and is not centrists at all

As a lefty i feel insulted by the idea that people with brains believe this bullshit.


Centrists stand for nothing because they prefer the status quo. Just like conservatives.

>fed printing bitcoin

Only people who like communists are communists.


It's fucking retarded. The point of being a centrist is that you only rely on facts to make decisions.

According to your image, when rural and suburban retards claim that the Earth is 5000 years old, centrists would then say “whoa wait a minute, maybe it's like 10 000 years old” but that's not what happens in reality. In reality, centrists would simply tell them that based on the evidence, the Earth is 4 billion years old. No matter how much rural and suburban retards insist on the idea that it's 5000 years old, centrists wouldn't move an inch.

Likewise, when far leftists claim that the Earth is flat, according to your image, the centrists would say “well wait a minute, maybe the Earth is octogonal” instead, the centrist would just show them evidence proving that the Earth is a slightly squashed sphere. No matter how much the rural and suburban retards insist that it's flat, the centrists wouldn't move an inch on their position.

So fuck you.

A doorknob is also an atheist. What's your point?

I don't understand this meme where not having extreme views means you don't hold any views.

So I'm not a communist or a nazi, that makes me indecisive and I have no valid political views? I can't borrow some viewpoints from both sides?

>That's pretty accurate
If by accurate you mean completely and wildly inaccurate, then I agree. Centrism is nothing like far right ideologies. Its literally the halfway point between communism and nazism.

>dropping dodge challengers from helicopters on crisis actors
I'm fucking dying over here

No, you need to go further to the right than that.

The far right is closer to the center than the mid-right.

I don't like government owned industry, I do not like authoritarianism. Therefore I can't be a nazi or communist. So am i on the left or the right?

wtf are you talking about? what is even far right in your eyes?

why are nazis far right?

liberalist, left wing


When will Sup Forums finally accept accelerationism? Instead of fighting (((them))), help them along so the 4th Reich will happen that much faster.

so would a horseshoe actually be accurate?

Liberals don't even know what a fish hook is shaped like...

>When will Sup Forums finally accept accelerationism? Instead of fighting (((them))), help them along so the 4th Reich will happen that much faster.
Nice try, jew.

no. you are not right wing in any way

what defines right wing?

>It's fucking retarded. The point of being a centrist is that you only rely on facts to make decisions.
No that's the point of national socialism. Centrism would be half-way between the truth and the lie.

>The point of being a centrist is that you only rely on facts to make decisions
0/10 b8

It goes a lot like this

That dumb compass puts Hitler in the authoritarian center. As a centrist I only half accept that. How do other centrists get to work in the morning? When I get half way there I always consider it a good enough compromise.

metaphysical reactionary look on life as uposed to a materialistic revolutionary one

technically centrism refers to socially conscious people who favor market based solutions to social problems, rather than left wing welfare or right wing "kill em all and let god sort em out"

Far right centrist?!

Fisherman here, that's one fucked up fish hook


Far right ideology opposes ontologies. Why do you insist on classifying it?

More retarded "social science" from the Jews.
